Chapter 203 Miss Yinghuo
Ye Hanzhi lowered his eyes and watched Tang Zhixi seal herself layer by layer, excluding everyone.He swallowed his throat lightly, his voice a little hoarse: "Okay, be careful."

After speaking, Ye Hanzhi stepped aside and let Tang Zhixi go first.

Tang Zhixi never looked at Ye Hanzhi, but when he saw him step aside, she walked in directly.

Ye Hanzhi followed closely behind her.

He Yuzhe, Gu Xia, Jiang Ye and some people who followed all entered the passage.Some people remained in the compartment, ready to attack those on the third floor.

The passage is very long, narrow and cramped, and the walls on both sides are black, visually and spatially overwhelming.

But after walking a certain distance, the black wall suddenly changed.

There are pictures on it.On the screen is a girl dancing.

The girl was wearing a very clean dress, with a graceful figure, dancing gracefully.Each painting is an action that spreads forward.

Even if the person in the painting has no facial features, even if it is just a static movement.But you can also feel the joy and agility of the girls when they dance.

When Tang Zhixi saw the picture on the wall, she just glanced at it lightly, and then didn't look at it again.

Although Ye Hanzhi's footsteps did not stop, he did not miss every frame on the left and right.

The three behind them even slowed down and took a closer look.

Gu Xia whispered: "The people in this painting are so familiar."

Jiang Ye also whispered: "Shut up, don't talk."

A group of people walked along the passage to the end, and there was no way.Tang Zhixi pressed on the wall on the right, about three inches away from the wall in front.

Then it bounced off a board ten centimeters long and wide.

I have to say that the seamless door of this villa is very well done, if you don't touch it, you can't see any place on the wall that can be opened.

There is still a combination lock under the board.

Tang Zhixi entered another date, which was Jing Yanbai's birthday.

Then the door on the right opens automatically.

It was still dark inside, but by the light of the passage, it could be seen that it was an upward step.The channel is still so narrow.

Tang Zhixi reached out and turned on the light. Only when the light was on, could she see clearly.The height of the steps is as high as two floors.

When walking up the steps, Ye Hanzhi heard a voice in his headset.

All the people on the third floor were captured, a total of 36 people, 27 were slightly injured, nine were seriously injured, and all of them survived.

After the incident was reported, news came from the guard on the fifth floor.

The area of ​​the fifth floor is the same as that of other floors, but after going up to the fifth floor, there are only three doors.After opening, there are three rooms.

It only occupies less than one-fifth of the entire floor area.

But in the rest of the places, no entrance could be found.

It can't be a good top floor, four-fifths of the place is filled with cement.

Ye Hanzhi didn't answer them, but He Yuzhe told them to stand by.

And the group of them quickly went up the stairs, reached the top, and lost their way again.

This time Tang Zhixi didn't press any more, but raised her foot and kicked the front side away.

With a loud noise, the entire door fell and fell to the ground.There was another sound of falling to the ground, and sawdust flew.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, He Yuzhe really wanted to applaud this violence.

Tang Zhixi stepped on the door and walked out, Ye Hanzhi followed closely beside her.

Everyone came out, and the goal was a room of nearly 150 square meters.

The wall facing them is a whole wall of LCD screens.

The wall on the left is a whole wall of mirrors.

On the wall on the right is a large ink painting, high mountains and flowing water, and distant mountains are green.

There are three small vents on the top.

The floor is a gray plastic floor, which is generally used in dance studios.

The whole room was lit, except for a few sofas, there was nothing else, it was very empty.

Of course, there are more than 20 men in black standing in front of the LCD screen opposite.

The leader was wearing a silver mask, with only one chin exposed all over his body.And the [-] or so people behind are also wearing black masks, with full faces and black bodies.

They were dressed the same as Qianyeyi and the others they met in Chiya Village.

Tang Zhixi looked at them, and slowly clenched the hand hanging by her side.

"Is it Jing Yanbai?" He Yuzhe asked in a low voice.

No one spoke.

Instead, the leader on the opposite side suddenly took two steps forward.

Gu Xia and Jiang Ye immediately aimed their guns at him.

But the man just took two steps forward and stood still.Then he took off the mask with one hand, put the other hand in front of him, and bowed very politely.

Respectfully: "Miss Yinghuo."

The man was about 50 years old, his facial features were very sharp, his eyes were like eagles, and there was a scar under his left eye, from the bridge of his nose to his temples.

It's not Jing Yanbai.

It's Jing Qi.Tang Zhixi used to call him Uncle Qi.

Obviously, Jing Yanbai told others about this place, and it seemed that he deliberately asked them to come here to wait for Tang Zhixi.

Jing Qi bowed, and the more than 20 people behind also bowed and lowered their heads very neatly.

It wasn't until Jing Qi stood up straight that the people behind him stood up together.

Both He Yuzhe and Gu Xia's eyes widened, they looked at Tang Zhixi in disbelief with expressions of surprise on their faces.

This is such a big platoon by the enemy.Group salute?

The look in Ye Hanzhi's eyes turned cold again, Yinghuo, Yinghuo. Jing Yan whitened the ring on his index finger. Y, H
"Miss Yinghuo, the young master knew you were coming, so he asked me to wait here." Jing Qi smiled.

Tang Zhixi's eyelashes blinked lightly.Jing Yanbai found out, and let him run away again: "Where are the others?"

"The young master has been busy recently, and I'm not sure about his whereabouts."

"So? What are you doing here?" Although Tang Zhixi was asking him, she already understood Jing Yanbai's general intentions.

"Young Master misses Miss very much. There are many things I want to say to Miss."

He Yuzhe's first reaction when he heard these words was to look at Ye Hanzhi.He felt that Ye Hanzhi wanted to tear people apart.

"But the young master called Miss last time, and he was almost tracked down." Jing Qi smiled and said, "It's not the best time for Young Master to meet Miss. So let me convey something."

"Then do you know that staying here is a dead end." Tang Zhixi pulled out her dagger.

Jing Qi looked at the dagger in her hand and smiled: "First of all, I don't think Miss has the heart to let me die. Secondly, even if it's a dead end, people, who doesn't die in the end. But... stay here, at least you can survive death. Let's meet Jing Rui, don't we?"

"Uncle Rui won't see you. I won't let him see you either."

"He betrayed the young master, of course he has no face to see our old friends." Jing Qi said softly, "But the young master said that he has taken care of the young lady and protected the young lady all these years, so he can not be held accountable."

Gu Xia's expression was constantly changing and shocked, Uncle Rui used to belong to them.
"So in order not to pursue what you personally conveyed to Uncle Rui Jing Yanbai, you will stay and wait for death."

"Of course not." Jing Qi smiled, then looked at Ye Hanzhi, paused and said, "The young master said, take the lady back, or kill Ye Hanzhi, one must be done."

Tang Zhixi clenched the dagger tightly, and the look in her eyes hardened.

Ye Hanzhi sneered very lightly.

Jing Qi saw the contempt in his eyes, but smiled indifferently and said: "I just heard about the situation outside. There is no possibility of taking the young lady back. I still underestimate the Ye family. So. There is only one task left."

"You think you can finish it?" Ye Hanzhi's voice sounded like a ghost, extremely frightening.

"The people here are all trained by me, and they are all top killers." Jing Qi stretched out his hand and introduced the works he created behind him, "And me"

Jing Qi paused for a moment, and said proudly: "They don't need to do anything, I alone can deal with you more than enough."

(End of this chapter)

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