Chapter 237

As the sun slanted to the west, the temperature in the sun room gradually dropped, and the coolness of the air conditioner became more and more obvious.

Uncle Rui came down from upstairs and planned to water the flowers in the yard. Seeing that Tang Zhixi was asleep, he went to get a blanket.

It's just that he just approached her with the blanket, and he hasn't come to her side yet.

Tang Zhixi suddenly opened her eyes and looked at him.

The stern look in the eyes is like a thousand feet of ice that has not melted for a long time, which can directly penetrate the heart.It makes people shudder and fear.

It's more like a wolf staring at its prey, ready to tear it apart at any time.

Uncle Rui stopped in place suddenly, looking at the bloody murderous look in her eyes.

Tang Zhixi looked at Uncle Rui, and soon his eyes became clear, and then gradually calmed down.

She raised her hand to rub her temples, and said in a hoarse voice, "Uncle Rui."

Only then did Uncle Rui move, took a few steps forward, went to her side and gently placed the blanket on the side of the hanging chair: "Miss, did you have a nightmare?"

"No. I dreamed about something from the past." Tang Zhixi looked at the time, "Any news from Nan Cheng?"

"I just called to ask." Uncle Rui said warmly, "I am very happy to hear the voice. After dinner, the third master will bring him back. Don't worry."

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi responded softly, "Go and do your work."

Uncle Rui moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end.He responded and went outside.

Tang Zhixi watched Uncle Rui leave, and then looked down at the cold sweat on her palms.

There was also some cold sweat on her back, which made her feel even colder when she already felt a little chilly.

At the end of the dream, they were doing psychological training.

The person who trained them kept destroying their will and touching their psychological defenses.

For every point they hold, he will attack five points harder.

Over and over again and again and again.

It's like having a knife and cutting open the heart.Constantly stirring the weakest point of the heart with the blade.

Stir repeatedly, even if the flesh is bloody, the festering of the fresh meat will not stop.

He wouldn't stop until that piece of softness had become indestructible enough to stand up to the blade.

Under such torture, everyone will self-mutilate.You may even have a nervous breakdown and want to die.

Tang Zhixi didn't know how she carried it over, and she didn't know how she left it behind.

Even if she stayed in the end, she felt dead for a long time.She is just a walking corpse, a puppet, who only listens to orders and obeys.
After a long time, Tang Zhixi put the computer on the round table beside her, took out two tissues by the way, and slowly wiped her hands.

She didn't even want to recall those days.

That memory seemed to be forgotten by her in a certain corner of her heart.I don't want to open it, I don't want to mention it.

Perhaps the training that year subtly included the training that could not be mentioned during that time.

I don't know why I suddenly dreamed.

Tang Zhixi grew up so big, she was afraid of two people.One is Jing Yanbai, and the other is the person who trained her.

For Jing Yanbai is fear, very real fear.

But for that person, fear should not be used to describe it.It should be said to be a surrender from the bottom of my heart.

Surrender to his wisdom, surrender to his power.

Tang Zhixi was able to be what she is today, thanks to that person.
Nan Cheng had a lot of fun at Ye's house, especially liking Ye Hanzhi's lotus ponds.

After the afternoon cools down, he runs back and forth on the corridors of those lotus ponds.Sprinkle a little on each pond holding the fish food.

But there were too many lotus ponds, and he couldn't spread them all.

Seeing him running and playing, Ye Lin and Lin Nai took this time to ask Ye Hanzhi.

It's not that they have to ask at this time.

The main reason was that Ye Hanzhi said that he would send Nan Cheng back after dinner, and he didn't come back either.

And there's no telling when he'll be back.

There is no place to stay here.

Ye Lin and Lin Naiyi really couldn't wait for a few days, so they caught Ye Hanzhi and asked quickly while Nan Cheng was not around.

"Where is this kid?" Ye Lin asked.

There was some smile in Ye Hanzhi's eyes, but his expression was very serious: "Dad, Mom. She didn't know that she brought Nan Cheng here today."

Of course, she was talking about Tang Zhixi.

As soon as Ye Lin and Lin Nai looked at him, they probably understood.

"I brought Nan Cheng here on my own. But regarding this child, I can't make decisions for her."

From now on, whether Nan Cheng will be her own son or her adopted son will be decided by the little girl, and he will not interfere.

He is only responsible for protecting them.

Ye Hanzhi said seriously, "All I can say is that she is a very good girl, very good, very good. I love her very much and cherish her very much. I will also treat Nan Cheng as my own son."

Both Ye Lin and Lin Nai were silent for a moment.

They knew it was telling them, and they wanted them to treat him like their own grandson.

"Since you are happy with each other, you also plan to raise this child, so naturally you have to treat it as your own." Lin Nai said, "We don't ask about your relationship issues. It's your life, and we have no right to interfere. We can What we do is to do our things well. If you treat him as your own son, we will naturally treat him as your own grandson."

"Thank you mom."

Lin Nai smiled, and said softly: "But since you plan to raise him, you have to take the responsibility of raising him. Raising a child is not a joke."

"I know."

Lin Nai stopped talking and looked at Nan Cheng again.

No matter how mature a child's mind is, he is still a child after all, with innocence in his smile.

But Ye Lin was quiet for a while and asked: "Is this child really not related to you?"

"Huh?" Ye Hanzhi was puzzled.

"Is it really not related to you by blood?" Ye Lin asked again.

After Ye Hanzhi was stunned for a moment, he smiled and said, "No. What's the matter? Dad."

"I always think he looks a little like you."

"Is there?" Ye Hanzhi smiled.

"Yes." Ye Lin said with certainty.

Lin Nai smiled and said, "Maybe there is a father-son relationship."

Leaning on crutches, Ye Lin also looked at Nan Cheng.


Nan Cheng ran on the lotus pond for a while, but Ye Hanzhi took him away.

Afraid that he would fall into the lotus pond.

"I haven't played enough yet." Nan Cheng said reluctantly.

"I'm afraid that if you fall in, the little girl will kill me." Ye Hanzhi held his hand and forcefully led him away.

"I don't jump in, how could I fall in." Nan Cheng muttered.

Ye Hanzhi snorted, and said, "Last year, you had a fever and went to the hospital for emergency treatment. Wasn't it because you fell into the lake?"

"I" Nan Cheng uttered a syllable, and immediately choked back the words, remaining silent.

Seeing that he suddenly became quiet, Ye Hanzhi stopped for a while, looked down at him and said, "So you jumped into the lake by yourself?"

Nan Cheng lowered his head, pretending not to hear.

Ye Hanzhi said again: "You jumped in so that the little girl could come and see you?"

Nan Cheng still didn't speak.

Ye Hanzhi snorted.He even dared to run to Yancheng by himself, and even stunned Uncle Rui.

Jumping into a lake is nothing.

Being so assertive and eager to do whatever she wants is exactly the same as that little girl.

"Your little trick is in my hands, so be honest." Ye Hanzhi said, "Otherwise, just wait for the little girl to beat you up."


Nan Cheng replied in his heart.

Why does life treat him so badly and dig holes for him everywhere.

He's still just a kid.

After dinner, when Nan Cheng left, both Lin Naiyi and Yan Tong gave him a big red envelope.

Lin Naiyi also left him a contact information, saying that he would keep in touch.

Nan Cheng happily got into the car with two red envelopes, and as soon as he got in the car, his face collapsed: "How should I explain when I go back?"

"Tell me the truth."

"Will my mother hit me?"

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi thought for a while, "She's more likely to hit me."

Hearing what he said, Nan Cheng instantly breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

(End of this chapter)

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