The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 202 It's All About Zhang Yi

Chapter 202 It's All Memories
When He Yuzhe found out that there was no bullet in the gun, his legs went limp from fright.Leaning directly on Jiang Ye's body.

"Fuck! Fuck!" He Yuzhe patted his little heart and said, "Scared me to death, scared me to death. Sister Xi, I thought you were going to kill your husband. You can't play like this, my little heart .”

Jiang Ye directly pushed him away: "Go away, don't take advantage of my mother."

"Who took advantage of you." He Yuzhe hugged himself tightly and said, "I also said you took advantage of me."

Jiang Ye glared at him and gave him a middle finger.

He Yuzhe: "."

In the eyes of everyone, the current Tang Zhixi is like a wolf fighting to the death.

Cold, fierce, bloodthirsty, blood all over the body, and anger.

But Ye Hanzhi knew that she was worried about him, that he would confront Jing Yanbai head-on, and that something would happen to him.

After all, she had lived with Jing Yanbai for four years and knew his ways and methods.

He also saw Jing Yanbai kill Nan Xiao in front of his eyes.

Tang Zhixi took the gun away, pinned the gun in his left hand behind his waist, and loaded the gun in his right hand.

"My people are on the outskirts of the sea, and the sniper on the rockery in the backyard is Gu Xia." Tang Zhixi lowered her head and loaded the bullet, "Tell your people."

"Yu Zhe." Ye Hanzhi called him.

"I'll notify you right away." He Yuzhe took a few steps back and pressed the headset to notify people.

Ye Hanzhi took a handkerchief from his pocket, then held Tang Zhixi's face, making her look up at him.

Jiang Ye saw his hands and feet, and immediately grabbed his wrist: "What are you doing?"

Ye Hanzhi tilted his head to look at her, and saw the two silver earrings on her ears at first sight: "A ghost?"

Jiang Ye slightly squinted his eyes.

Tang Zhixi lowered her eyes and said softly, "Sister Ye, let go."

The word "Sister Ye" was a signal, and Jiang Ye immediately understood that their boss didn't want to reveal their identities.She said with a smirk: "Little sister. Let me introduce you."

Tang Zhixi pulled Ye Hanzhi's hand off, looked at Jiang Ye and said, "My boyfriend."

The smile on the corner of Jiang Ye's mouth froze, he looked at Ye Hanzhi, then at Tang Zhixi: "You, you, you actually have a boyfriend!"

"I don't like women, so I made a boyfriend." Tang Zhixi looked at her and said quietly.

Jiang Ye's lips trembled twice, and he looked at Ye Hanzhi again.Eyes full of size, inquiry.

Ye Hanzhi heard something wrong from Tang Zhixi's words.He didn't care about it at first, and his people only dealt with Li Gui a few times.

Substantial hatred does not.

But if you rob a daughter-in-law, it is the revenge of all wives.

Ye Hanzhi suddenly smiled, with an unpredictable expression: "She is a friend of my little girl."

Jiang Ye: "?!" His little girl.What does his tone, his showing off, his demonstration mean!What's the meaning!
Tang Zhixi: "."

After Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, he immediately looked at Tang Zhixi again, and wiped the blood from the corner of her eyes with a handkerchief.

Tang Zhixi closed her eyes.

"Open your eyes, blood is in your eyes."

Tang Zhixi opened her eyes.

Jiang Ye watched Ye Hanzhi carefully wipe her boss's eyes from a close distance, but her boss didn't feel disgusted yet, and didn't slap his hands away.

And after Ye Hanzhi finished wiping, he lowered his head and kissed her eldest brother's eyes.

"Hey! What are you doing! Why are you taking advantage!" Jiang Ye put his arms between the two of them.

Tang Zhixi: "."

At this moment, Gu Xia's voice suddenly came from Tang Zhixi's headset: "Sister, there are activities on the third floor."

"There are people on the third floor."

Ye Hanzhi immediately looked at the people behind him.Everyone behind is always ready.

Jiang Ye's expression recovered in an instant, and he was ready to rush upstairs: "I know."

Tang Zhixi loaded the gun and was ready to act.

Ye Hanzhi turned around and glanced at the people Tang Zhixi had brought: "Let all your people follow you."


Ye Hanzhi also pulled out his gun, and said, "Action."

They took a lot of people and surrounded the island directly.Coming directly towards the center of the island from all directions.Everywhere they pass, there will be people guarding them.

Before entering the villa, the outside has been tightly wrapped.The entire villa was detected from the periphery, not to mention that someone jumped off the building and escaped, even the slightest disturbance would be discovered.

With Ye Han's order, everyone was very orderly. The guards on the first floor did not move, and the rest rushed to the second floor.

A team of people on the second floor searched each room, and then the rest went to the third floor.

By analogy, soon the five floors were filled with people.

Gunshots followed.

"Catch them alive," Tang Zhixi said.


Five minutes later, the gunfire upstairs has not stopped.Tang Zhixi glanced at Jiang Ye.

Jiang Ye immediately nodded in understanding.

Then Tang Zhixi broke free from Ye Hanzhi's hand that had been holding her, and ran upstairs with Jiang Ye.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her rushing figure, pursed his lips and frowned, and immediately followed her upstairs.

Observed the situation at the stairs on the third floor and determined the position of the enemy.Tang Zhixi said: "There is an invisible door 20 meters to the right. Cover me."

"Understood." Jiang Ye always only obeyed orders when performing tasks, and never asked anything.

"Three, two" Tang Zhixi looked ahead and found the right moment, "One!"

Jiang Ye fired, but Ye Hanzhi ran out first.

Tang Zhixi could only follow behind him.

With a distance of 20 meters, the speed of the two was very fast.After arriving, Ye Han stopped Tang Zhixi behind him with one hand, and pushed the wall next to him with the other.

Fortunately, there is indeed an invisible door.

The two entered quickly.With a gun in hand, Tang Zhixi looked around by the light of the corridor, but there was no one there.

Inside is a very small compartment, no more than ten square meters at most.There is nothing, it seems to be used for hiding.

Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi looked at each other, and they both saw a little flame of anger in each other's eyes.

Tang Zhixi is only 50.00% sure that there is an invisible door in this place.To rush is to take a risk.And Ye Hanzhi blocked it with his body because he was not sure if there was a door.

But the two looked away at the same time, neither intending to argue at this time.

Ye Hanzhi looked at the situation outside the door.

Tang Zhixi turned on the light in the cubicle, and it was the same as she remembered.She found a combination lock under a floorboard under the right corner.

Ye Hanzhi turned around and saw her squatting under the corner, so he walked over and watched her enter an eight-digit password.

Looks like it should be a date.

Then there was a sound from the wall on the left.

There is a secret door.

Tang Zhixi covered the floor back again, then got up, without looking at Ye Hanzhi, she lowered her eyes and said, "The layout of this island is the same as the place where I live in Continent A."

And this password is the date when she first met Jing Yanbai.She was in a coma for more than two months, and it was the first time she saw Jing Yanbai after waking up.

June [-]th, xxxx.

Jing Yanbai has always regarded this day as her birthday, and celebrates it for her every year.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her, and clasped the hand hanging by his side, his knuckles turned white.

Tang Zhixi didn't even look at him, and went straight to open the secret door on the left wall.

At the same time, after a burst of gunshots, He Yuzhe, Jiang Ye, Gu Xia and several others also ran over.

In an instant, the narrow space became a little cramped.

"I'll go! It's so small."

"There's a secret door inside." Gu Xia walked over, and saw the darkness behind the secret door, and couldn't see anything, "Hey, where does this pass to? How long is it?"

Tang Zhixi reached in and turned on the light inside.

The lights came on, and the narrow passage seemed endless.

Only one person can pass through the passage, so Ye Hanzhi walked in without even thinking about it.Tang Zhixi held him back: "If Jing Yanbai is really here, the only person he won't move here is me."

Everyone looked at her.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her for a while, then raised his hand to touch her head, and it took a lot of effort to soften his voice: "What if it wasn't Jing Yanbai?"

"No one else will know about this passage. It's me except him." Tang Zhixi's voice was cold, as if a thick layer of ice had been wrapped on her usual cold appearance.

Freeze your flesh and blood heart bit by bit.

This contains too many memories of her and Jing Yanbai.It's just the memories of her and Jing Yanbai, without mixing with anyone else.

But any individual would misunderstand that their relationship is not simple.It even feels like there was something between them.

But she didn't want to let herself think about it.

What she needs now is to stay awake all the time.

Nothing can disturb her.

 I have been talking about Calvin, I really didn't write three chapters.I can only write a little more in this chapter.

  Wait until I smooth it out.I'll make up what I owed yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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