The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 196 Continue to save people...

Chapter 196 Continue to Save People
Tang Zhixi held the man's arm with one hand, and pulled him out while supporting him.

The man looked at the fallen people on the ground, pulled out the dagger from his forearm, and held it in his hand.

Tang Zhixi glanced at the dagger, then went to press the elevator.

The two escaped from the Eighteenth Prison smoothly, and Tang Zhixi took him to the north.

The man looked at the person lying down at the door, and then at the mountain to the north: "Shall we go up the mountain?"

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi said, "You can go out on the mountain, there are people outside to meet us."

"You know this place very well."

"I've been lurking here for two years. I'm familiar with the whole situation of Ye Zhai." Tang Zhixi led him to squat behind a rockery, avoiding a group of night watchmen, and then continued, "Usually lurking Here, follow orders when necessary."

The man also looked out, followed her and said, "You are actually able to lurk in Ye Zhai. I heard that those who can enter here have to go through layers of selection and investigation."

"Forging an innocent identity is very easy for Lord Qianye."

Some of the man's doubts were dispelled.Indeed, this matter is very simple for them.After all, his own identity was forged by Qianye.

So he came to the country smoothly.

No one has even found out anything related to his original identity.

"Hurry up, the people in Ye's house will soon find out that you have escaped." Tang Zhixi said while leading him.

"it is good."

As soon as the man finished answering, the alarm in the whole Ye residence rang.

Hearing the sound, Tang Zhixi frowned, and then quickened her pace.

The man held his bleeding arm and followed her as best he could.But after the two walked almost 100 meters, the steps up the mountain could be vaguely seen in the distance.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly jumped out in front, at least dozens of them, and stopped in front of them.

And the leaders are Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe.

The man gave a sudden pause and looked at them viciously.

Tang Zhixi also stopped and looked at the two of them.

"It's so late, where are you two going?" He Yuzhe asked in a tone of voice.

Tang Zhixi: "." This is the opening line of some TV series.

Tang Zhixi didn't speak, and neither did the man.

So He Yuzhe paused and said again: "You two go back to the Eighteenth Prison by yourself, or I will beat you back."

Tang Zhixi still didn't speak, but the man suddenly approached her and whispered, "They are very good at beating."

"I know." Tang Zhixi said coldly, "While taking advantage of the chaos, you run up the steps first."

"how about you?"

"Don't worry about me. Lord Qianye's order is to rescue you."

The man took a deep look at her and wanted to say something more, but Tang Zhixi had already stepped forward to fight them.

It was He Yuzhe who hit her first.

Before He Yuzhe could react, he saw someone running towards him, and kicked him mercilessly.

In the blink of an eye, He Yuzhe only had time to raise his hands to block it, but he was kicked back a few steps.

Ye Tingjue took a look at He Yuzhe, and then went directly towards the man, leaving He Yuzhe to deal with it by himself.
Tang Zhixi and He Yuzhe fought, but they were not polite, nor did they deliberately withdraw their strength.But when fighting against the dozens of people behind, not only Tang Zhixi, but those dozens of people were also more polite.

It seemed that the fight was fierce, messy, and full of battles, but in fact, they didn't show their real strength.

It's like shooting some kind of martial arts action movie.

Only on the man's side, Ye Tingjue was really beating him.

The man was able to take two moves at the beginning, but later, he only had to be beaten.

Ye Tingjue was like an emotionless machine, one after another without stopping.

After kicking the man a few meters, the man lay on the ground and did not get up after crawling.

And Ye Tingjue walked over slowly, looking down at him.When she raised her foot and wanted to give him another kick, Tang Zhixi ran over and blocked it with her leg.

Then Tang Zhixi fought with him.

After a few moves, Tang Zhixi kicked him back a few steps with a roundabout kick.Taking advantage of this gap, Tang Zhixi quickly helped the man who fell on the ground up, planning to take him away.

But after being lifted up, just now it was two people facing a group of people, but now it is a disabled person with zero combat effectiveness and a person who is not dragged down facing a group of people.

He Yuzhe wiped the sweat from his forehead, straightened his hair and clothes again, and said, "Don't waste your energy, you won't be able to run away. If you catch him without a fight, it will save us trouble, and you will also save trouble. It's great to have the best of both worlds."

Finally Tang Zhixi answered the words more cooperatively: "If you can't get out, you'll know if you try."

"Out of control."

After He Yuzhe said these four words, he rushed up again with people.

Tang Zhixi supported the men with one hand, and wrestled with them with the other.

The man could tell early on that she was strong.Not only fast, ruthless, but also strong endurance.

It is the combat power that a strong opponent of this size can still fight in a few more rounds.

If she didn't take him with her, she would definitely be able to escape by herself.

"My lord, let's go, don't take me with you." The man hesitated and said.

"My task is to take you out." Tang Zhixi quickly tore a hole out of the crowd, and then led him immediately up the steps up the mountain.

The people behind will catch up immediately.

But suddenly a few shots were fired over the hill.

The marksmanship was very accurate, and it landed right behind Tang Zhixi and the others, and in front of a group of people behind.

Seeing that several shots fell, the bullets hit the ground and sparkled, and the group of people behind immediately avoided.

Tang Zhixi also took the man away immediately: "He's the one who takes care of us."

"it is good."

Some hope was kindled in the man, but this hope only kindled a small flame.He was shot in the back, and blood spattered, some of which splashed on Tang Zhixi's body and face.

Tang Zhixi blinked slightly, but the man's eyes widened and he knelt straight on the ground.

Tang Zhixi was also bent over by him, and quickly dragged him behind a trash can.

He Yuzhe led the men to charge forward, but the people on the mountain fired again, forcing them to retreat again, and they were temporarily stalemate.

"Can I still go?" Tang Zhixi looked at him calmly, like an emotionless robot.

It is also like this, but the man is more and more convinced.Tang Zhixi was from Qianye.

"I can't do it anymore." The man said weakly, "You can't get out with me."

"I have to take you out." Tang Zhixi seemed like a killer who only had a mission in his eyes and had no concept of his own life.

"Listen to me, Qianye asked you to take me out because he was afraid that I would reveal Boss Jing's address if I stayed inside for a long time."

Tang Zhixi looked at him.

"Also, there is another report, which was handed over to me not long ago. I, I haven't had time to pick it up." The man said, "I should have finished Ye, Ye Sheng's work. I should have taken it Report, and then, give it to me on the line."

Tang Zhixi's expression remained unchanged, she paused and said, "I heard they hypnotized you."

"Yes." The man's breathing became lighter and shorter.

Tang Zhixi's eyes became a little annoyed and resentful.

The man breathed slowly: "Don't worry, Boss Jing, the address in State M, Ke, Keyue Island. I, I didn't tell them."

(End of this chapter)

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