Chapter 218
The press conference show of Yunyi Nishang was set at the banquet hall on the first floor of the Doomsday Hotel.

The ancient style and ancient charm of the entire meeting hall.The decoration is based on the theme of "Qin Qi Calligraphy and Painting Friends".

Guqin, chess games, pens, ink, paper and inkstones, paintings are everywhere on the scene.

In addition to the appreciation of decoration, everyone can also improvise and learn from each other.

Everywhere is full of cultural heritage, poetic and picturesque, elegant rhyme.

Many reporters came to the door, waiting for the big stars to enter.There are not only domestic stars, but also many foreign stars.

The major media are at the door, wanting to grab a headline.

The main entrance was surrounded by major media, so everyone defaulted to leaving the main entrance for celebrities.Others entered the venue through the side door.

Tang Zhixi also had several invitation letters in her hand, so she called Zhou Kening and Jiang Nian to the Imperial Capital and asked them to attend together.

And the two picked out skirts for Tang Zhixi for three hours in the villa, just to make her stand out in front of the media, but she followed Ye Hanzhi into the venue through the side door.

They didn't dare to denounce loudly, so they whispered all the way behind her.

Tang Zhixi wore an ice blue dress today, which was in her closet.

The skirt goes all the way to the ankle, very draped, and has a cool feeling of ice gauze.The sleeves are made of ice blue mesh, the length goes to the back of the hand, which is a bit fairy.

The neckline is a V-neck, not very deep, just right.

Sexy in simplicity, cold in sexy.

Everywhere is just right.

There are no extra ornaments on the hair, only an ice blue hairpin is used to tie it up.

The hair on the front is divided into threes and sevens, and the bottom end is slightly permed.Some messy, lazy feeling.

In order to match the earrings with the clothes, she wears silver earrings.

The makeup on the face is also very light.

Anyway, the overall style is cool and lazy.

But no matter what, it will not weaken her own amazingness.The colder it is, the more amazing it is, and the more people can't take their eyes off it.

Tang Zhixi's sassy spirit was also vividly displayed.

The skirt didn't weaken her sharp look, but rather a battle suit that made her sharp.

And it seems to match her cool, lazy style.

The white shirt Ye Hanzhi is wearing today is also in this style.The cufflinks were the same color as Tang Zhixi's skirt.However, San Ye's temperament and appearance cannot be sober with a white shirt.

That monstrous feeling, the evil in the eyebrows and eyes, is even more obvious when set off by the white shirt.

The sense of quaint evil spirits is the most charming.

When the two stand together, the cold meets the evil, the elegant meets the quaint, and the entire venue loses its color.

There were also media in the venue, but they all greeted each other.On such an occasion, not only public figures came, but also some people who were too noble to be offended.

So what should be photographed and what should not be photographed.All the media know it well.

Tang Zhixi wasn't worried about getting together with Ye Hanzhi either.

She doesn't mind being known, after all, Ye Hanzhi accompanied her on the set of the two dramas, and the rumors in the circle should be similar.

She just didn't want any information about Ye Hanzhi to be posted online.

"This arrangement is not bad." Ye Hanzhi said.

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows: "It's okay."

Ye Hanzhi stopped next to a Go endgame: "Will it be?"

"Understand a little." After speaking, Tang Zhixi looked at it for a while, then took a white piece and dropped it, instantly reversing the game.Let Heizi be at a disadvantage.

Ye Hanzhi smiled, he didn't understand a little.

"Third Master, Heizi, save me?"

Ye Hanzhi glanced at her, then picked up the sunspot and dropped it.

Afterwards, the two stood in front of the chess game for 15 minutes, but there was no winner.

Tang Zhixi was spinning the chess piece with her fingertips, and just as she was about to land it, someone behind her suddenly called her.


Tang Zhixi turned around, and saw Mu Fan wearing a gray suit and glasses, looking at her with a smile.

"I knew it was you just by looking at your back," Mu Fan said.

Tang Zhixi smiled at him.

Mu Fan also smiled at her, then looked at Ye Hanzhi: "Third Master."

Ye Hanzhi nodded lightly.

Zhou Kening was leading Jiang Nian to identify someone not far from them, and when he heard his voice, he immediately came over: "Lawyer Mu."

"Sister Ning, you are here too."

"Yes. Lawyer Mu, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Zhou Kening was very polite to him.Because Mu Fan helped her in the divorce lawsuit at that time.

Several people exchanged pleasantries, Mu Fan looked at Tang Zhixi and said, "Xi'er, have you seen my brother?"

Mu Fan and Mu Fei are brothers, one is in the design industry and the other is in the legal industry.Work hard on your own and meet at the summit.

Zhou Kening and Jiang Nian looked at Tang Zhixi.They all have a "how do you know everyone" expression.

Ye Hanzhi also looked at her with a calm expression.It may be because there were too many surprises, but it was calm.

Tang Zhixi said, "Not yet."

"He's on the second floor, shall I take you there?" Mu Fan said
"Wait until the press conference is over." Tang Zhixi said lightly, "So as not to delay his work."

"It's fine. Anyway, my brother will come down later." Mu Fan said, "It's fine, I'm going to help entertain people, call me if you have anything to do."


After Mu Fan left, Zhou Kening and Jiang Nian came over and looked at her together: "You still know Mu Fei!"

"A little friendship."

"You have a lot of friends." Zhou Kening walked back and forth in front of her for a few steps, and then suddenly looked closer at her, "Can you get an endorsement!"

Tang Zhixi tilted her neck back: "."

Jiang Nian suddenly laughed.

"Is it possible?" Zhou Kening's eyes were shining.


Zhou Kening's eyes instantly lost their light.Thousands of stars suddenly lost power.

Tang Zhixi winked at Jiang Nian.Jiang Nian immediately took Zhou Kening away: "Sister Ning, let me meet some people."

After the two of them left, Tang Zhixi looked at the chessboard again, thought about it, and made a move.

Then he looked at Ye Hanzhi who had been looking at him.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her with lowered eyes, and said in a moment: "Little girl, the person who called you 'Xi'er' at the beginning couldn't be Mu Fei?"


Seeing her "hmm" so happily, Ye Hanzhi was stunned for a moment, and then hooked her chin: "You deserve it so quickly, so I won't be afraid of getting angry."

"What's there to be angry about." Tang Zhixi glanced at him, then at the chessboard, and said indifferently, "It's your turn."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Seeing him not moving, Tang Zhixi looked at him again.

Seeing her cold eyes, Ye Hanzhi coughed lightly, took a chess piece, looked at the chessboard absent-mindedly for a while, and then dropped it.

White fingers pinched the sunspots and landed on the chessboard.It's like a fine art painting.

Tang Zhixi looked away from his fingertips, looked at the whole chessboard, and then slightly raised the corner of her mouth.

With the fall of a white piece, the black piece loses.

"Third Master, we lost." Tang Zhixi looked at him and raised her eyebrows slightly.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her smug expression hidden under the surface, and squinted his eyes: "On purpose, to mess with my state of mind."

The smile in Tang Zhixi's eyes deepened: "This is a soldier who never tires of cheating."

".Bad girl." Ye Hanzhi tapped the tip of her nose, "What kind of soldier is not tired of cheating, you are just bullying me. You still have fun with it."

Tang Zhixi looked at his helpless expression, and after a while, she turned her head slightly and smiled softly
(End of this chapter)

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