The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 224 That's Ye Hanzhi!

Chapter 224 That's Ye Hanzhi!
The message was sent by Mu Fei.

Ask her if she wants to have a meal together later.

Tang Zhixi agreed.

Afterwards, Mu Fei sent another message: [Mu Ying, do you know him?He said he flew over from abroad specially to meet you, do you want to meet? "

Tang Zhixi looked at the news, paused and replied: [See you. ]
After replying to the message, Tang Zhixi looked at the stands, and it was about to end.

Ye Hanzhi saw her intention: "Let's go?"


The two left the stage a little earlier and took a breath through the side door.

When Song Anrou saw Tang Zhixi leaving, she immediately got up and left.

"Aren't you going back?" Ye Hanzhi took her hand, walked out the side door, and left.

Go out the side door of the Banquet Hall of the Doomsday Hotel, walk a distance and cross the road to a snack street.

"Well, I have to see someone later."

"Mu Fei?" Ye Han said.

"He's one of them."

"Why are you busier than me?" Ye Hanzhi said, helping her lift her skirt, and then the two of them went up two steps, "Is it hot?"


"Do you want ice cream?" Ye Hanzhi asked with his head tilted.

Tang Zhixi looked at him, a shallow smile appeared in his eyes: "Is there any in front?"

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi said, "Eat an ice cream and go back, there is still time."

The two walked towards the snack street opposite, Song Anrou chased them out, stood at the door, and did not go any further.

He kept looking at the backs of the two of them.

She didn't look away until she gradually lost her sight, and was going to go back to the venue to find Antin.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a woman not far behind him looking at him.

When a woman wears a red dress, her appearance is already seductive, because a red dress makes her look even more sexy.

When Song Anrou looked at her, the woman smiled at her, and then walked over slowly on high heels.

"Hello, Miss Song."

Song Anrou sized her up and said, "You are."

"My name is Meng Lanyi."

"Miss Meng?" Song Anju said.

Meng Lanyi smiled, then looked in the direction where Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi left, and said straight to the point: "Do you know who the man next to Tang Zhixi is?"

"You know my sister?" Song Anrou continued to pretend to be a little white flower.

Meng Lanyi looked at her and said, "You don't need to pretend in front of me. I know everything about you. I know enough about you, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you."

Song Anrou was seen through, so she didn't bother to pretend.Anyway, she could tell that Meng Lanyi didn't like Tang Zhixi either.She simply said directly: "For a person like her, how good can the men around her be? And what kind of good man would fall in love with her. I'm not interested in her man."

"If Ms. Song really thought so, she wouldn't be standing here." Meng Lanyi still had a smile on her face: "Didn't Miss Song just want me to tell you about this man's identity? After all, his temperament Where is it placed, the identity is too simple to justify."

Song Anrou looked at her and didn't speak.

Meng Lanyi looked at her expression, and said a few words slowly: "Dijing, Ye family. Ye Hanzhi."

Listening to her words, Song Anrou's pupils trembled violently.

These few words were like a basin of cold water pouring a chill on her heart.Let her whole body be cold and her blood coagulate.

Especially the word "Yejia" made her legs go weak and she staggered backward.

Meng Lanyi helped her up, and when she saw her reaction, she smiled contemptuously in her heart, but there was still a slight smile on her face: "Master Ye of the Imperial Capital."

"Why, how? Why did you fall in love with her?" Song Anrou couldn't believe it, "What's so good about her, she will make Ye Sanye."

Song Anrou couldn't continue talking.In the show, she sat across from them, and she saw with her own eyes the way the man looked at her, so gentle and affectionate.

Every look contains affection.

Throughout the show, her eyes almost never left her.

How could it be, how could it be Ye Hanzhi.That was Ye Family in Dijing, a place she dared not even dream about.

"You should know about the relationship between the Meng family and the Ye family. I won't lie to you." Meng Lanyi continued, "That is indeed Ye Hanzhi, otherwise you think she, a wild girl from the countryside, can bring down any family? Can the Song family reach such a level? Can Tang Xueche's name be rectified?"

Song Anrou focused her eyes and looked at her.There was a stern look in his eyes: "Why are you telling me this?"

"You don't have to worry about what I want to do." Meng Lanyi said, "You just need to know. Tang Zhixi's boyfriend is Ye Hanzhi. Now it's just a boyfriend. If they get married, do you think your grandfather, your father will how?"

Song Anrou's eyes flickered, but she didn't speak.

"Ye Sanye is no match for even ten Antings." Meng Lanyi said softly, "At that time, your grandfather and your father will do it for the Song family and to win over Tang Zhixi. Guess what they will do What's up?"


Her father is likely to reach the point of divorce with her mother.He would even deny that they were members of the Song family.

Song Anrou swallowed, and clenched her fists tightly.The pain of nails piercing into her palm made her sober up a little: "Master Ye is famous, will he marry her?"

"You also believe the rumors." Meng Lanyi said, "Before Tang Zhixi, Ye Hanzhi had never even touched anyone else's hand."

Then why did she fall in love with Tang Zhixi?Will the Ye family allow such a woman to enter?

"Just to remind you, Ye Hanzhi's mother likes Tang Zhixi very much."

Song Anrou gradually lost her sense of pain, and even had difficulty breathing.

Seeing her like this, Meng Lanyi sneered, "I've said everything I need to say, you can figure it out yourself."

After speaking, Meng Lanyi left.

Song Anrou stood where she was, unable to calm down for a long time.

Ye family, Ye family, Ye family, it turned out to be Ye family.

How could she be so lucky to be able to make Mr. Ye look up to her.If it was the Ye family, what would happen to her in the future, she would be completely trampled under her feet and could not lift her head up for the rest of her life.

No, she cannot be allowed to marry into the Ye family.

And she must not just look at Antin.Antin can't do it, he can't do it.She should have taken the long view.

Song Anrou thought about it, and suddenly looked up and saw the four big characters of Doomsday Hotel.

At night, it shines extra brightly.That is a symbol of the dignity of the imperial capital.

The Chu family, Young Master Chu is right, and the Chu family.

People like Tang Zhixi can cling to the Ye family.Then she can still win Master Chu's heart.

The venue dispersed, and the number of people at the door gradually increased.Song Anrou suddenly came back to his senses, and looked at the people around him.No one paid special attention to her.

She brushed her hair together, took a few breaths, tried to keep herself calm, and went into the venue again, looking for Antin.

On the snack street, Ye Hanzhi bought an ice cream for Tang Zhixi, and the two walked back.

Tang Zhixi ate while walking, and Ye Hanzhi was beside her, helping her watch the road.

"Aren't you afraid of being photographed?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

Tang Zhixi took out a mask from the seamless pocket of her skirt and gave it to him: "Put it on."

Ye Hanzhi took the mask and held it in his hand without wearing it: "I mean, in case someone exposes your relationship."

"That's why you put on a mask." Tang Zhixi said, "I'm afraid someone will say that I keep a pretty boy."

"." Ye Hanzhi pinched her face, "Why are you so skinny. Do I look like a boy?"

"If you're ugly, you won't look like one."

".If I were ugly, would I still be able to stand here?" Ye Hanzhi clearly saw her face control attributes.

Tang Zhixi stopped, looked at him, and said after a pause, "Your looks should be inherited."

This sentence directly stunned Ye Hanzhi, he was stunned for a moment, and asked, "What?"

Tang Zhixi also realized that her question had gone too far, so she blinked her eyes.Then keep going.He scraped off a bit of ice cream with a spoon and put it in his mouth, saying, "It's okay."

Ye Han subconsciously followed her, took a few steps, and then laughed silently.

The smile between the brows and eyes seems to be like thousands of stars, which carry countless beauties.

(End of this chapter)

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