The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 201 One family is one family......

Chapter 201 A family is a family
Tang Zhixi directly hacked Ye Hanzhi's phone and located it.

The defense system of Ye Hanzhi's phone was very strong, and it took Tang Zhixi nearly a minute to crack it.

And it is very direct, very violent cracking.

Ye Hanzhi's cell phone will immediately send out an alarm.

The location is determined, regardless of the vertical distance, the location of the phone is only [-] kilometers according to her.People are on the island.

Tang Zhixi stared at the position on the computer, her fingertips suddenly trembled slightly.To avoid being discovered, she directly clenched her fingers.

Seeing that she was silent, Gu Xia cleared her throat and said, "Sister, do you know how to hack?"

"Boss, don't tell us when you learned how to hack." Jiang Ye also said.

When Tang Zhixi heard the voices of the two, she blinked her eyelashes lightly, then shared Ye Hanzhi's location on her phone, synced it to her watch, and closed the computer.

"I'll take ten people down, and don't move the others," Tang Zhixi said.

"Yes." Jiang Ye immediately ordered eight people, including her and Gu Xia, exactly ten people.

The place where the helicopter landed was set in a forest on the island.

The original plan was for the people on the sea to attract firepower, and they took advantage of the chaos to fall from the woods.

This is still the case now, but the person who attracts the firepower is not theirs.

The ten people landed relatively smoothly, Tang Zhixi looked at the positions on the watch.

The location of the woods was very far to the north, Tang Zhixi almost didn't even think about it, and directly led people towards Ye Hanzhi's location.

In case Ye Hanzhi thought so about Shangjing Yanbai, Tang Zhixi speeded up.

The ten people quickly moved closer to the south. Their position was equivalent to being surrounded by people on the island with Ye Hanzhi's people.

Those who are far away use guns, and those who are close use daggers.

Tang Zhixi had a gun in each of her left and right hands, and she never missed every shot.Not a single bullet was wasted.

And when using a dagger, sometimes it is the left hand, sometimes it is the right hand.

Both hands are used very skillfully.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the back of a villa.

Ten people hid behind a rockery and observed the situation.

Gu Xia found a place, set up the sniper rifle, and observed the situation.

Tang Zhixi looked at the position on the watch, and looked at the distance, Ye Hanzhi had already reached the front of the villa.

"Boss, this villa is almost in the center. There is a high probability that the person you want to deal with will be inside."

Tang Zhixi thought for a while and said, "Not necessarily. This island is not small. It may not be here."

"But we came from the north, and this is the only villa." Jiang Ye complained, "What is the hobby of the owner here? He makes a mess of flowers, plants, trees and trees."

Tang Zhixi did not speak.

After a while, Gu Xia said: "Sister, you can do it. The front is very strong, but the defense behind is a little weak."

"Do it." Tang Zhixi gave the order without hesitation.

The nine people spread out and attacked the villa from behind.Gu Xia set up a gun on the rockery.

The villa was flanked back and forth, and after ten minutes, it fell.

Tang Zhixi kicked open the back door of the villa, and then pointed the gun forward.

People from the front yard also called in and heard such a loud noise from the back yard.The people who had just entered the villa all pointed their guns at Tang Zhixi.

Jiang Ye and the people behind him also pointed their guns at each other.

The two sides confront each other.

The tense atmosphere froze instantly.

Tang Zhixi pointed her guns forward, and a little blood spattered at the corner of her eyes, making her indifferent eyes stained with blood and murderous.

"On the opposite side, we are also here to arrest the people on this island." Jiang Ye's voice resounded, "Our people on the sea have retreated 200 meters. Let's discuss and cooperate."

"No need." The person who took the lead to rush in said humanely, "Since the people on the sea have retreated, if you are sensible, you should leave immediately."

Jiang Ye sneered, and his voice suddenly became cold: "What if I don't."

The man aimed his gun directly at Jiang Ye: "You can try."

Jiang Ye's deep eyes burst out with coldness.The voice became more and more fierce: "Then try to see if you can leave this sea alive."

"What a big tone." He Yuzhe walked in from the door, "I have grown up so much, this is the first time I heard someone dare to threaten me in front of me, wanting my life."

When Tang Zhixi heard He Yuzhe's voice, she looked towards the door, then passed him and looked directly at Ye Hanzhi behind him.

Ye Hanzhi was wearing a black suit, similar to a jumpsuit, loose and handsome, with a belt around his waist.He fully revealed the advantages of his thin waist and long legs.

It was Ye Hanzhi whom she had never seen before.

"I'll give you two ways, either get out of here quickly, or die. Die." He Yuzhe's words were really aimed at killing them. He was sinister and ruthless, but his eyes suddenly glanced to Jiang Ye's side. , and then the arrogance dropped instantly, and the voice became quieter, and the following words were like mosquitoes buzzing, "Here to die."

"Or what? What did you say?" Jiang Ye asked confidently.

He Yuzhe glanced at Jiang Ye, then at Tang Zhixi, leaned closer to Ye Hanzhi and said in a low voice, "Hanzhi, you, look at the woman next to the foreigner, she, her eyes... don't they look alike? Miss Xi."

Ye Hanzhi's eyes fell directly on Tang Zhixi's body from the moment he came in, and after He Yuzhe finished speaking, his thin red lips curled up slightly.Then he walked directly towards Tang Zhixi.

"Hey! What if it's not." He Yuzhe muttered in a low voice, but he couldn't hold Ye Hanzhi back, so he could only follow behind him immediately.

When Jiang Ye and his party saw the person across from them suddenly approaching, they all became alert.

Gu Xia changed his position to set up the gun. Someone came over, moved the magnifying glass up, and aimed the gun directly at the head of the person who walked over, and then...he saw Ye Hanzhi's face.

He was stunned for a moment, and then rolled his eyes, why is there such a person everywhere.

Ye Hanzhi walked up to Tang Zhixi and looked at him.

Jiang Ye's first reaction was that this man was coveting their boss's beauty, and he wanted to kill him instantly.

"Little girl, who told you to come here?"

Tang Zhixi didn't speak, the gun in her right hand moved down, and at the same time she took a step forward, the gun touched Ye Hanzhi's heart.

Seeing this, He Yuzhe pointed the gun directly at Tang Zhixi's head.And Jiang Ye's gun landed on He Yuzhe's head.

"That's what you told me, let someone come over?" Tang Zhixi looked into Ye Hanzhi's eyes and asked coldly.

"Xi, Sister Xi. Really, it's really you." He Yuzhe immediately retracted his gun when he heard the voice.

Jiang Ye looked at them: "Know each other?"

He Yuzhe pressed the gun she put on his head: "One family, one family."

Jiang Ye glanced at him, then turned to Tang Zhixi.

"I'm worried. Come and see for yourself." Ye Hanzhi said warmly, "Worried about me?"

Tang Zhixi didn't speak, but judging by her expression, she was quite ruthless.And the index finger pulled the trigger.

"Sister Xi!"

He Yuzhe was in a cold sweat from fright.

But the gun only clicked slightly, and there was no bullet in it.

Ye Hanzhi lowered his head and glanced at the gun.

Tang Zhixi looked into his eyes and said softly: "Next time you keep it from me, I'll replace the inside with a full one."

She knew that the person who came was Ye Hanzhi, and when she knew that Ye Hanzhi might fight Jing Yanbai, she was really scared.

 Tang Zhixi: I'll give you an empty gun!

(End of this chapter)

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