Chapter 243

"As expected of the third master's girlfriend. Not only is she beautiful, but she also has such good marksmanship." The people around Meng Lanyi were all stunned.He didn't notice Meng Lanyi's reaction at all.

Still boasting: "The marksmanship that can tie with the third master is also a god-like existence."

Meng Lanyi tightly clenched her hand hanging by her side, and the veins on the back of her hand bulged.Even the jawline was tense from clenching his teeth.

She never thought that this woman, this woman, could be so good at marksmanship.

How is it possible, how is it possible.

How could a wild girl from the countryside be so good at marksmanship.

"Sure enough, excellent people should be with excellent people." The people around her were still saying, "It's a perfect match."

Meng Lanyi suddenly looked at the people beside her, her eyes seemed to be stained red with jealousy, exuding boundless malice.The voice was already restrained to the utmost, but it was still stiff and hoarse when he spoke: "Are you free?"

The person next to her was taken aback by her, and subconsciously took a step back, somewhat confused about the situation.It was just fine, why did it become like this all of a sudden.

He didn't look into it carefully, but after looking at her inexplicably, he said: "The commander asked me to call Young Master Ye and Third Master, let's go first."

Meng Lanyi wanted to hum, but her throat was so dry and sore that she couldn't make a sound, so she could only watch the people around her leave.

She stood still and took deep breaths to adjust her emotions.

She looked at the person standing beside her just now, and went to call Ye Hanzhi and Ye Tingjue.

Looking at Ye Hanzhi, Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe left together.

Before leaving, Ye Hanzhi raised his hand to touch Tang Zhixi's face, and said something to Lu Shang and Zhenlei before leaving.

It turns out that the man who can't let go of a woman in his eyes will one day be so gentle to a woman, full of love, pity, and pampering.

This Tang Zhixi is really powerful, she can make a man see her all in one's eyes.

If she had known that Ye Hanzhi could be conquered, what would she do in the military region?Just stay by his side, just play some tricks.

She tried so hard to match him, to make him take another look.

It can't just be snatched away by others.

Since he would like a woman, she must have a way to make him like herself.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

Meng Lanyi was thinking, when a voice suddenly appeared behind her, which startled her.

Listening to the voice, she recognized it, it was his younger brother, Meng Yao.

She turned around, but she didn't hide the disgust, jealousy, unwillingness, and ambition in her eyes.He said directly: "What are you doing? Walking silently, who are you trying to scare to death?"

Seeing her trembling, Meng Yao looked at the look in her eyes again, and said casually, "You were thinking about something, and you didn't notice it, so blame me. What's the matter? Who made you angry. Tell my brother."

This younger brother of hers is two years younger than her. He is idle and a veritable son-in-law.But the relationship between the two of them has always been good.

Meng Lanyi glanced at him, but didn't expect him to do anything for her.I just wanted to talk to him about my troubles, Shun Shun said, "That woman. Ye Han's girlfriend."

Meng Yao squinted his eyes and said: "I can't see the appearance clearly, but I have a good figure."

"It's Tang Zhixi."

"Oh. That star." Meng Yao said, "I know her, she is very beautiful. She is Ye Hanzhi's girlfriend."


Meng Yao looked again, and then smiled and said, "Is it because of this that you are angry? A star, besides being good-looking, has nothing but wants to enter the door of the Ye family."

Meng Lanyi didn't speak.

Meng Yao went on to say: "Sister, when did you put such a person in your eyes? Men like to play. Wait until he gets tired of playing with those ostentatious things outside. The one who wants to marry back home has to be People who are excellent in all aspects and who can afford to be the mistress of the house."

Meng Lanyi thought so too.But today she suddenly changed her mind.The sense of crisis has never been as strong as it is now.

This woman is not simple, very not simple.

Although she couldn't figure out why she, a person from Hanqing Village, would have such marksmanship for the time being, she still had to guard against it.

"Her marksmanship is very good." Meng Lanyi said, "It's almost on par with Ye Hanzhi."

"Really?" Meng Yao was surprised, then looked at Tang Zhixi from a distance, and said, "It's not like that."

The two were silent for a while, and Meng Yao said again: "So because of this, I'm not happy."

Meng Lanyi didn't say a word, she acquiesced.

Meng Yao smiled and said, "Sister, you grew up here. You can still let her steal the spot."

Meng Lanyi looked up at him.

"So what's wrong with being good at marksmanship?" Meng Yao said, "You've also grown up with guns since childhood. Do you remember the games we played when we were young?"

A momentary smile flashed across Meng Lanyi's eyes.

Meng Yao also smiled and said, "Let's go, let's get the place back. Let everyone see who is capable of being Mrs. Ye."

After Tang Zhixi got over her addiction, she sat in the back and watched Gu Xia and the others play.

While looking at them, he talked to Nan Cheng.Let him honor these uncles, uncles and brothers in the future.

Nan Cheng nodded and said that they would all save a pension for them.

Zhen Lei laughed and said, "Let's open a nursing home and put us all in it. When we get old, we'll all play together."

Tang Zhixi smiled and said, "That's a good suggestion."

While chatting, a whistle sounded not far away.Tang Zhixi and the others looked up.

I saw Meng Lanyi and a man walking over.

The two are five or six points similar.Although Tang Zhixi had never met this man, he could guess that he should be related to Meng Lanyi by blood.

The expressions of Lu Shang and Zhenlei both changed.

They all knew that there was a small part of the news that Meng Lanyi was appointed as the future wife of their third master.

Even Lihuo's child still thinks that Meng Lanyi should be their third master's wife.

These two people appearing here now, it is obvious that the comers are not good.

Zhenlei and Lu Shang immediately walked up to the two of them, and said with a smile: "Miss Meng, Young Master Meng. The third master was called away by the commander just now, so he is not here."

Meng Yao smiled and said: "It's okay, we won't look for the third master. We just see that there are many people here, so we can join in the fun."

Zhenlei rubbed his hands together and said with a smile: "Master Meng, when the third master left, he specifically ordered that no one else be allowed to approach. Don't make it difficult for us to be subordinates."

"How can we be regarded as other people?" Meng Yao said sternly.

Meng Lanyi went directly to get a revolver.Zhen Lei wanted to stop her, but when he saw her holding a gun, he and Lu Shang blocked Tang Zhixi and Nan Cheng immediately.

Watching their movements, Meng Lanyi chuckled, then lowered her head and loaded six bullets into the revolver.

After loading it, she aimed at the target not far away.

Six shots were fired in a row, and the guns were shot ten times.

Gu Xia was right next to her, seeing this, her beautiful peach eyes slightly raised, and said: "Not bad."

"That's not bad, brother, do you understand it?" Meng Yao said.

"I really don't understand this level." Gu Xia disassembled a pistol next to him, and then assembled it again, "After all, I was at this level when I first touched the gun."

"Big words." Meng Lanyi said.

After the woman walked over and took a look at his sister, Gu Xia knew that she was here to find fault, so she was not polite.He shrugged: "I understand, mediocre people can't understand us geniuses."

Meng Lanyi glanced at him again, ignored him, but passed Zhen Lei and Lu Shang, looked at Tang Zhixi and said, "Do you dare to compare?"

(End of this chapter)

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