Chapter 222 Press Conference ([-])
Tang Zhixi really called Zhenlei and asked him to find a reason to invite Mrs. Chen out of the venue.One reason was that she was really angry, and the other reason was to prevent Mrs. Chen from going to Chu Qingyan.

But what she didn't expect was that Mrs. Chen ran into Chu Qingyan as soon as she went out.

While Tang Zhixi was on the phone, she heard the voices of the two of them.

Instead of going out, she listened for a while in the bathroom.

Outside the bathroom, not far away.

Mrs. Chen looked at Chu Qingyan, her eyes were shining brightly, and she tried her best to put a kind smile on her face: "Miss Chu."

Chu Qingyan was about to go to the bathroom when she was suddenly stopped by her, and she was taken aback for a moment.But seeing her smile all over her face, she shivered from the bottom of her heart: "You are."

And the moment she was stopped, the Chu family who had been following her not far away all looked at Mrs. Chen.Like a falcon staring at its prey, it is always watching her every move.

"I am the Chen family in Yancheng, from the Chen Group." Mrs. Chen introduced with a smile all over her face, confidently, "My son is Chen Zheng, who is now in charge of the Chen Group."

After listening to her introduction, Chu Qingyan interrupted her directly: "Why are you telling me these things?"

Mrs. Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled again: "I just met Miss Chu twice at the venue. I think Miss Chu has a special affinity for eyes, and I really like Miss Chu."

"You'd better stop liking it." Chu Qingyan said directly, "You make me panic when you see it."

Listening to this in the bathroom, Tang Zhixi slightly raised the corner of her mouth.

".Miss Chu."

"Stop calling me." Chu Qingyan interrupted her again, "If you want our family to help you with something, don't ask me. I don't care about anything at home. If you want to find someone for your son. Don't even look for me, I'm not interested."

After Chu Qingyan finished speaking, she was about to go to the bathroom, but Mrs. Chen stopped her again.

Chu Qingyan quickly avoided her hand, stomped her feet fiercely and said anxiously: "Get out of the way."

"Miss Chu"

The Chu family immediately appeared and stopped her.

Chu Qingyan took one look at her and immediately went into the bathroom.

Madam Chen was still looking at Chu Qingyan's back, when Zhen Lei came over at this moment.He glanced at the members of the Chu family, then turned to Mrs. Chen and said, "Is it from the Chen family in Yancheng?"

"You are."

Zhenlei and the Chu family revealed their identities and said to Mrs. Chen: "You disturbed the order of the venue, please leave the venue immediately."

"I disturbed the order, why did I disturb the order?!" Mrs. Chen asked.

Zhenlei's fox eyes raised, and a hint of evil flashed across his eyes: "I don't care how you disturb the order. Either go now, or I will drive you away. Then it will be too ugly."

"Why do you drive me away!" Mrs. Chen stared and said, "Who are you! This is the territory of the Chu family."

"Since you know it's the territory of the Chu family, then this lady, please go ahead." The Chu family said humanely.

Zhenlei smiled, seeing her staring at him, he gently raised his hand.Immediately, all the Ye family members who were around came over.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Chen was scared instantly, and suddenly took a step back.And someone has already noticed this, she can't afford to lose this person.

So she gave Zhen Lei a sharp look, and immediately walked towards the door.

Zhenlei and the members of the Chu family nodded and followed behind her.Treat her like a thief, watch her, and send her to the door.

After Chu Qingyan entered the bathroom, she glanced at Tang Zhixi beside the sink, and then quickly entered the cubicle inside.

She didn't expect Tang Zhixi to leave when she came out.And still looking at her.

Chu Qingyan turned on the faucet to wash her hands, and looked at her strangely.

Tang Zhixi looked at her without hesitation.

The little girl was tall and slender, wearing a pair of light-colored skinny jeans, her legs were thin and straight.He was wearing short half-sleeves on his upper body, and his hair was tied up with a hairpin.

Fresh from head to toe.

"What are you doing!" Chu Qingyan turned off the tap and wiped her hands, "What are you looking at!"

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows and smiled, and said lazily, "Can't you just take a look?"


"So fierce."

"I want you to manage."

Tang Zhixi smiled, and then said seriously: "Little girl, are you in love?"

Chu Qingyan glared at her with her cold peach blossom eyes, and said in a cold and willful tone, "It's none of your business."

"If you dare to fall in love in high school, I'll tell your brother." Tang Zhixi looked at her and said, "Your brother probably won't do anything to you. But he won't let that man go."

Chu Qingyan frowned, surprised, puzzled and annoyed.

"Or tell your parents." Tang Zhixi said, "As far as I know, your parents are more ruthless than your brother."

It is understood that this was naturally learned through Ye Hanzhi.

"You..." Chu Qingyan suddenly took a step forward, glared at her angrily, and said, "Even if you are Ye Hanzhi's girlfriend, you have no right to control me. Even Ye Hanzhi can't control me, and it's not your turn." .”

Tang Zhixi looked at her eyebrows closely, unable to explain why she liked this little girl so much.Even her savagery and self-willedness are cute.

She raised her eyebrows, and said, "Did you see the four big characters on my face?"

"What?" Chu Qingyan asked in confusion, "What word?"

"Nosy." Tang Zhixi said lightly.

Chu Qingyan: "."

Tang Zhixi raised her hand to brush the bangs on her face, and said, "The Chen family in Yancheng is not a good place, stay away from them."

After she finished speaking, she left the bathroom.

Chu Qingyan was stunned in the bathroom for a while, and then stomped her feet angrily.

She is not a child, one or two, somehow.

Tang Zhixi went out from the bathroom, and Ye Hanzhi was waiting at the door.

"Why are you so happy?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

"It's okay, I just teased a little girl." Tang Zhixi smiled.

Seeing her happy, Ye Hanzhi also smiled.Then he took her hand and said, "Let's go, the show has already started."


As soon as the two of them left, Ye Tingjue turned around from the other side.

It happened to block Chu Qingyan who came out of the bathroom.

Chu Qingyan was taken aback, and her whole body trembled: "Ting, brother Tingjue. You, you are still here."

She found a reason to avoid Ye Tingjue and dumped him.Unexpectedly, he chased after him again.

"Where am I not going?" Ye Tingjue asked.

Chu Qingyan squeezed out a smile.Who cares where you go, just don't keep scaring me by my side.

This unsmiling, upright, expressionless face.It was comparable to his third uncle's coquettish sense of oppression.

Chu Qingyan smiled and did not speak.

Ye Tingjue looked down at her for two seconds and realized that she was a little afraid of him, so he slowed down his voice and said, "The show has started. Shall we go see it?"

Chu Qingyan looked around, and there was indeed no one there.

"Go, go."

"Let's go then."

"it is good."

Chu Qingyan slowly followed behind him, and followed him to the venue.
(End of this chapter)

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