The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 238 I'm Afraid of Her Angry

Chapter 238 I'm Afraid of Her Angry
When the car drove into the villa, Nan Cheng's hand holding the red envelope was instantly clenched.

He looked up at Ye Hanzhi, and asked in a low voice, "You really won't hit me?"

Ye Hanzhi looked down at his nervous and scared little face, and said with a smile, "Well, I won't hit you."

The car stopped, Nan Cheng got out of the car, and when he followed Ye Hanzhi to the door of the living room, he looked up at him and asked, "Are you scared?"


"But you're not even afraid of grandma getting angry." Nan Cheng said.

"But I'm afraid the little girl will be angry." Ye Hanzhi looked down at him.

"Then what should we do?" Nan Cheng thought, "Will it implicate me?"

Ye Hanzhi hummed in his heart, this kid was worried about being implicated, "Not necessarily."

Nan Cheng: "!!!"

"Then will you protect me?" Nan Cheng asked again.

"It depends on my mood." Ye Hanzhi said perfunctorily.

Nan Cheng's eyes were about to widen. Just as he was about to speak, Tang Zhixi's calm voice sounded from the living room: "Are you two reciting the entrance spell?"

Nan Cheng was taken aback, and all the red envelopes fell on the ground.

After he picked up the red envelope, Ye Hanzhi led him into the living room.

Tang Zhixi was wearing gray home clothes, which were different from the clothes they wore when they left in the morning.The hair is loose, it should have been washed not long ago.

It seemed that he had just come down from upstairs, standing by the sofa, looking at the door of the living room.

As soon as Ye Hanzhi and Nan Cheng entered the living room, she saw two thick red envelopes in Nan Cheng's hand.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and asked softly, "Who gave it to you?"

Nan Cheng leaned against Ye Han's leg, but suddenly he didn't speak.

Tang Zhixi glanced at Ye Hanzhi again, her tone and voice were the same as usual: "Speak."

But little Nancheng was still frightened and his little heart trembled: "Yes, it was given by the beautiful grandma and auntie."

Tang Zhixi's gaze stayed on his face for two seconds, and then looked at Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Hanzhi smiled softly and said, "My mother and my sister-in-law."

After speaking, he led Nan Cheng forward, but Xiao Nan Cheng took his hand and used force in the opposite direction.So Ye Hanzhi dragged Nan Cheng to Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi almost understood after thinking about it: "Did you take him to your house?"

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi looked at her and said, "My mother was angry with me, so she brought her a grandson back as a shield."

Tang Zhixi was silent for a while, then looked down at Nan Cheng: "Go back to your room first, or go to Grandpa Rui."

After receiving the order, Nan Cheng let go of Ye Hanzhi's hand and ran towards Uncle Rui's room.

It disappeared into the living room almost in a flash.

Ye Hanzhi looked at the little white eyes and ground his teeth.

"Ask him to intercede for you?" Tang Zhixi sat on the sofa, "He can't even protect himself."

"Then what should I do? Show me the way, how can I survive safely." Ye Hanzhi walked to her side and said.

"Rewind time." Tang Zhixi looked up at him, her beautiful phoenix eyes were filled with coldness and indifference.

"That's a bit difficult." After Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, he thought for a while, leaned over to look at her and said, "Seduce, I think it's easier."

Tang Zhixi looked at his fine eyebrows and eyes: "."

Ye Hanzhi looked at her, saw that she didn't want to hit him, so he laughed.He leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

Tang Zhixi stepped back.

Ye Hanzhi raised his hand and stroked the back of her head, not letting her retreat, and said softly, "My parents like Nan Cheng very much."

Tang Zhixi looked into his eyes closely, at the warmth in his eyes, at the tenderness and delicacy in his eyes that belonged to her alone.

Ye Hanzhi kissed her again: "I didn't tell them about Nan Cheng's background."

Tang Zhixi's eyelashes trembled.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her long eyelashes, then kissed her again.

Every touch is flattering and comforting.

"My parents will treat him as their own grandson." Ye Hanzhi said warmly, "I will also treat him as my own son."

Tang Zhixi slowly lowered her gaze, covering the emotions in her eyes with her eyelashes.

Every word and sentence of Ye Hanzhi hit her heart.

With each blow, a crack appeared in the thick layer of ice that encased the heart.The blood becomes fresh and the heart beats enthusiastically.

Seeing her lowered eyes, Ye Hanzhi leaned closer and kissed her again: "Don't worry, my little girl must be the best in the world. My parents still believe in my vision."

Tang Zhixi's eyelashes trembled slightly again, and she twirled her fingertips.He raised his hand and pressed Ye Hanzhi's shoulder, pushing him back.

Then he lowered his gaze, moved to the side, and said, "Well, you have a good eye."

Seeing that she was hiding her emotions, Ye Hanzhi didn't expose them, so he sat beside her and said, "How can I describe it as good, it's very good."

Tang Zhixi's emotions quickly subsided, she cast a sideways glance at him and said, "How did you trick Nan Cheng over?"

"I said I could solve a concern for you, and he immediately agreed."

"Just like that?" Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows.

Ye Hanzhi coughed lightly: "I gave him a little favor."

Tang Zhixi narrowed her eyes, and just about to ask, Ye Hanzhi moved closer and kissed her again: "Let Nan Cheng tell you."

Tang Zhixi: ".Are you a woodpecker?"

Ye Hanzhi laughed softly when he heard her words.

Tang Zhixi: "."

After chatting in the living room for a while, the two went back to the room.

Upstairs, Ye Hanzhi walked to the door of his room and watched Tang Zhixi enter her room.

He stared helplessly at the door, and sighed for a moment.

Tsk, I don't have to hug tonight.

Tsk, shouldn't it be time to pick a time to get the certificate?

Just as he was thinking, Tang Zhixi's door was opened again, his eyes lit up instantly, and he looked at Tang Zhixi.

As soon as Tang Zhixi came out, she saw that he was still standing at the door, and his eyes were very clear, with a bright light.She was puzzled for a moment and said, "What are you doing?"

"Why did you come out?"

"I'm going to see Nan Cheng."

The light in Ye Hanzhi's eyes disappeared in an instant: "Oh."

Tang Zhixi glanced at him suspiciously again, then turned and went to Nan Cheng's room.

Xiao Nan Cheng was sitting on the carpet in the room counting money, when the door knocked, he thought it was Uncle Rui, so he opened the door directly.

When he saw Tang Zhixi, he subconsciously wanted to close the door, but Tang Zhixi's hand was on the door, so he couldn't close it.

"What are you doing?" Tang Zhixi looked at him and said.

"It's okay." Nan Cheng glanced at her, then quickly lowered his head, "What's the matter?"

Tang Zhixi walked directly into his room, and then saw him laying out money all over the floor: "Where's the property count?"

Nan Cheng followed her behind without making a sound.

Tang Zhixi squatted on the ground and looked at it: "Not a lot. Are they all given by the beautiful grandma and aunt?"


Tang Zhixi looked at him: "Do you like beautiful grandma and eldest aunt?"

Nan Cheng thought for a while and said: "They and grandpa are very kind to me. They didn't make things difficult for me. Grandma also left my contact information, and just said a few words to me. She asked me when I would have time to go home to play. "

Tang Zhixi's eyebrows moved slightly, and there was a smile in her eyes.A child's mind is the most sensitive. If he says yes, then it is really good.

"Then remember to bring them gifts next time. Use the money to buy them."

"Can I go?" Nan Cheng also squatted beside her, looking up at her.

"You can do it if you want."

Nan Cheng smiled, thought for a while and said: "Today Uncle Ye took me to the palace music workshop."


"He took me to see Master Qiao Yun." Nan Cheng said, "Grandpa Qiao said he wanted to take me in as his disciple."

Tang Zhixi looked at him and remembered Ye Hanzhi's words.Gave "point" benefits.

The world-class piano master of the Palace Orchestra.What a "point".

"Is it okay?" Nan Cheng asked carefully.

"You can decide for yourself."

Nan Cheng was so happy that he couldn't even press his lips together, and he laughed so hard that he showed his gaping teeth.

Tang Zhixi looked at his teeth that had grown out, was quiet for a while, then raised her hand to stroke his head and said, "Thank you."

Nan Cheng's expression immersed in joy suddenly froze, and he stared blankly at Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi's voice couldn't be more tender, so the words she said were no different from usual: "Thank you for helping me dispel a worry. You are very brave."

It's not that Nan Cheng hasn't been praised, and it's not that he hasn't been thanked.Every time I bought her a gift, she would say thank you.

But now it was the first time that it seemed like he had protected her thanks.Nan Cheng looked at her, his face slowly turned pink.

Seeing his small appearance, Tang Zhixi smiled, then grabbed a handful of money from the ground and said, "Whoever sees it has a share."

Nan Cheng's eyes immediately moved back and forth following the money in her hand.

Tang Zhixi stood up, shook the money in her hand, and said, "Go to bed early."

After speaking, she took the money and left.

Xiao Nancheng didn't react until the door was closed.He looked at the money that was obviously missing several pieces on the ground, sat down on the ground and said, "Ah, my money."

(End of this chapter)

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