Chapter 234
"What are you going to do?" Tang Zhixi was listening to Zhou Kening talking to Director Feng, when Nan Cheng came over and tugged at her clothes.

"Uncle Ye said to take me out to play." Nan Cheng said.

Tang Zhixi glanced at Ye Hanzhi who was standing at the door of the side hall, then looked down at Nan Cheng: "Where are you going?"

Nan Cheng pursed his lower lip and looked at Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, "Can it be kept secret?"

Tang Zhixi looked at him again, and said after a while, "When will you be back?"

"After dinner."

"You agreed?" Tang Zhixi flicked the braid on Nancheng Apple's head.

Nan Cheng nodded: "Yes."

Tang Zhixi looked at Nan Cheng and raised her eyebrows lightly.At Nan Cheng's age, this was the first time he voluntarily went out with someone other than her and Uncle Rui.

Still go out for so long.

Usually when Gu Xia takes him out, he doesn't follow.

"Okay, let's go." Tang Zhixi said, "Don't trouble your Uncle Ye."

"Okay." Nan Cheng agreed with a smile.

"Hold your phone." Tang Zhixi said, "If you want to come back halfway, call me."

"Are you going to pick me up?" Nan Cheng's big eyes were bright.

"What you think is beautiful." Tang Zhixi pinched his little face casually, "What does the driver at home do?"

The light in Xiao Nancheng's eyes disappeared instantly: "Oh."

"Go." Tang Zhixi said, "Don't disturb my work."

Nan Cheng: "."

Little Nan Cheng walked towards Ye Hanzhi with small steps while muttering in his heart.

This woman is really duplicity, she is obviously worried about herself, but she pretends not to care.


Nan Cheng could see it, and Ye Hanzhi could see it too.He said: "Don't worry, he will be sent back safely."

"Whatever you want, I'll leave it to you." Tang Zhixi said lightly.

Xiao Nan Cheng who just walked to Ye Hanzhi's side: "."

Looking at his speechless little face, Ye Hanzhi led him out of the side hall and said, "It's okay. It's the same if you give it to me. Sooner or later, the three of us will be a family, and it's still the same."

He didn't deliberately turn down the volume of his words, and the three people in the side hall naturally heard them all.Even Director Feng on the other end of the phone heard it.

"Then do I have to call you Dad?" Nan Cheng's voice suddenly raised a bit.

Although Ye Hanzhi sensed that this kid was telling the little girl on purpose.But my heart still beat a few times quickly.Without changing his expression, he said, "Do you want to call?"

Xiao Nancheng was silent for a while, then turned his head and glanced at Tang Zhixi secretly.He happened to meet Tang Zhixi's cold eyes.

He was so frightened that his little shoulders trembled, he turned around immediately, and said, "I, I will listen to my mother."

Ye Hanzhi looked at his timid little appearance, and raised the corners of his mouth.The uprising was suppressed before it started.

Ye Hanzhi not only took Nan Cheng to buy a piano, but also took him to meet his teacher.

Qiao Yun, one of the two veterans of the court music workshop.A world-class pianist.He is over 70 this year, and Ye Hanzhi has been learning piano with him since he was five years old.

He is also his most proud disciple.

But Ye Han's heart was not here, and the old man was still sad for a long time because of it.

The threshold of Ye's house was almost stepped down by him.

But Ye Hanzhi is determined not to learn
Nan Cheng is very talented, and Ye Hanzhi knew that Qiao Yun would like him very much.

And Nan Cheng's eyes lit up when he saw the plaque on the Palace Music Square.

Qiao Yun is very satisfied with Nan Cheng, but has always felt that Ye Hanzhi is a pity for so many years, so every time he sees him, he still feels unhappy: "Hmph, you just sent me a small one to make up for the shortcomings."

"He likes him and has talent. He should be cultivated well." Ye Hanzhi said.

"Don't you like it? Don't you have any talent?" Qiao Yun snorted.

Ye Hanzhi smiled but didn't make a sound.

Qiao Yun didn't say anything about it, but leaned over to look at Nan Cheng: "Little baby, how about I take you as an apprentice? Learn piano with me from now on."

Nan Cheng looked at him with joy in his eyes.The fundus is completely clean, without any impurities.But he said: "I have to go back and ask my mother."

The tone of voice is the same as that of a small adult, but what he says is still a child who needs his mother's approval.

Qiao Yun looked at Ye Hanzhi: "Hey, so you can't make the decision."

Ye Hanzhi acquiesced.

"It's strange, you have such a big idea. There are still things that you can't control." Qiao Yun said.

"Well, his mother is in charge of the house." Ye Hanzhi said with a smile, "However... you can't accept disciples, you can at most accept a disciple and grandson."

"If I want you to take care of me, I will accept my apprentice, and I want him to be your brother and sister. What's the matter?"

Ye Hanzhi glanced at him, then patted Nan Cheng on the head and said, "Let's go. Go home. There's no need for him to teach you."

"Eh! Eh! Eh! Ye Lao San!" Qiao Yun took Nan Cheng's hand first, and then said, "Okay, disciples, disciples are also fine."

As he spoke, he took Nan Cheng's hand and led him into the room.

Xiao Nancheng followed him and looked back at Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Hanzhi nodded to him, and he left with Qiao Yun in peace.

Qiao Yun found a pen and paper, and wrote down her personal contact information to Nan Cheng: "Little baby. This is my contact information. If someone at home refuses to let you learn, you can call me, and I will go to your home in person. "

Nan Cheng looked at the note in his hand, then at Qiao Yun, put it away carefully, and said, "Thank you, Grandpa."

"Hey, so cute." Qiao Yun stroked the braid on top of his head.

Ye Hanzhi and Nan Cheng didn't stay for long, and left after sitting for a while.

The palace music hall is in a courtyard with five entrances.Both western musical instruments and national traditional musical instruments are included.And it is famous all over the world for its national traditional musical instruments.

So the two came out from the backyard and walked in the yard.First, I heard the practice sounds of some western musical instruments.After walking forward for a while, I heard the practice sounds of some traditional ethnic musical instruments.

Xiao Nancheng followed Ye Hanzhi's legs, looking around curiously.

Walking out of another yard, Nan Cheng tripped over the steps and almost fell down.Fortunately, Ye Hanzhi supported him in time: "What are you doing? You want to murder me? You don't want me to send you back safely?"

".I didn't pay attention to the steps."

"Did you twist your foot?" Ye Hanzhi gave Tang Zhixi and Nan Cheng all his patience, "Move it."

Nan Cheng grabbed his pants and moved his feet: "It's okay."

"Be careful." Ye Hanzhi patted his head.


The two were about to continue walking, when a voice suddenly sounded from the right: "Third Master?"

On the right is a small bamboo grove. Through the bamboo grove, two figures can be vaguely seen under the corridor on the right.Ye Hanzhi took Nan Cheng's little hand and walked forward.

Those two people just happened to come over from the corridor.

One male and one female.

The man was wearing a white robe with a jade pendant around his waist.Her hair was already grey, and her face was slightly wrinkled.But the body is very tall and straight.

A gentleman is like a bamboo, elegant and unconventional.

It is another veteran figure of the court music workshop, Mei Yanchi.

He is also the founder of the Palace Orchestra.

At present, he is the leader who leads the domestic traditional musical instruments to the world.

But it is said to exist at the level of a national treasure.

"Master Mei." Ye Han said.

Mei Yanchi responded, then looked at Nan Cheng and said, "The third master came to see your master again."

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi glanced at the woman holding the pipa behind Mei Yanchu, "Master Mei has accepted a disciple?"

Mei Yanchi shook her head and smiled, and didn't intend to introduce too much: "The students of the Lefang. The qualifications are good. I plan to teach for two days."

The woman looked like she was in her twenties, when she saw Ye Hanzhi, her eyes were straightened, and she even relaxed her breathing.

However, Ye Hanzhi didn't care what this woman looked like.

I just think that if Mei Yanchi can say that she has good qualifications, she must be very good.

Mei Yanchi is a very picky person, no one can catch his eyes.After so many years, he took in an apprentice.It is said that he doted on this apprentice extremely back then.

"Third Master." Mei Yanchi suddenly asked Ye Hanzhi to walk aside.

Ye Hanzhi took Nan Cheng directly to the side for a few steps.But Xiao Nan Cheng's eyes kept staring at the pipa in his arms.

The woman also looked at him with a smile, but after Nan Cheng glanced at her, he looked at the pipa again, not interested in her.

"Third Master." Mei Yanchi lowered her voice, "Is there any news about Qingge?"

Ye Hanzhi's eyelashes trembled slightly: "Not yet."

Mei Yanchi sighed lightly, and the pair of beautiful fingers behind her back also trembled lightly: "Third Master, I have nothing else to do. I dare not ask about the Chu family, for fear of touching something sad. I can only bother the third master."

"If there is any news, I will let you know as soon as possible."

"Okay, okay. Thank you, Third Master."

After talking with Mei Yanchu, Ye Hanzhi took Nan Cheng and left.

Seeing him staring at the pipa, Ye Hanzhi asked, "Like it?"

"My mother likes it." Nan Cheng said, "She plays it really well. Have you heard it?"

Ye Hanzhi lowered his head and glanced at him. What's the matter with this showing off tone?

"Oh. You haven't heard it." Nan Cheng imitated Tang Zhixi's indifferent tone.

Ye Hanzhi: "."

"Didn't she even play it for you?" Nan Cheng asked again.

Ye Hanzhi looked down at him, his long and narrow eyes were filled with coldness.It was like a black cloud pressing straight towards Xiao Nancheng.

When Nan Cheng received his gaze, he immediately closed his mouth, flexed and stretched, and stopped talking.

And Mei Yanchu, the woman who was following you, looked back at Ye Hanzhi three times after she left, until the third time she couldn't see Ye Hanzhi anymore.she never looked back
 I dreamed of arguing with Ye Hanzhi for two consecutive nights.

  I'm really too courageous, even the third master dares to mess with me.

(End of this chapter)

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