Chapter 223 Press Conference ([-])
The seats for watching the show at the venue are arranged in the first few rows, and the seats in the back are more casual.

Knowing that Tang Zhixi was coming, Mu Fei deliberately reserved a seat next to him.

But Tang Zhixi followed Ye Hanzhi, sitting five or six times away from Mu Fei's.

There were five or six people in the middle, Mu Fei tilted his head, and sometimes he couldn't see her.Even if I saw it, I could only see a little profile.

And the positions of Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi were also coincidental.

Jiang Jiang and Lin Nai are in the same position and cannot see each other.

It's easy to see Song Anrou on the opposite side of the runway just by looking up.

Tang Zhixi didn't pay much attention to Song Anrou, but after glancing at her, she stopped paying attention to her.

But Song Anrou's attention was always on Tang Zhixi and the man beside her who was very good-looking, with noble temperament and strong aura.

Zhou Kening sat next to Tang Zhixi, and Jiang Nian was behind her.Seeing Song Anrou keep looking this way, Jiang Nian said angrily, "Why does she always look at it! Can you watch me collect the money again?"

"If you don't look at so many beautiful clothes, why look at her." Zhou Kening said.

"That's right." Jiang Nian watched the show for a while and said, "This year's clothes are so cold."

"This is for winter. This year, the color of the clothes is determined according to the season. Among the traditional colors, the special color of Lidong." Tang Zhixi looked at it and said, "This year, it mainly caters to the cool colors of winter. This is the traditional color, copper green .The color of water turns from ice to ice."

Ye Hanzhi turned his head to look at her.Although the voice is cold, it is flat and has no emotion.But he sensed her strong interest in clothing.

And she knows it well.

"In addition to the main color of bronze green in this suit, the cuffs and the bottom layer of the skirt are longer, and the color darker than bronze green is the traditional color, stone green." Tang Zhixi introduced softly, "It is also the special color of Lidong, The combination of water and ice."

"Sister Xi, how do you know so clearly?" Jiang Nian looked at her with admiration.

Although the official website says that the main color of winter is the traditional color bronze, but except for the main color, the rest of the colors are not introduced.

For someone like Jiang Nian, she would only say that the color of the cuffs was dark green for the suit in front of her, so she would definitely not be able to tell that the color was stone green.

Tang Zhixi gave her a look of "worship you, sister Xi", and then continued to watch the show.

And Zhou Kening looked at her, always feeling that something was not quite right.

Yunyi Nishang's clothing styles cover a wide range.

Some are very trendy and some are very retro.Westernized, Chinese.A combination of Chinese and Western, ancient and modern, all kinds.

And every year not only the main color is different, but also the style will change obviously.

Most of all, beautiful, good-looking, and stylish.No matter what style, what style, these three points will never be lost.

It is amazing that every piece of clothing can appear on the stage.

And this year, it is all biased towards the national trend.

Not only the elements of the clothes, but even the style of the clothes is a national style.

Either it is dignified and elegant, with a majestic style.Either it is the spirit of the rivers and lakes, with the sway of holding a sword and walking the world.Either the air of immortality flutters, with the air of being exiled immortals, without the air of fireworks.

It echoes with the whole venue, but it does not have an elegant charm.

"This year's finale should be the haute couture dress designed by Yun Shang." Zhou Kening asked Tang Zhixi intentionally.

Tang Zhixi glanced at her, knowing that she wanted to find out about her relationship with Mu Fei, or with Yunyi Nishang.

Zhou Kening also looked at her.

After a while, Tang Zhixi smiled slightly and raised her eyebrows: "I don't know."

Zhou Kening: "...I really don't know."


Tang Zhixi really didn't know.She didn't go backstage or watch the process.She didn't even know which design drafts Mu Fei used from her.

Mu Fei is different from Yan Qi, he doesn't need her to control anything, and he won't urge her to submit the manuscript.

She submitted the manuscript, and Mu Fei used it.No. There are many designers in the company, and Mu Fei also has his own design, which will not affect the company.

Mu Fei always comforted her as if he was afraid that she would be under pressure.She is the chief designer, she has reached this position, and she does not have to participate in the design every year.

The two people discussed the most about the company is the theme color of each year.

Zhou Kening looked at her again, thinking that he might be thinking too much, so he continued to watch the show without saying a word.

After an hour and a half of the show, it was indeed a haute couture dress designed by Yun Shang that came out at the end.

Bronze-green color, silk fabric.From top to bottom, the copper-blue color gradually becomes lighter, and when it reaches the bottom of the skirt, it gradually turns white.

The girdle that echoes the white at the bottom is also white.The girdle is hand-embroidered with plum blossoms.

There are scattered diamonds on the clothes.

Like an iceberg on a white snow, after the sun shines, the freezing points on the mountain emit a cold light.It was clean, cold, and chilling.

But because of the dotting of the plum blossoms, there is a touch of beauty on top of the coldness, which weakens the coldness a bit.

Very high-end design, the silk fabric is very silky.Following the model's footsteps, the skirt fluttered and swayed, as if in the fairy world, the fairy air on the ground fluttered with the steps.

Like a worldly expert who has retired from the rivers and lakes.The fairy spirit is refined but chic.

Since the model came out, the scene was full of exclamations.

The design of Yunshang is always the same, there are no complicated decorations, it is very simple and clean.But it is very high-end, very amazing.

"Ah! Sister Xi, this dress is so pretty." Jiang Nian covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Is there no design bottleneck for Yunshang? Why is it that the clothes are always amazing every year when they appear on the stage?"

Tang Zhixi didn't say a word. In terms of clothing design, she really didn't encounter a bottleneck for the time being.

Only in the face of Yan Qi's daily urging of manuscripts, would she have a creative bottleneck.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her and could feel that she was in a good mood since she came to the show.

It seems that his little girl just hates shopping, but she still likes to see beautiful clothes.

Thinking of this, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang twice.

The sound was Tang Zhixi's cell phone.Just after coming out of the bathroom, Tang Zhixi gave the phone to Ye Hanzhi and asked him to help install it.

Tang Zhixi also heard the voice and turned her head to look at him.

Ye Hanzhi took out the phone, held it in his hand, looked at her and said, "Shout brother, I'll give you the phone."

Jiang Nian was very close to Tang Zhixi, so he almost fell on her back.But after hearing Ye Hanzhi's voice, she laughed and moved back immediately.

Tang Zhixi looked up at him, her beautiful phoenix eyes were a little bit chilly.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her with a smile, really waiting for her "brother".

Tang Zhixi looked at him for another two seconds, then suddenly closed her eyes, frowned, and raised her hand to press on her right eye.

The smile on Ye Hanzhi's face disappeared in an instant, and he asked concerned: "What's wrong? Are your eyes uncomfortable?"

"What's wrong? Is there something in your eye?" Zhou Kening also asked.

"Sister Xi, what's wrong?" Jiang Nian asked nervously.

As a result, Tang Zhixi closed her eyes, sensed the position of her mobile phone, and took it directly from Ye Hanzhi's hand.

Take your phone, open your eyes, and sit down in your seat.The whole movement is smooth and flowing, very fast.

Others were still in a daze, but Tang Zhixi turned on the phone as if nothing had happened, and read the news inside.

Zhou Kening: "."

Ye Hanzhi looked at Kong Kong's hands and was stunned for a moment.

Then he looked at her and gritted his teeth.He took her hand and squeezed it slowly.Her tone was a bit harsh, but her brows and eyes were full of tenderness: "Bad girl, lie to me."

"Well, what's wrong?" Tang Zhixi looked up at him.

"I..." Ye Hanzhi held her fingertips a little harder, and then said in a discouraged voice, "Not really."

What can he do, my little girl, please pamper me.

Tang Zhixi heard a satisfactory answer, looked down at the phone again, and replied a message.

Jiang Nian looked at Ye Hanzhi, who had no choice but to pamper him, then lowered his head and laughed.

But just two seconds after laughing, Ye Hanzhi caught his eye.Her little heart skipped a beat, and she didn't dare to laugh immediately.She even hid from Zhou Keying's side.

(End of this chapter)

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