Chapter 198
The night breeze is slightly cool, and the fragrance of tea is overflowing.

Ye Hanzhi looked at Tang Zhixi, thought for a while and said, "Since the document is important, they will definitely look for it. Let Yunji keep an eye on F continent."

Ye Tingjue took a look at Ye Han.

His third uncle actually told her all about Yunji.

"Well." Tang Zhixi said, "According to what he said, this report should be the same as the procedure that 319 handed over to them. Someone gave it to him, and then he gave it to him on the line."

"Jing Yanbai is too cautious. Almost all reports are in paper version, and there will be no electronic version." Ye Hanzhi said, "And if a thing is in his hands, or he spreads it outside, it will all go through. Layers of people. In this way, even if one of the layers of people is discovered, it will not directly threaten him."

"Otherwise, do you think he can stand my slander?" Tang Zhixi said lightly.

Hearing her words, Ye Hanzhi smiled lightly: "That's right."

"Sister Xi, you are so powerful, have you ever attacked Tianshu's defense system?" He Yuzhe said suddenly, "I think Sister Xi will definitely be able to break through, that Nine God thing is definitely a little trash under Sister Xi. "

Tang Zhixi: "." She didn't know whether to be happy or angry when she heard this.

"Sister Xi, do you want to try it?" He Yuzhe said excitedly, "Scared Luo Nanchen's money fan to death, and let the alarm sound through Tianshu's building."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows, picked up the teacup with her slender fingers, took a sip of the tea, and wrote lightly: "It's too simple, not difficult. And I'm afraid Luo Nanchen will cry."

Ye Tingjue: "."

The corner of He Yuzhe's mouth twitched, and then again.This is no longer arrogance to describe, this is simply blatant contempt.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her disdainful appearance and smiled again: "Ke Yuedao, I will let people pass."

"En." Tang Zhixi responded.

"Come on, go back to sleep."


He Yuzhe watched Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi go downstairs holding hands, then looked at Ye Tingjue, imitating Ye Hanzhi's tone, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, go back to sleep."

Ye Tingjue glanced at him, then looked at the shoulder he patted again, and said with disgust, "Stay away from me."

He Yuzhe: ". Problem."

Tang Zhixi woke up before seven o'clock the next morning.

After washing up and coming out of the bathroom, Ye Hanzhi happened to open the door with his clothes in hand.Seeing that she had finished washing, she was taken aback for a moment, and said softly, "Why did you wake up so early?"

"I asked Yan Qi to meet." Tang Zhixi said, looking at the clothes in his hand.

"Yan Qi." Ye Hanzhi repeated these two words.

"Well, Yan Qi." Tang Zhixi followed him and repeated.

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows, afraid of being beaten, he didn't dare to say anything.Passed the clothes to her: "Is it okay to have breakfast before leaving?"


"Yeah." Ye Han moved forward to kiss her between the eyebrows, then rubbed her head again, "You change your clothes, I'll wait for you downstairs."

After breakfast together, Tang Zhixi planned to leave.

Ye Hanzhi sent her out, chose another way, and led her out.

There is still some early morning coolness at this time, and the temperature of the sun has not yet come up.

Tang Zhixi took a few steps on the lotus pond, then frightened the goldfish that had just swum up, scaring it away.Seeing the disappearing goldfish wagging its tail, a slight smile appeared on her face and said, "It's easy to get lost in your house."

"Well, Yuzhe often got lost here and couldn't find his way when he was a child." Ye Hanzhi smiled.

Tang Zhixi smiled, leaned over and flicked the lotus leaf, scaring away the two fish under the lotus leaf.

Seeing her like this, Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, "You can take a few back and raise them."

Tang Zhixi flicked the dewdrops on the lotus again: "I can't keep it alive."

"You can let Uncle Rui take care of it." Ye Hanzhi said, "Tomorrow, I will send people to deliver the fish and other things to the villa, and tell Uncle Rui how to raise them by the way."

Tang Zhixi really likes some animals, such as cats, dogs, tigers, and wolves.Fish. It feels good to see it scurrying back and forth.

But she has been too busy to have the time to be responsible for them at all.

As for Uncle Rui
She never thought that in the past few years, at least before last year, she didn't see Uncle Rui and Nan Cheng very much.

Apart from avenging Tang Zhixi, her life was to die with Jing Yanbai.

So she has not been close to Nan Cheng and Uncle Rui, and has made plans for the future separation, forcing them and Nan Cheng to get used to it in advance.

But these changed after Ye Hanzhi appeared.

Not only did it change her state of mind, but even her thoughts.

Even if it was really inevitable that she would die in the end, she spent a good time with Nan Cheng and Uncle Rui earnestly.

She can teach Nan to accept death and let him face it calmly.Instead of causing psychological harm to him because I have not been by his side all the time, it will become a burden for the rest of my life.

And she has a lover.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhixi smiled and said, "Well, give me some cheap ones, easy to keep."

"Well, actually, I think it would be nice to dig a pond in the land in front of the villa." Ye Hanzhi said, "It's just a good time to transplant some lotus flowers there."

Tang Zhixi glanced at him and thought that this man might be addicted to digging lotus ponds: "Forget it, there is a lake in the backyard, and Nan Cheng still fell into it. If there is another pond, wouldn't it be that if he fished it from the backyard, he would fall into it?" forecourt."

Ye Hanzhi lowered his head and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Suddenly remembered Nan Cheng's angry look." Ye Hanzhi said, "If he hears that you hurt him like this, he will definitely be very angry."

"You're not big, you have a big temper." Tang Zhixi said, "There's nothing that a beating can't solve."

"From then on, it will be my responsibility to play the role of a loving father."

Tang Zhixi glanced at him: "Well, the ideal is full."

The two of them walked slowly to the front yard without saying a word.

Tang Zhixi didn't stay, and planned to leave directly.But the two of them walked within five meters in the front yard.

There was a knock at the door.

Both of them stopped and looked at the screen wall at the door.

After a while, a woman walked around the screen wall with something in both hands, walking this way.

A very beautiful woman, black and straight, with willow eyes, red lips, and willow slender waist.Even though she was wearing very simple clothes, she still couldn't hide her charming and sexy style.

Tang Zhixi had seen her in the bathroom of the Doomsday Hotel.This woman was with Ye Hanzhi's mother, and they were very close.Ye Hanzhi's mother seemed to have called her "Lan Yi".

Seeing the two of them standing together, Meng Lanyi paused for a moment, with a surprised expression on her face.But soon he recovered his decent smile, and walked towards the two briskly.

"Third brother, you are at home."

(End of this chapter)

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