The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 240 Donate all the salary

Chapter 240 Donate all the salary

After working in the laboratory for the day, Tang Zhixi went home and went to sleep for the whole day.

Half the morning fell asleep as if in a coma, and half the afternoon quarreled with the bald professor in a dream for a long time.

She didn't wake up until after ten o'clock in the evening, when she was a little hungry.

When he went downstairs, Ye Hanzhi was downstairs chatting with Uncle Rui. Seeing that she had taken a shower and her hair was half-dried, he asked, "Have you slept well?"

"It's okay." Tang Zhixi walked to the sofa next to him and sat down, "When did you come?"

"It's been an hour." Seeing that she had rested well, Ye Hanzhi said, "Is it over?"

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi took out the cheese stick that Nan Cheng threw under the coffee table and ate one, "You're quite free today."

The last time the two met, she said a few words and went upstairs to sleep.Later, I heard from Uncle Rui that he hadn't been here for 10 minutes. After going upstairs to see her, he left immediately.

Been here for an hour today.

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi said, "I'll be done soon, too."

Uncle Rui went to see the meal the servant was preparing.Tang Zhixi finished eating the cheese stick, then looked at a file bag in Ye Hanzhi's hand: "What is it?"

Ye Hanzhi showed it to her and said, "The jadeite in D continent is priced, Yan Qi went again."

Tang Zhixi: "."

"Look, set a price for him."

Tang Zhixi took the file bag: "Is it really up to me?"

"En." Ye Hanzhi responded with a smile.

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows, and she was not polite. She directly opened the file bag and looked at the previous pricing of various jadeites, as well as the price fluctuations in recent years.

"I heard that Yan Qi's family has a big warehouse full of treasures," Ye Hanzhi said.

"Fortunately, there are a lot of things, and few of them are too valuable." Tang Zhixi looked at them and said, "It's better to pave your yard with emeralds for extravagance."

Ye Hanzhi smiled, and after being quiet for a while, he said, "Have you donated all the remuneration for "Begonia Falling"?"

Hearing this, Tang Zhixi raised her eyes and glanced at him: "How do you know?"

After speaking, Tang Zhixi remembered again and said, "Oh, the charity foundation is run by your family."

Ye Hanzhi said: "Tingjue saw it. He told us, and Yuzhe said after he found out, that's your salary for the whole show."

In the end, this drama was He Yuzhe's investor, so he knew Tang Zhixi's salary very well.

"There's too much money, and I'm holding it in my hand, so I don't feel at ease." Tang Zhixi said softly.

Ye Hanzhi smiled, but didn't speak.

The money was donated in the name of "Tang Zhixi" and was donated to Hanqing Village.

Then Ye Hanzhi asked Ye Tingjue to check her account, and found a lot of donations from her account.

It started almost four years ago.At the beginning, there will be a fixed amount of money every year, which is very large, donated in the name of Nan Xiao.

And two years later, one sum of money turned into two sums of money, donated in the name of Nan Xiao and a proxy named Tang.

Nanxiao's money did not specifically specify where it would be used, but Tang's money specifically stated that it would be used for Hanqing Village or educational resources in poverty-stricken areas.

And this year's fixed two sums of money have already been donated, but the remuneration has been donated again.

In addition to the fixed money every year, there are various disasters and donations, all of which come from this account.

No salary, no money from Yunyi Nishang, and so much money donated every year.How much can she have left in her own hands.

Tang Zhixi didn't know about Ye Hanzhi's many mental activities, so she quickly determined the prices and filled them out with a pen while maximizing her own interests.

"Look, don't you cry?" Tang Zhixi gave Ye Hanzhi all the papers, then got up and went to the restaurant.

Ye Hanzhi flipped through a few watches and smiled softly.

The price is low, but it won't make him lose money.

After that night, Ye Hanzhi was busy for another two days.

The anticancer drugs being researched by the Institute of Pharmaceutical Preparations have reached a certain stage, and many experiments need to be followed up.

Ye Hanzhi is a specially-appointed professor, but he will be busy with him at critical moments from stage to stage.He is usually not used by various talents in the research institute.

And Tang Zhixi was a talent secretly cultivated by a research institute.

At present, she will only follow up some cumbersome experiments, and she will not be able to touch the core research for the time being.

And she was admitted by exception at that time.

The research institute made an exception and agreed to her request not to do research in the laboratory of Teikyo University.

As long as she can complete the task on time and pass the assessment of the institute, she can be admitted to the institute.

The research institute made a big concession, just wanting to keep her.

So her busyness is stage by stage.

After she finished her work, Ye Hanzhi finished it, so he was busy for two more days.

But during Ye Hanzhi's busy two days, Tang Zhixi went to Yunyi Nishang for two consecutive days.She really likes fashion design, and she gets along well with Mu Fei.

Together, the two discussed many ancient questions about clothing.

It's been a long time, and the two of them haven't sat down and chatted so happily.

Seeing Ye Hanzhi again was three days later in the afternoon, when Tang Zhixi was cutting Nan Cheng's hair.A lock of hair was cut too short by a scissors mistake.The little curly hair exploded.

It is very conspicuous in the small curly hair, and it is hard to smooth it out.

Xiao Nancheng looked at her resentfully, and she looked at the lock of hair expressionlessly.

While Gu Xia and Uncle Rui looked at them both, neither made a sound.See if the lock of hair is unlucky first, or the hair on the other end is unlucky first.

At this time, Ye Hanzhi and the others came.

Before people came in, He Yuzhe shouted first: "Sister Xi, let's go, I'll take you to play."

Hearing the sound, Nan Cheng first raised his hand to cover his short hair.

Tang Zhixi took the scissors and turned to look at the living room door.

Ye Hanzhi, He Yuzhe, Lu Shang, and Zhenlei came in one by one.And except for Ye Hanzhi, everyone dressed smartly, like a combat uniform.

Only Ye Hanzhi was still wearing a black shirt.

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows, and a look of interest appeared in her eyes: "What? Is there a mission?"

Ye Hanzhi smiled: "No."

Tang Zhixi's interest disappeared instantly.

Seeing her face change so quickly, He Yuzhe smiled and said, "It's true that there is no mission. But today the Third Military Region is semi-open to the outside world. Sister Xi, do you want to go and have a look?"

The third military region is the military region under Ye Hanxiu's command.The Lie Yan Brigade and the White Tiger Brigade, which made the enemy fearful, all came from this.

Tang Zhixi's interest came up again: "Half open. Is it fun?"

"Family members have privileges," Ye Han said.

"What about the family members of the family?" Gu Xia asked suddenly.

"You can only see half-open things." Ye Hanzhi said.

Gu Xia: "."

Ye Hanzhi glanced at Nan Cheng and Uncle Rui again and said, "Let's both have Nan Cheng and Uncle Rui together."

"Young master, go, I won't go." Uncle Rui said with a smile, "I don't understand those things, and if I go, I will stare blankly."

Tang Zhixi held a pair of scissors and looked up at Ye Hanzhi.The fundus of the eyes is brightly exploring him.

And Ye Hanzhi smiled flatteringly, and almost wrote "I'm really inviting Uncle Rui, nothing else" written on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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