The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 194 I Don't Remember His Appearance

Chapter 194 I Don't Remember His Appearance
Tang Zhixi's voice was calm and indifferent.It's like telling these things from a third-person perspective.

But the more unusual the indifference, the more it shows how much that past has hurt her.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her and saw that her expression didn't change a bit.After a while, he held her hand and said, "You don't have to say it if you don't want to."

Ye Tingjue glanced at Ye Han, and then his surprised expression faded a bit.

Since his third uncle knew about it, there should be no problem.

"It's okay." Tang Zhixi shook his hand back and continued: "Six years ago, I blew up that place in Azhou, and I wanted to make a break with Jing Yanbai, but it didn't work, so I let him run away." .”

He Yuzhe sat across from her, staring at her blankly.I was wondering how she had said these things so lightly.

"Later, I searched A state almost all over the place, but I couldn't find him." Tang Zhixi said, "Not only A state, but many places are looking for him, but there is no news."

"Since he ran away back then, he must have been severely injured." Ye Tingjue said, "Under such circumstances, people can't find him."

"Well. It took me nearly two years to understand his power structure. The bombing six years ago almost shattered his power." Tang Zhixi said, "It has not been fully established now, otherwise in That time in Chiya Village, he couldn't run away."

"Then if his power is established, wouldn't it be even more difficult for us to find him." He Yuzhe's voice was a little weak when he opened his mouth.

Tang Zhixi stirred the ice cream twice with lowered eyes, and said softly: "If his power is established, he will come to me."

Ye Tingjue noticed something unusual and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Ye Hanzhi also felt something, his expression became a little unpredictable, and the tip of his tongue touched the tip of his teeth.

Only He Yuzhe's train of thought has not kept up with everyone: "Why? Why are you looking for you?"

Tang Zhixi sensed Ye Hanzhi's scrutiny from the corner of her eye, and slowly uttered two words under his gaze: "Revenge."

"Oh, yes, too." He Yuzhe said.

The four of them were silent for a while.

Both Ye Hanzhi and Ye Tingjue could see that Tang Zhixi didn't want to mention anything related to Jing Yanbai, so they just listened.

Listen to what she wants to say, and then integrate it based on the information she gives.

But half of He Yuzhe's brain was startled, so only half of his brain was left to think.So she didn't notice any difference in Tang Zhixi at all.

"Sister Xi, you have lived with him for four years, you must have seen what he is like."

Tang Zhixi's eyelashes paused slightly.

Ye Hanzhi turned his head to look at him, He Yuzhe received his murderous look, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Then, I just asked casually."

Tang Zhixi took a mouthful of ice cream and said after swallowing, "I've seen it."

Seeing that Ye Hanzhi didn't look at him anymore, He Yuzhe hesitated and said, "Then can we follow his appearance?"

"But I don't remember." Tang Zhixi interrupted him suddenly and calmly.

After He Yuzhe was interrupted, he thought about what she said before he became a little surprised.I don't remember what it means.

Ye Hanzhi also frowned slightly.

"I really can't remember what he looks like. I can't remember him since we separated." Tang Zhixi took her hand out of Ye Hanzhi's hand, held the ice cream box, switched sides, and continued to scrape the ice cream.Although the voice was also cold, it was a bit more relaxed and casual than what I heard just now, "Before today, I always thought that there was something wrong with me psychologically. But... I don't think it will cause me psychological problems. The degree to which one forgets what a person looks like."

Ye Hanzhi thought for a while and said, "He has used methods similar to hypnosis on you, or done some special training like the man who was interrogated just now."

Tang Zhixi nodded: "I thought the same way just now. So once I don't see him, I can't remember his appearance. But I don't have any memory of what he did to me."

Ye Hanzhi clenched his fingertips hard, took a light breath, and forcefully suppressed the fire that surged up in his heart.

This scene is white.
"Will you recognize it when you see it?" He Yuzhe asked carefully.

"En." Tang Zhixi responded softly, and he could recognize Jing Yan as white as ashes, "I asked Uncle Rui before, but Uncle Rui has never seen him before."

"Uncle Rui" He Yuzhe was surprised again.

"Well, Uncle Rui is taking care of my daily life in Continent A." Tang Zhixi said, "Uncle Rui ran out from Continent A with Nan Cheng first, and I'm behind. They came to Dijing, and I... went to Hanqing Village .”

Ye Hanzhi slowly lowered his gaze.

She wasn't telling the truth to herself at the time.

She said that Nan Cheng followed her all the time when she was a child, and it was Uncle Rui who took care of her when she was older.

No, it was Uncle Rui who took care of the two of them from the beginning.

That's why she respects Uncle Rui so much.

And six years ago, she should have been injured before arriving in Hanqing Village.

Although Hanqing Village is located in the mountains, the province where Hanqing Village is located is connected to the sea in the south.That piece of sea connects continent A.

That's why she got to know the real Tang Zhixi, and there were traces of her life in Hanqing Village.

Although He Yuzhe was surprised, his receptive ability was good, and his brain capacity was also good, so he could sort out general things.

But Ye Tingjue, who has relatively little information, is a little confused.

First of all, he doesn't know who Uncle Rui is.

Who is Nan Cheng, he has never heard of it.

Secondly, what did Tang Zhixi mean when she went to Hanqing Village?

She was originally from Hanqing Village, why did she say that, didn't she go back to Hanqing Village.

The three of them sat under the gazebo for another hour before they dispersed.

Ye Tingjue went back to his yard directly in the car, Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi were still in the same car, and He Yuzhe followed behind them alone.

This smart robot has a chat mode.

Tang Zhixi was in the car, listening to He Yuzhe, who was following behind, chatting with a robot named Ye Jiuliu all the way.

He Yuzhe is worthy of being famous in the circle for being talkative, and even talked about autistic to a robot.

The three stopped by a lotus pond.Ye Hanzhi planned to take Tang Zhixi across the lotus pond and return to his yard.

Anyway, the planning of Ye's house is that all roads lead to everywhere, but the distance is different.

After getting out of the car, Ye Hanzhi took an oiled paper umbrella from the servant, opened it, and covered Tang Zhixi's head.

In the car just now, Ye Hanzhi asked the servant to bring it over.

The material of the oil paper umbrella is very good, it is made of tung oil, it has the effect of sun protection, and the painting on it is green bamboo.Very elegant.

Tang Zhixi looked at the umbrella on her head, then lifted her skirt with one hand and went up the corridor.

She thought to herself, Ye Hanzhi actually lived her life the way she always yearned for.

(End of this chapter)

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