The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 199 I don't quite understand you...

Chapter 199 I don't quite understand you.
Meng Lanyi called "Third Brother" not only kindly, but anyone with ears could tell that there was some ambiguity in it.

After Ye Hanzhi saw her, he didn't pay much attention at first.

But after she called "Third Brother", Ye Hanzhi wanted to pick a washboard color for a moment, especially when Tang Zhixi turned his head to look at her.

A probing smile appeared in Tang Zhixi's eyes.

Ye Hanzhi licked his lower lip, swallowed his throat and said, "I"

"Third Brother." Meng Lanyi walked up to the two of them and stood down, then called him again, "We have guests."

Tang Zhixi looked away from Ye Hanzhi and looked at Meng Lanyi.

After Meng Lanyi saw her, she was surprised, and then said: "We... have we met somewhere?"

Tang Zhixi looked into her eyes, and that glance almost saw the bottom of her heart.After a while, she smiled slightly, and said distantly: "Maybe."

Seeing what she said, Meng Lanyi smiled again and said, "I must have seen it before, otherwise how could it be so familiar."

Tang Zhixi also smiled decently, but did not speak.

Meng Lanyi stopped talking to her, and looked at Ye Hanzhi and said, "Third brother, I brought some bird's nests that my dad brought back from a business trip for Aunt Lin."

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi responded lightly, "My mother and the others aren't here, so you can do whatever you want."

"Okay." Meng Lanyi said, "You can entertain the guests. I come here often, and I am as familiar with it as my own. Don't worry about me."

Hearing this, Tang Zhixi slightly raised her eyebrows.

Ye Hanzhi's eyes darkened, then he looked at Tang Zhixi, raised his hand to touch the top of her hair, and said warmly, "Little girl, go outside and wait for me for a while."

Tang Zhixi looked at him, paused, nodded, looked at Meng Lanyi, and then walked outside.

Meng Lanyi also turned around and looked at Tang Zhixi, the look in her eyes immediately became gloomy.Because her back was facing Ye Hanzhi, she didn't hide it at all.

But she didn't expect Tang Zhixi to stop suddenly, turn around and look over.

From a distance of five or six meters, he met Meng Lanyi's gaze directly.

Meng Lanyi couldn't avoid it, and the look in her eyes was revealed.It was too late to even take it back.

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows contemptuously, turned around and left again.

The steps are steady, unhurried, the back is straight, and the temperament is outstanding.

Meng Lanyi hurriedly withdrew her gaze, hastily eased her facial expression, then turned around and looked at Ye Hanzhi again.

But Ye Hanzhi kept following Tang Zhixi, until her back disappeared, and then he looked at Meng Lanyi.

The cold look in his eyes was terrifying.He said, "Miss Meng, we haven't gotten to know each other well enough to be brother and sister."

Meng Lanyi's face turned pale in an instant, and she didn't dare to look into Ye Hanzhi's eyes: "I'm sorry. I, my dad said, told me to treat you as an elder brother in the future. So, so I called you three times on my own." elder brother."

Ye Hanzhi said these words to her alone because she was a girl and didn't embarrass her: "Your father is like my eldest brother, if you call me third brother, your family will really take advantage of it. "

"I, I didn't mean that."

"Miss Meng, I hope you understand. Our two families have a good relationship because my brother and your father are subordinates, so the two have a good relationship." Ye Hanzhi said lightly, "The reason you are so familiar with our family is because My mother saved your life back then. You are her half apprentice, so my mother treated you very well. "

"I know."

"If you know it, don't say something that will misunderstand everyone." Ye Hanzhi had already controlled his tone, and since she was a girl, she wasn't too harsh.

"I didn't. I may be too stupid with my mouth, so, that's why I talk"

"If you know you're stupid, talk less."

After Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, he left directly.

Meng Lanyi was thrown on the spot and took several deep breaths before suppressing the anger in her heart and not letting herself lose her composure here.

She didn't expect that Ye Hanzhi would bring that poor girl and bumpkin back home.

It seems that she is moving faster.

When Ye Hanzhi went out, Tang Zhixi had already gotten into the car.

I'm on the phone with Yan Qi: "I'm already on my way. Don't you know how congested the traffic is in the capital?"

Lu Shang was listening in front, pursing his lips and daring not to speak.

Ye Hanzhi sat beside her, closed the car door, and looked at her.

Tang Zhixi glanced at him, then looked at the hanging ornament in front of the car.It's a red jadeite safety buckle, very valuable: "Soon, five or six more traffic lights and we'll be there."

Lu Shang: "."

Yan Qi was still talking about something, but Tang Zhixi didn't want to hear it, so she hung up the phone directly.

Seeing that she was looking at the safety button, Ye Hanzhi asked Lu Shang to take it off.After she hung up the phone, he gave her: "It's not the 09:30 appointment."

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi checked the time on her phone, it was 23:[-], "Lu Shang, go get your eyes done."

"it is good."

The car started, and Ye Hanzhi asked, "Is it about the endorsement?"

Tang Zhixi responded casually: "Let's discuss it first."

Ye Hanzhi didn't think much about it, he was quiet for a while and said, "I'm asking for an explanation."

Tang Zhixi just turned on the light on her phone, wanting to take a picture of this red jadeite.Hearing him speak, he looked up at him first, thought for a while and said, "Say it."

"Her name is Meng Lanyi."

"It's Miss Meng's family." Tang Zhixi said.

"Well. She was sick when she was a child, and my mother gave her an injection, which saved her life." Ye Hanzhi explained, "She has been studying Chinese medicine with my mother since then, and my mother is her half master. So she I often go to my house to see my mother. My eldest brother and his father are both in the military area, so the relationship between the two is also good."

"Mm." Tang Zhixi replied indifferently.

With this insipid reaction, Ye Hanzhi felt that he hadn't received the care he deserved.He didn't feel Tang Zhixi's love.

I felt even more uncomfortable: "Little girl, aren't you jealous?"

"Why are you jealous?" Tang Zhixi asked him back.

Ye Hanzhi was taken aback by her question, so that he could see the sky-defying face, and was even distorted for a moment.Her lips trembled twice: "There is a woman, she, she, she is interested in me. You, you didn't respond?"

Tang Zhixi looked at him and examined him.After a while, he said: "But. Didn't you just stay and explain clearly? How should I react?"

Lu Shang was driving in front, trying to keep the corner of his mouth in a horizontal position and not let it rise.

Ye Hanzhi saw that she didn't speak, and was somewhat taken aback by her question.

Seeing that he was silent, Tang Zhixi said again: "You just applied for an explanation, aren't you afraid that I will be jealous?"


Seeing that his third master couldn't say a word, Lu Shang couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth, he was slapped, and immediately stretched it flat.

"It's not that I can't even see through her tricks."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

"And I believe you are not a good thing?"

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Seeing that he couldn't say a word, Tang Zhixi stimulated him one sentence after another, and didn't intend to let him go: "I'm jealous, you worry, I'm not jealous, you worry. I"

Speaking of this, Tang Zhixi looked at him, couldn't help it, and laughed out loud, her tone turned: "I don't understand you very much"

Ye Hanzhi: "." She actually made fun of herself.Still smiling so happily.

(End of this chapter)

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