Chapter 239

Tang Zhixi was in a good mood and took the money out of the room, but when she walked towards her door, she found Ye Hanzhi still standing at the door.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her, saw the money in her hand and said, "This is."

"It was snatched." Tang Zhixi glanced at it, and there were eight of them.

Ye Hanzhi smiled: "Why don't you even let the children go."

"Who made him young, easy to bully." Tang Zhixi collected the money.Then he walked slowly in front of him, looked at him, thought for a while, and said, "Master, do you want me to lend you half a bed?"

Ye Hanzhi's behavior was really not right, Tang Zhixi thought about it for a while, and then asked a question tentatively.

As a result, the involuntary light in Ye Hanzhi's eyes, under the shock, proved her conjecture.

Tang Zhixi immediately had bad thoughts, she took another step forward, her gaze slowly shifted from his lips to his eyes, she looked at him deeply and said, "Third Master, what do you think of my proposal? "

Ye Hanzhi looked down at her, and his throat rolled up and down slightly.

Tang Zhixi looked at him, and said after a while, "I wasn't very drunk last night."

Ye Hanzhi's pupils trembled: "I"

This reaction, she guessed right again.

Tang Zhixi smiled lightly: "Third Master, you are not kind."

Ye Hanzhi took a breath, and said with a broken jar, "I really can't hold back."

After a pause, he said, "I'm sorry."

"What about tonight? Do you still borrow it?" Tang Zhixi asked again.

Ye Hanzhi clenched his fists tightly, the veins on his forehead were a little raised, and the inner struggle seemed to tear him apart.

Such a little girl is too alluring, like the cold moonlight slanting down, turning into a captivating fairy.

Ye Hanzhi's already weak willpower towards her was gradually becoming unbearable.

He raised his hand to pinch her chin, and said in a harsh voice: "Little girl, if you keep flirting, I can't guarantee that something will happen."

"What happened?"

"What do you say?"

"Slept with me?"


Tang Zhixi smiled at the end of her eyes, as if she was sure that Ye Hanzhi would not do anything to him, so she pretended to be dead.

Ye Hanzhi endured it for two seconds, and then directly hugged her up.Kicked open the door of her room and carried her into the room.

He carried the man straight to the bed and put Tang Zhixi on the bed.He put the person under him and kissed her.

Ye Hanzhi is definitely a rough and ruthless person in this kind of thing.It's just because I like it so much and I don't want to part with it, so every time I force myself to be gentle and restrained.

Even though he was a little more ruthless than before this time, he was still trying his best to control himself.

It's just that his undisguised desire to possess and control makes people instinctively feel scary.

And as if to teach this little girl a lesson, she didn't hold back or hide at all.

So Tang Zhixi felt it very straightforwardly and directly.

She struggled a bit, but Ye Hanzhi controlled her hands with one hand, and pressed his hand on top of her head.

Until the end of Tang Zhixi's eyes was kissed until tears were dripping, Ye Hanzhi didn't intend to let her go.

The buttons of the home clothes were unbuttoned, the clothes on the shoulders were taken off, and a soft kiss was made from the side of the neck to the shoulders, and then to the collarbone. Finally, Ye Hanzhi restrained himself and bit the scar on her collarbone.

Tang Zhixi's body was out of control.

Ye Hanzhi's breathing was heavy, he let go of Tang Zhixi's hand, held it in his hand and rubbed her wrist while gasping, "Little girl?"

Tang Zhixi's breathing was rapid, her chest heaved and her heart was about to beat.She closed her eyes, her eyelashes fluttered slightly, and said nothing.

Ye Hanzhi kissed her eyes again, and said, "Be more honest in the future, and tease me next time. I'm not sure if I can control myself."

Tang Zhixi put a hand on his shoulder.

Ye Hanzhi held her hand in his, kissed it twice on his lips, and continued: "Little girl, in this respect, men are beasts. He said that he can't touch you until he's married. But whether he can do it, it will take time to test."

Tang Zhixi didn't expect him to scold herself so harshly, so she opened her eyes and looked at him.

The indifferent phoenix eyes were soaked in water, as if they had been washed, they were clean and transparent.It is as beautiful as colored glaze, which makes people love and cherish.

Ye Hanzhi looked into her beautiful eyes, took a light breath, and then spoke with a more serious tone: "So don't tease me, I might not be able to help it, like a beast."

After speaking, Ye Hanzhi quickly got up from her body, then went straight into the bathroom and locked the door.

Tang Zhixi looked at the chandelier on the ceiling, and after a while, the sound of taking a shower came from the bathroom.

Her eyes trembled slightly, and after a while, she smiled softly.

Ye Hanzhi's bath took a long time.After a long time, Tang Zhixi went to his room to get him his clothes and put them outside the bathroom.I lay on the bed and checked my phone for a while, and then I was so bored that I fell asleep.

He still hasn't come out.

And when Ye Hanzhi came out, Tang Zhixi had already had a dream.

He walked to the bed and helped her cover her with the quilt, then looked at her for a while, then lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and still planned to leave her room.

Tonight's control is almost exhausted, if he stays, something may happen, or he will have to take a cold shower later.

So he put the phone on the bed on the nightstand and turned off the bedside light.

Just as she was about to leave, her phone vibrated slightly, and a message popped out.

Ye Han glanced subconsciously, and saw that it was a person whose note was "teaching assistant".

He raised his eyebrows, didn't pay much attention, and went straight out of the room.

And the teaching assistant sent Tang Zhixi three messages in a row.

[School is about to start, and your holiday lab report hasn't been handed in yet. ]
[Check the format, otherwise the professor will trouble you again. ]
[The notice of your delayed graduation has come, and you need to confirm it yourself. ]
The variety show recording of Going to School is scheduled for September NO.16.

And the name is also very simple, it is called "Go to School".Popular, simple and easy to understand.

A total of six people were originally scheduled to participate in the recording, with flying guests interspersed in between.But because of Tang Zhixi's joining.Director Feng wanted to find another person to make an even number.

After thinking about it, Director Feng found Duan Nian.

In the end, Duan Nian rejected it in one gulp.He is still waiting for Xishen's new script, so he has no time.

But director Feng was not worried because of his refusal.Just told him lightly, and Xishen also participated.

After Duan Nian confirmed the authenticity of the matter, he immediately agreed.

He even bribed the director, telling him to put him and Xishen together in the same class.

There was still half a month left for the recording of the variety show, and Tang Zhixi took advantage of this half month to be busy for a while.

Most of the time is spent in the laboratory.

The holiday report is done.Turned in, passed.But then the task of the new semester was released.

Moreover, there were especially many tasks sent to Tang Zhixi.

The teaching assistant also told her a sentence [Those who can do more work]
This means that she has more tasks than others.

So for more than a week, Tang Zhixi only rested for three hours a day on average, and even lived in the laboratory for a few days.

And Ye Hanzhi, who was also busy, was very worried and distressed every time he saw the bloodshot eyes in Tang Zhixi's eyes in the video.

He asked Uncle Rui, and Uncle Rui told him that Tang Zhixi seldom came home and was busy with something.When I come back, I leave at home for a few hours.

Taking advantage of his spare time, Ye Hanzhi went back to find Tang Zhixi.It happened that she had just come back, and Tang Zhixi went back to her room to sleep without saying a word to him.

Ye Hanzhi: "." What are you busy with, it's exhausting you like this.

Just worrying, feeling distressed.Ye Hanzhi didn't even notice that Tang Zhixi smelled very strong of chemicals.

It is a smell that he has come into contact with in the laboratory these days.

 Ye Hanzhi: My wife, of course I want to bully myself

  The third master is really brave

(End of this chapter)

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