Chapter 219 Press Conference ([-])

After Zhou Kening's divorce, her parents did not go abroad again, but helped her look after the children in China.

Without the husband's role as a demon, without the bondage of the children.Zhou Kening has more time to devote to work.

Especially with an artist like Tang Zhixi under his command.

Jiuxi's identity is gilded in the entertainment industry.

Who in this circle doesn't want to have a relationship with Jiuxi.As an agent with Jiuxi, can the agent distribute good resources to his artists.

So as soon as Zhou Kening started working, his subordinates had a lot of things to do.

She also wanted to train Jiang Nian, and asked her to help with some things when Tang Zhixi was not in the group.

Just taking advantage of many people coming today, I took Jiang Nian to recognize them.

"Sister Ning, Song Anrou is here too." Jiang Nian just saw Song Anrou enter the arena holding An Ting's hand, so he muttered beside Zhou Kening.

Zhou Kening also looked towards the door.

It happened that Song Anrou was wearing a light pink jumpsuit with long hair loose.She held Antin's arm, and with the other hand, she greeted the people around her with a sweet smile on her face.

When Zhou Kening saw her, he rolled his eyes and looked elsewhere: "Small."

Jiang Nian lowered his head and laughed, and said, "A lot of people came today. Many of them came with their wives."

Zhou Kening took two glasses of drinks from the side, and handed one to Jiang Nian: "In this venue, people are divided into different classes."

As she spoke, she lifted her chin and motioned Jiang Nian to look: "Look, that pile. They are all wealthy wives. There is also a circle, almost all wives of the lower level. That place, almost all of them are engaged in art."

Each circle has its own characteristics, high and low, which can be seen at a glance.

Jiang Nian followed her introduction and observed carefully.

"Who is that?" Jiang Nian suddenly saw a very lively lady, who was very warm to everyone, shuttling among the ladies.

Zhou Kening looked at the lady, thought for a while and said, "It's from the Chen family in Yancheng. It's Chen Zheng's mother. Chen Zheng has been pestering Zhixi for a while."

"Ah, it's her." Jiang Nian said, "She even went to the set to find Sister Xi."

"Really? What did you say?"

"I don't know, sister Xi didn't let me follow."

Zhou Kening glanced at her again, and said nothing after that, "Come on, I'll take you to meet a director."

"it is good."

After Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi played a game of chess, they looked around.

Someone came over to say hello to Ye Hanzhi, and happened to stop by a guqin.Tang Zhixi's eyes were quickly attracted.

After watching for a while, I picked the strings uncontrollably.

Guqin made a very calm and deep sound.

Ye Hanzhi turned his head to look at her, and instantly remembered the pipa in Yancheng.

The people who came to say hello were also very discerning. Seeing Ye Hanzhi tilt his head, he said a few words and left.

Ye Hanzhi walked to Tang Zhixi's side: "Have you studied?"

"No." Tang Zhixi flicked her hand a few more times at will before taking her hand back, "Have you ever learned it?"

"I haven't." Ye Hanzhi looked at her fingers and said, "I watched others play them before."

"Who is it?" Tang Zhixi was a little surprised when she asked this question.I don't understand why I suddenly asked such a sentence.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her, paused, and said reluctantly, "Chu Yimo."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows, she had never seen Young Master Chu, and she couldn't imagine what it would be like.But if it was Ye Hanzhi, she could imagine it.Gu Ya should go well with Guqin.

She smiled and said, "Master Chu is quite versatile.

Seeing her smile, Ye Hanzhi's eyes sank: "I also play the piano very well."

Tang Zhixi looked up at him, this man must be full of vinegar.

Ye Hanzhi leaned over and got closer to her: "Am I not good at playing?"

Tang Zhixi looked at his eyebrows, and looked away for a moment.This person just took advantage of his good looks.Otherwise, it's like this, she can hit it eight times a day, "...OK."

The word "good" is reluctant, revealing helplessness, revealing perfunctory.

Ye Hanzhi listened and laughed softly.

Tang Zhixi didn't want to pay attention to him, so she raised her hand and plucked the strings a few times casually.

After a while, Lu Shang and Zhen Lei came over.

"Miss Tang."

"Master." With Zhen Lei's fox eyes, he smiled innocently and harmlessly.

Tang Zhixi answered the "Miss Tang", but did not answer the "Master".

"Third Master." After calling Tang Zhixi, the two of them called Ye Hanzhi.Lu Shangdao, "Madam and the others are here"

Ye Hanzhi paused for a moment, then looked at Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi understood her eyes: "I"

Ye Hanzhi understood what she meant, and raised his hand to gently stroke her head: "Let Lu Shang and Zhen Lei follow you. I'll go and see you and I'll be back."


As the time for the press conference drew closer, the number of people at the venue increased.

Monk Duan Nian also came.

Duan Nian was sent by Yunyi and Nishang, while Shangguan was called by Tang Zhixi.

Later, Tang Zhixi met many acquaintances at the venue.Some were filmed with the crew, and some came to say hello because of her status as Jiuxi.

Tang Zhixi seemed difficult to get close to, and she refused people for thousands of miles, but she responded politely to everyone who spoke to her, so more and more people came to say hello.

In case he was spotted and assigned a role, the greeting would not be in vain.

"Xiao Jiu." Shang Guan came over, "I've been looking for you for a long time."

"You're looking for me."



"What's wrong?" Shangguan asked.

"I just saw you pass me twice in a hurry." After Tang Zhixi finished speaking, she added, "I understand. I'm getting old, and my eyes are not very good."

Shangguan: "."

Both Lu Shang and Zhen Lei smiled.

Shangguan glanced at them both, and said, "Speaking of business, why did you ask me to come here?"

"What's wrong?" Tang Zhixi gave him a glass of wine, "So angry."

"It's too busy." Shangguan clinked glasses with her, "I saw that Mu Ying again. He was chatting and laughing with a group of foreigners over there."

Tang Zhixi smiled lightly: "Is it really here?"

"Yes." Shangguan took another sip of his wine before realizing, "What, what do you mean? You knew he would come?"


"Guess?" Shangguan was a little confused, "What do you think this is for?"

Tang Zhixi smiled, her expression unpredictable.

The corner of Shangguan's mouth twitched, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that her smile was a bit scary.

Shangguan seldom comes out, and he doesn't like such occasions, and his temper is also very weird. When he doesn't want to talk to anyone, he doesn't talk to anyone.

So he stayed with Tang Zhixi all the time.

The two were bored and played chess together.Shangguan knelt down repeatedly, the fastest time, within 5 minutes, he was generalized.

Shangguan was very unconvinced, and was about to play another game.Mu Ying suddenly came over.

"Hi, Director Shang."

Shangguan glanced at him, ignored him, and continued to play chess.

Tang Zhixi sat on the bench, resting her chin comfortably with one hand, and playing chess with the other.

Her back is straight and her legs are crossed.The center of gravity of the body is tilted to one side, so the slender waist has a beautiful curvature.

She glanced at Shangguan, seeing his appearance, slightly raised her eyebrows, and then glanced at Mu Ying.

It happened that Mu Ying looked at her, and their eyes met.Mu Ying immediately smiled at her.

(End of this chapter)

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