Chapter 248

After all, Nan Cheng was a child, and the adults were frightened, let alone a nine-year-old child.

Tang Zhixi looked down at him for a while and said, "It's not all right."

"What if?"

"Not in case."

"How do you know there's nothing wrong with it?" Nan Cheng asked back.

"I know the bullets I fired." Tang Zhixi said lightly.

"You are making too much sense." Nan Cheng said.

"You're still making trouble for no reason."

Several other big men: "."

Nan Cheng couldn't speak, he just wanted to be angry, to make trouble, so that she would have a long memory, so she couldn't play with her own life.

"Let go." Tang Zhixi's voice became a little colder, "Don't be endless."

Nan Cheng's little milk fat bulged a little more, staring at her, hugging her leg and not letting go.

"Let go."

"I don't, you apologize, and then promise not to do this in the future."

"Are you itching again?"

Nan Cheng stared at her without speaking.

Tang Zhixi looked at him with lowered eyes, and said after a while: "Don't force me to beat you."

"You are authoritarian!" Nan Cheng said viciously.

"What's wrong with my autocracy?"

"I am. I."

Xiao Nancheng was obviously not as high as Tang Zhixi, so he didn't know what to say.Even the arrogance was reduced by half.

The rest of the men just watched the excitement, and none of them wanted to step forward to support him.

Just watched him lose.

Tang Zhixi said, "Will you go?"

"I, I..." Nan Cheng thought for a while, and decided to use a lore.He said: "You promise not to do this in the future. Otherwise. Otherwise, I will send a message to my father to sue."

The few people present, except Ye Hanzhi, didn't know much about Nan Cheng's life experience.

Even Gu Xia didn't know very well, anyway, when he met Tang Zhixi, this child was there.

He didn't ask too much, the only thing he knew was that the child had no blood relationship with her.

Ye Tingjue knew even less.

At this time, when his father was mentioned, he immediately looked at Ye Hanzhi.

But Ye Hanzhi looked at the big and the young with a smile on his face, but raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing Nan Cheng's words, and then observed Tang Zhixi's reaction.

There is nothing else, such as jealousy, jealousy, or unhappiness.

Tang Zhixi lowered her head, looked at Nan Cheng and narrowed her eyes.

Xiao Nan Cheng's heart skipped a few times because of her eyes, but he still responded, "I'll tell him now."

After speaking, she let go of her leg with one arm and went to get the phone.

Tang Zhixi watched as he opened his own mobile phone, and found the mobile phone number that Nan Xiao had been using before.

After Nan Xiao passed away, this mobile phone number has not been cancelled, and she will pay for the mobile phone card every year.

Tang Zhixi suddenly grabbed Nan Cheng's hand: "It's almost done, are you finished?"

Seeing that she seemed to have compromised a bit, Nan Cheng whispered, "Then can you guarantee that you won't gamble with your life in the future?"

"I didn't." Tang Zhixi's patience was about to run out, and she didn't bother to explain, so she said, "Yes."



"If you promise, you will do it." Nan Chengdao, "You are an adult, you have to keep your word and lead by example."

Ye Hanzhi and the others looked at Tang Zhixi and took a light breath, then they all smiled.

"Yes." Tang Zhixi responded coldly.

Nan Cheng's eyes were red and he was immediately happy.

"let go."

Nan Cheng let go, turned around and grabbed Ye Hanzhi's pants.Then she raised her head and blinked at him.

The little girl looked like she was saying, "Look, I have a way."

The corner of Ye Hanzhi's mouth twitched, and he raised his hand to press his head.

Tang Zhixi had a panoramic view of their expressions and movements, then looked at Ye Hanzhi, paused and said, "Okay, there are you two."

Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, "I dare not take credit for Nan Cheng's contribution."

Tang Zhixi glanced at him again, walked forward slowly without saying a word.

Gu Xia followed behind them, looking at Ye Hanzhi and Nan Cheng.

The former Nan Cheng didn't dare to do this at all. Since Ye Hanzhi appeared, not only his sister is not so cold, but even little Nan Cheng has changed.

This man is really amazing.

In the blink of an eye, it was September NO.16. A few days ago, all the machines were set up in Jujia School.

In the classroom, avoid disturbing the students, so the entire classroom is equipped with 360-degree high-definition cameras of Andre, and no photographer enters.

Two classes were used to record the variety show.

These two classes were approved by the school, parents and students.

These matters have been negotiated since the beginning of school, and those who disagreed were transferred to other classes.

Jujia is a royal private school in the imperial capital.

Those who can come in are definitely rich.Or those who are particularly good at studying, in order to increase the school's enrollment rate, tuition fees are waived.

Especially for the two classes participating in the recording of variety shows, if the school is divided into grades, the average grade of the class can be said to be relatively poor.

After all, the school is reluctant to let top students participate in the recording.

However, although their grades are relatively not very good, their family backgrounds are better than the other.

Jujia's many years of tradition, these two classes are called the prince class, which shows how rich they are.

And because of this, the management of these two classes is relatively lax.

But because we need to record the program and let everyone see the hard work of the third-year students, the requirements for them are the same as other classes in the past two weeks.

The day before the recording, the director, producer, and eight people who participated in the recording had a meal together, talked about the recording process, and got to know each other by the way.

Anyway, the program team has already communicated with the teachers of each subject. What the eight of them have to do is, after entering, just listen to the teacher's words.

And it was a closed recording for two weeks.

Except for Saturdays and Sundays in the middle, you can go home or leave school like the boarding students.Must be in school the rest of the time.

Noon and night are not allowed to go out.

The only consolation is that I can use my mobile phone after returning to the dormitory.

After Tang Zhixi met with the program crew, after returning home at night, she began to pack her clothes and daily necessities.

Zhou Kening and Jiang Nian had been back to Yancheng for a while, and they both came again at noon yesterday.

After the two returned to the villa, they packed Tang Zhixi's things together.

Meanwhile, Tang Zhixi and Ye Hanzhi snatched Nan Cheng's game controller in the living room and were playing games.

Xiao Nancheng stood by and looked at the two of them resentfully, trying to make them feel guilty.

But the two of them were chatting while playing, and they didn't care about him, the person standing by the side.

So he stood for a while and went to play the piano by himself.

Seeing him leave, Ye Hanzhi said while playing a game, "The artists who record variety shows this time are generally very young."

"Is there?" Tang Zhixi asked, "Is Duan Nian young?"

"Except for Duan Nian, the other four are very young." Ye Hanzhi stared at the game and said.

another four
Eight people, three girls, in addition to Duan Nian, the other four, this is specifically referring to.

Tang Zhixi raised the corner of her mouth and said, "Oh, it seems that they are not very old, one is only nineteen."

Ye Hanzhi turned his head and glanced at her.Taking advantage of this glance, Tang Zhixi made a quick operation and defeated Ye Hanzhi's side in the game.

On the huge screen, the letters KO appeared on his half.

Ye Hanzhi didn't care, put down the handle, looked at Tang Zhixi and said, "What's wrong with Nineteen?"

"Nineteen. Young and simple." Tang Zhixi looked into his eyes and said, "Vigorous and energetic."

Even knowing that she did it on purpose, Ye Hanzhi's pupils still trembled.

He dragged her chin with his tiger's jaw, and said in a harsh voice, "Are you angry at me again?"

"You said it yourself." Tang Zhixi looked at him calmly.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her eyebrows, seeing how proud she was of achieving her goal, and there was nothing he could do about her.In the end, I could only kiss her on the lips, and said: "Little girl, you have a boyfriend. No matter how young or good-looking others are, I don't want to look at them too much. Do you understand?"

Tang Zhixi slightly raised the corner of her mouth, then raised her hand to hook his chin and said, "Don't worry, you're taking advantage of your age."

"What a bargain."

Tang Zhixi pulled his hand down, then stood up and said, "I respect the old for cheap."


Ye Hanzhi was about to reach out to pull her, but Tang Zhixi predicted it first and took a step forward.

After taking this step, she turned around and slightly raised her eyebrows at Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Hanzhi: "."

 still code
(End of this chapter)

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