Chapter 195
"Eh? Hanzhi, you already asked someone to take an umbrella, why don't you ask someone to take another one. I'm hot too." He Yuzhe yelled.

"Endure." Ye Hanzhi threw two words at him.

He Yuzhe curled his lips, and endured it.Tch, what is fierce, is it great to have a girlfriend?
Tomorrow he will also find one, and he will get married after finding one.

He will be the first to marry!Let them all envy it!
Singles hold hands, whoever gets married first will be happy forever!
He Yuzhe mumbled silently in his heart for more than ten meters before he said again: "By the way, Sister Xi. You slept here last night, did you see a talking green bird?"

"Green bird?" Tang Zhixi turned around and looked at him, "No."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

He Yuzhe took a look at Ye Han, and then said with a fearless smile, "It's a parrot named Xiao Ten. Call anyone you see Dad."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows: "Really?"

"That's right." He Yuzhe said, "It's so fierce that birds rely on people's power, and they even scold people, all of which were taught by Han Zhi."

Tang Zhixi looked at Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Hanzhi corrected his color and justified his name: "Don't listen to his nonsense, am I such a person?"

Tang Zhixi nodded: "Because I didn't see it last night, so I think you are."

He Yuzhe laughed.

Ye Hanzhi glanced at He Yuzhe.

He Yuzhe was smiling smugly, and looked up at him.The smile on his face disappeared immediately, and at that moment he thought about where to bury himself.

Even drafted the epitaph.

"It's a bit noisy." Ye Hanzhi said, "That's why I put it in the back yard last night. If you want to see it, I'll send someone to bring it over."

Hearing his hesitation, Tang Zhixi knew that this parrot could at least really swear.

Ye Hanzhi paused, and said softly, "Give He Yuzhe some of the medicine you mentioned last time that can poison people into dumb."

Tang Zhixi smiled and said, "Okay."

He Yuzhe's eyes widened, he stopped and did not go with them.

Standing still, roaring in my heart.

help!There is a pair of unscrupulous couples who are going to kill each other!

In the evening, Tang Zhixi didn't go back and stayed in Ye's house.

At 55:[-] in the evening, Tang Zhixi opened her eyes, got up from the bed, took a set of black clothes and changed into it, put on a mask, and tied up her hair with the hairpin she brought.

Then she went to the north window, opened it, and stood there watching for a while.

Even at this time, the lights in Ye's house were still on.

Looking at the past from the second floor, the paths are criss-crossed and the lights are scattered.

Under the dim yellow stars, the night is illuminated much softer.

At this time, there are no people walking around, only those who take turns to watch the night will come out to watch the night.

In such a big house, the people in the house are all rich and precious.Although the security measures on the periphery are in place, those who covet this place, those who dare to covet this place, are such idle people.

So security inspections are a must.

At [-]:[-], Tang Zhixi watched the night watchman walk past her.After passing the Moon Gate on the west side, we went south again.

Make sure they can't hear anything.

She propped her hands on the window sill, turned over and jumped out of the window with force.

After landing firmly, she headed directly to the north.

Traveling through the night, avoiding the night watchmen, like a wolf traveling through the night, agile and fierce.

Half an hour later, Tang Zhixi saw the door of the Eighteenth Prison.

She hid behind a tree, looked at the six people at the door, and then glanced at the dark place on the right.

With a slight hook of her thin lips, she went straight to the door quickly.

The six people at the door saw a man in black coming, but before they had time to ask, Tang Zhixi made a move first.While hitting them with one hand...

With the other hand he took the handkerchief out of his pocket.

Move fast, accurate, and ruthless.

She controlled the strength and knocked out two of them directly, while the other four were stunned with a handkerchief.

Those who can guard the gates of the Eighteenth Prison are already very powerful, but Tang Zhixi took less than a minute to deal with these six people.

There was even a person whose arm was twisted and dislocated by her. Before she went to the [-]th Prison, she had her arm straightened back.

The elevator in the Eighteenth Prison had a password, but when Ye Hanzhi entered the password, he did not avoid Tang Zhixi.

So Tang Zhixi made it to the second basement level smoothly.It took 3 minutes on the second basement floor to solve more than a dozen people.

Moreover, while preventing them from ringing the alarm to notify others, they knocked out more than a dozen people until they were stunned and stunned.

She remembered that Ye Hanzhi said on the third floor that the person being interrogated should be locked inside the glass door upstairs.

She looked for it all the way, and sure enough, she saw the person who was interrogated at noon at a glass door.

And inside the glass door opposite him, there are still seven or eight closed.

These seven or eight are from Ye Hanzhi who came here to manipulate the mentality of the person opposite him.

The people on both sides woke up when they heard the movement, and looked at her.

Tang Zhixi looked at the smart combination lock on the glass door and raised her eyebrows slightly.

She squatted on the ground and took out her mobile phone.The thin and light mobile phone unfolds from the middle, and then gently pulls out a projection camera, projecting a laser keyboard on the floor.

Tang Zhixi operated with ten fingers briskly, and within half a minute, she opened the smart lock.Then she looked at the camera above her and turned it off too.

The phone returned to its original appearance and stood up.Tang Zhixi pushed the door open and went in.

When the man saw Tang Zhixi, he immediately became alert.

His hands were chained, and the dagger on his forearm was still stuck in it.

Tang Zhixi took a closer look at the wound.

It should have been pulled out, but then plugged in again.

"Who are you?" the man asked.

Tang Zhixi didn't talk nonsense with him, she rolled up her right sleeve and showed him the tattoo on her right arm.

It's a black phoenix tattoo with red eyes as well.With the eyes as the center, a totem can be seen.

"You are Master Qianye."

Tang Zhixi shook her head, squatted down and began to untie the chain on his hand: "It's Lord Qianye's substitute."

The man looked at her in astonishment.

"Ask less." Tang Zhixi said coldly.

"Yes, subordinates know."

Tang Zhixi untied one iron ring and then went to untie the other: "Master Qianye heard about your arrest, I have been lurking in Ye Zhai, let me rescue you."

"Why did Lord Qianye... want to save me?"

"I'm just following orders."

Tang Zhixi untied the chain and helped him stand up: "Can I still go?"


Tang Zhixi helped him out of the closed room, and the people on the other side looked at her expectantly, and whispered to her to save them out.

"They." Tang Zhixi asked.

"Don't save them, they recruit everything, they are all traitors," the man said.

Tang Zhixi gave them a cold look, and then resolutely helped the man go out.

(End of this chapter)

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