Chapter 235 Making a Deal
Coming out of the palace music workshop, Ye Hanzhi took Nan Cheng to the dessert shop.

He ordered a lot of things and allowed him to eat an ice cream.

While he was eating, Ye Hanzhi said: "Nan Cheng, I have done so many things for you today, should you do me a favor too?"

The mouthful of ice cream that Xiao Nancheng put in his mouth suddenly couldn't swallow it.With wide eyes, he looked at Ye Hanzhi defensively.

He knew that there is no free lunch in this world.

"What? You don't want to help?" Ye Hanzhi said.

Nan Cheng swallowed the ice cream in his mouth, stared at him and said, "If you get married, I have no objection."

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows: "Have I passed the test?"

Nan Cheng pursed his lower lip and nodded his head.

Ye Hanzhi smiled, finally he didn't hurt this little bastard in vain.

"Then do you want to help us get married?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

"What's the effort?" Nan Cheng looked at him.The big eyes rolled around, he didn't want him to live with them, did he?

"There is a beautiful grandma, I need you to take care of it." Ye Hanzhi said.


"My mother." Ye Hanzhi said like a child, "I'll take care of your mother, and you take care of my mother. Is this deal fair?"

The braid on the top of Xiao Nan Cheng's head, and a bunch of short hairs raised up, were shaken by the air conditioner in the room.

Some doubts also appeared in his eyes.This remark. No matter how cheap it is, let him take it all by himself.

Seeing his puzzled face, Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, "You helped me, and I'll help you with apprenticeship."

Xiao Nancheng immediately wavered.He took a bite of the ice cream, thought for a while and said, "But are you sure I won't help?"

Ye Hanzhi didn't expect him to ask such a question, and after a moment of stupefaction, he said, "The beautiful grandma will definitely like you very much."


"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi said, "You got her out of the way, just to relieve the little girl of a worry."

As soon as Tang Zhixi was mentioned, Nan Cheng didn't hesitate immediately: "Okay."

Seeing that he agreed, Ye Hanzhi smiled, picked up the cup and took a sip of water.

Since his mother already knew.Then make it all clear at once.

It not only relieves the little girl of a worry, but also avoids some unnecessary troubles.

Nan Cheng will live in the Ye family sooner or later, and sooner or later he has to let them know about this matter sooner rather than later.

The little girl didn't say anything, but she cared about Nan Cheng very much.

Even though Nan Cheng has nothing to do with her, he is still her child.She was worried that the Ye family didn't like Nan Cheng, and that the Ye family would treat Nan Cheng badly.The biggest problem is that if the Ye family treats Nan Cheng badly, his boyfriend will definitely be the first to suffer.

But no matter what, Nan Cheng was the one who was hurt the most.

Nan Cheng is different from ordinary children, he is too sensible and mature in thinking.He would feel that he caused the little girl not to marry.

He must blame himself.

Nan Cheng's mental state is not good. If he is not careful, he may return to a closed state of ignoring others.

So... the little girl will take this step with extra care.

So he can only completely resolve this concern.

And oral narration, it is better to let them meet directly first.

He knew his parents, and he also knew Nan Cheng.

Xiao Nancheng was taught by Tang Zhixi, with her shadow on him, his parents will definitely like him.

His parents must also be open-minded.

It's just that if you tell the little girl verbally, your parents will definitely like Nan Cheng.The little girl must think that what he said was comforting, so she won't believe it.

So just prove it with facts.He was [-]% sure about this matter, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to bring Xiao Nancheng here rashly.

And the most important thing is that when his mother likes the child, she will forget to scold him.

Moreover, he has vented his anger on a group of people for nearly a day, and it's time for him to let go of his anger.

"What happened to the beautiful grandma?" Xiao Nancheng asked suddenly.

"I made him angry." Ye Hanzhi said lightly.

"Why are you still making your mother angry at such an age?" Nan Cheng said disgustedly.

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Nan Cheng gave him a look of "you are too ignorant".

Ye Hanzhi snorted and laughed: "You are still young, so you don't understand. Your mother wants to be angry with you, and you make your mother angry, regardless of age."

Nan Cheng thought about this sentence, and felt that he was scolding someone.

But Ye Hanzhi paused and said: "But I have never been beaten since I was a child."

Nan Cheng who was poked at the sore spot: "."

Seeing his resentful little eyes, Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows at him mercilessly.

Nan Cheng pursed his lips, and sighed hard in his heart.He is still a child, why no one let him.

After leaving the dessert shop, Ye Hanzhi took Nan Cheng home.

When the car stopped in front of the gate of Ye Zhai, Xiao Nancheng was stunned by the magnificent place in front of him, which could be called a palace.

He followed Ye Hanzhi in a daze, and when he reached the door, he was almost tripped by the gate which was higher than his knees.

Ye Hanzhi held his hand and said, "Don't touch porcelain."

Xiao Nancheng came back to his senses: "This is your home?"

"Hmm. What? Seen?"

Nan Cheng pointed to the west direction: "There is a resort hotel on the mountain over there, and you can see it from the top floor. Grandpa Rui took me there."

"Like it?"

Nan Cheng nodded and looked around curiously.

After a while, the two came to the front hall.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Xiao Nancheng felt an oppressive atmosphere rushing towards his face.

He held Ye Hanzhi's hand tightly.

Ye Hanzhi lowered his eyes and smiled at him: "It's okay. Relax."

The moment the two walked through the door.The few people who had been silent in the front hall immediately looked over.

The look that you're finally back and you know what we've been through.And behind this expression, there is an appearance of wanting to eat people.

But looking down, we saw a child.In an instant, the expression on his face became surprised and bewildered.

"You still know to come back?" Lin Nai didn't look at him when he heard his footsteps, "I almost called the police to look for you everywhere."

Nan Cheng watched the people in the room staring at him, and couldn't help leaning towards Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Lin also stared at the child in a daze.

It's not that he hasn't seen children.He had never seen Ye Hanzhi hold the hand of any child.

Ye Hanzhi has been annoying children since he was a teenager.

He remembered that Ye Hanzhi held the hand of the eldest daughter of the Chu family when he was a child.He never even held Ye Chutong's hand when he was a child.

The most important thing is, why does this child resemble Ye Hanzhi?
"Of course I know how to return to my own home." Ye Hanzhi said with a smile.

"You still know that this is your home." Lin Naiyi turned to look at him as he said, "Tell me how many days a year you are at home. At home."

As soon as Lin Nai saw the child beside him, his tone softened in an instant, and his words were all tied up.

The main reason is that Nan Cheng's big watery eyes can't make people's voice hard.

Now it's all over, everyone in the room is looking at Nan Cheng.

Like a group of monsters, staring at a little cub.

Ye Hanzhi shook Nan Cheng's sweaty little hand, and said, "Call me grandma."

Lin Naiyi's eyes widened again, looking at Nan Cheng.

Nan Cheng also looked at her, and after two seconds, he let go of Ye Hanzhi's hand and took half a step forward.Then she pursed her lips and said with a trembling voice, "Hello, beautiful grandma."

Hearing his shout, Ye Hanzhi smiled.The small mouth is sweet.

(End of this chapter)

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