Chapter 242
The moving target is a target that is randomly thrown from high altitude in various directions.

The Type 64 pistol has a range of only 50 meters.

So you can only hit the target if you shoot it within your own range.

Tang Zhixi and Ye Hanzhi stood side by side, the distance between them was less than one meter.But if the target appeared from the direction of one of them, according to the distance, the other person would suffer a bit.

And the targets are random, if all seven of them appear from one of them, the other will not take advantage every time.

But if a master fights, these are naturally not a problem.

Bide is not only accurate in marksmanship, but also shooting speed, reaction speed, judgment of distance, and timing of shooting.

"Tingjue, who do you think will win?" He Yuzhe walked up to Ye Tingjue and asked.

"Third Uncle." Ye Tingjue said without thinking.

"It must be my sister." Gu Xia said.

Ye Tingjue took a look at him, and thought he was supporting his sister for no reason, and didn't refute him.

"Let's make a bet." He Yuzhe slapped Gu Xia's shoulder with his arm, and said with a smile, "I will win with 100 million sister Yaxi."

"You are very discerning." Gu Xia crossed her arms and said, "I also bet on my sister to win with 100 million."

Ye Tingjue raised his eyelids and glanced at He Yuzhe, then at Lu Shang and Zhenlei: "You two."

Zhenlei smiled at Ye Tingjue, and said, "I have 100 million, and I will beat my master to win."

Ye Tingjue: "."

He Yuzhe and Gu Xia both laughed.

Then everyone's eyes fell on Lu Shang.

Lu Shang coughed lightly, touched his nose and said, "I abstain."

Ye Tingjue: "."

Zhenlei raised his elbow and gave him a light touch: "Can you do it?"

Lu Shang blocked it with his hand, and said with a smile, "I have to save money to raise a wife."

"Brother." Zhen Lei patted him on the shoulder, "First of all, you have to have a wife."

Lu Shang smiled and did not speak.

He Yuzhe looked at Ye Tingjue again: "Tingjue, I'll give you one last chance, who will you beat?"

Ye Tingjue and him looked at each other, and said softly, "500 million, my third uncle."

"Tingjue, you have to think about it." He Yuzhe said, "My sister Xi is super strong."

Ye Tingjue did not speak.

He Yuzhe smiled, looked at Tang Zhixi and Ye Hanzhi, and said leisurely: "Ting Jue, you don't know anything about my sister Xi's strength."

Their words fell into the ears of Tang Zhixi and Ye Hanzhi verbatim, and Tang Zhixi said while loading the bullet: "Your nephew is not bad."

"So, I try not to let him pay."

Tang Zhixi raised the corner of her mouth and looked towards the shooting range.

The two got ready and started to fall with the sound of the person next to them.Ye Tingjue first raised his hand to cover Nan Cheng's ears.

The first moving target came out from Tang Zhixi's side, was thrown high into the sky, and fell rapidly.

Both eyes were fixed on the target, and the moment they entered the range, they pulled the trigger at the same time.

As far as the naked eye could see, the two hit targets at the same time.

And at the moment when the two shot, the second target appeared, and from the corner of their eyes, the two turned the direction of the gun at the same time.

The next three targets all came from Ye Hanzhi's direction.

Ye Hanzhi took advantage of the position, but Tang Zhixi didn't give him a chance to take advantage.

The two targets behind are both in front of the two of them, which is simple.

The target came out very fast. As soon as the shot was fired, the next one appeared again.

So what everyone heard was "bang, bang, bang" with six bullets in a row.But what the eyes saw was that these six rounds almost hit the target at the same time.

A few people: "." What kind of devil are these two, do they still make people alive?
The seventh target came out from Ye Hanzhi's direction again.And when Ye Hanzhi's gun turned in that direction, Tang Zhixi put down the gun in his hand.

Quickly took a rifle nearby.Still a pull-back rifle.

Pull the trigger, load, aim, and pull the trigger.

almost a second
"Bang", the range of 400 meters.The target was shot right through.

And Ye Hanzhi is still waiting for the target to enter the range of the pistol...

Several people watched this operation, dumbfounded.

Ye Hanzhi was stunned for a moment, put down his pistol, and turned his head to look at Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi didn't look at him, she pulled the trigger again, ejected a cartridge case, and then aimed at the immovable target far ahead.

"Bang -" fired a shot, right in the heart.

With the corner of her mouth raised, she pulled the trigger again, ejected a cartridge case, and said softly, "I didn't say you couldn't change the gun midway."

The words fell and it was another shot.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her for a while, then nodded and smiled lowly.

Tang Zhixi fired two more shots, and after finishing the bullets, she looked at Ye Hanzhi and said, "Soldiers never tire of cheating."

Ye Hanzhi nodded: "Well, I'm willing to admit defeat."

"It's not bullying you, I didn't even take the automatic loader next to me."

Back-pull loading and pulling the bolt take time

"Yes." Ye Hanzhi smiled, "It's because I don't know how to be flexible."

The few people behind were speechless again: "."

As long as Tang Zhixi is replaced by one of them, let's not say whether they dare to play like this.Even if he dared, Ye Hanzhi would finally press their heads and make them admit defeat.

Sure enough, people always have double standards.

"One request." Ye Hanzhi raised his hand and put the lock of her hair that was blown to the front behind, and said, "Just mention it."

"Wait until I figure it out." Tang Zhixi said lightly.


And the few people behind, after realizing it, started clamoring for Ye Tingjue to give money.

Of course, only He Yuzhe and Gu Xia shouted loudly.

Ye Tingjue got a headache from the two of them arguing, he really underestimated her strength.The main reason is that his third uncle's perverted marksmanship, no one can catch up.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at Nan Cheng who was looking up at him, and then said: "The kid is here, you two have the nerve to clamor for money."

"What? What are you doing? You want to renege on your debt!" He Yuzhe said, "Hey! Han Zhi, take a look at your eldest nephew, he wants to renege on his debt."

Ye Hanzhi ignored him.

Ye Tingjue glanced at Ye Han, and that glance clearly said "You have failed my trust".

But Ye Hanzhi looked at him, his eyes seemed to say, what if I failed you?

Ye Tingjue was used to his inhumanity, so he didn't react, but said, "I'll transfer the money to Nan Cheng."

Xiao Nancheng's eyes widened, and then he looked at Tang Zhixi.After seeing Tang Zhixi's eyes, Xiao Nancheng said, "Brother, I don't want it."

"Yes." Ye Hanzhi said, "I'll send you the card number later."

Just as Tang Zhixi was about to speak, Ye Hanzhi held her back and said in a low voice, "It's okay, he has plenty of money, and if he doesn't take it for nothing, he won't. You also have to ask Nan Cheng to save me a pension."

Tang Zhixi: "."

Gu Xia said: "I have no objection."

"Me neither." Zhen Lei said.

But He Yuzhe squatted beside Xiao Nancheng, and said very seriously: "Baby, you have to remember that this money was not given by your brother Tingjue. It was given by your brother Zhenlei, brother Yuzhe, and brother Gu Xia."

"I'm uncle." Gu Xia reminded.

He Yuzhe looked up at him: "Why are you still taking advantage of me?"

"If you don't need to give out red envelopes, I don't mind having multiple nephews." Gu Xia laughed.

"Fuck you!" He Yuzhe picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it at Gu Xia, "Go play while you little brat."

And Nan Cheng looked at Tang Zhixi again, seeing that she didn't stop her, he took another look at Ye Han.Then he said to Ye Tingjue, "Thank you, cousin."

Tang Zhixi: "."

Several people were taken aback for a moment, and then all laughed.

Gu Xia pulled his braids a bit: "How can you recognize your relatives when you see money, you little money fanatic."

(End of this chapter)

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