The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 249 Variety Show Recording

Chapter 249 Variety Show Recording
The program "Going to School" is going to be recorded, and some artists who participated in the recording have been revealed on the Internet.

So there have been attacks on Tang Zhixi on the Internet.

Of course, good, positive, and encouraging comments are still the majority.

Only a small part is attacking, but it's disgusting enough.

This part of bad reviews can be roughly divided into two categories, one is about the current actors, who entered the show business circle to make money in the variety show circle.

Another part is attacking her for not going to school and not having a degree.

He was saying that she didn't even have a primary school diploma, so why should she participate in the high school recording.

As for these, Tang Zhixi and the others still treated them coldly as if they hadn't seen them.

In fact, Tang Zhixi's Weibo was rarely updated except to promote things.It is also rare to respond to the remarks of some marketing accounts on the Internet or the comments of black fans.

Not even a picture of her.

Most of them are stills.

When there is no publicity for the new drama, Tang Zhixi seems to disappear from the world.

I can't usually take pictures, and there is no news on the Internet.

In the beginning, everyone searched for her online all day long, but gradually they got used to it and became enlightened.

The recording time of the program group is kept secret, in order to prevent various media or fans from coming to surround the school gate.

But on the day of the recording, there were still media and fans arriving at the school gate.

It's just that he was dismissed before any small disturbances were caused.

Because Ye Hanzhi sent someone to stand guard at the gate early in the morning.Not only the gate, but the whole school, from one end to the other, were all standing there.

Any suspicious person approaching will be asked to leave.

Not to mention the kind of media that carry machines.

It was the day when boarding students and day students returned to school, and there was a row of people standing at the door.

Moreover, the logo of the Imperial Capital Ye family is so obvious.

They are all mixed in the imperial capital, and the high school students have begun to be sensible.

Not only the media, fans.Even the parents of the students panicked seeing so many people.

That's the Ye family.

There has never been a day when the gate of the school has been as smooth as today.Although it is also very congested, compared to before, the ceiling is already unobstructed without anyone directing it. ,

No one knew what happened, they thought it was someone from the Ye family who came to inspect the school.

The media didn't even dare to secretly take pictures.

In fact, it was just that Ye Sanye was afraid that there would be too many people, adding trouble to the already crowded entrance.And when there are too many people, it is easy to have any surprises.

Still students.

It would be fine if they were fans, they wouldn't cause trouble to the master, at most they just wanted to meet from a distance, and they were very sensible at this time.

I am afraid that there will be unscrupulous media, or unscrupulous people with the number one fan.

Even if there is nothing to do, you have to make trouble.

The most important thing is that if something happens, Tang Zhixi will definitely be implicated.

So Ye Sanye put an end to this matter directly from the source.

And the program team came here during the morning self-study time.

By the time everyone arrived, I had already gone to self-study for 10 minutes.There was silence at the door, and the members of the Ye family even checked the surrounding areas for any sneak shots.

Even the trash on the ground was picked up.

Not only is it quiet, it's also clean.

"I'm leaving." Tang Zhixi said in the car.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her anxiously: "I won't see you in five days."

"It's not like we haven't seen each other for five days." Tang Zhixi was wearing a very simple sportswear, and her hair was tied into a high ponytail.

There was no makeup on her face.

"Remember to call me at night." Ye Hanzhi said.

"It depends."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Tang Zhixi felt a little pitiful seeing him like that.So he paused, took the initiative to kiss his face, then opened the car door and got out.

A series of movements were neat and neat, and that kiss was like an old man comforting his concubine.

Yes, it's a concubine, the kind that even the right lady can't get along with.

Ye Hanzhi looked at Tang Zhixi's back that could be said to be leaving gracefully, and after a while, he raised his hand to touch his face.

All right, my concubine is my concubine.This is the only kiss in the next five days.

Except for the classroom, photography teachers are required to follow in other places.

Several seats followed.

Since the eight people gathered at the door, everyone put on the microphone, and the camera never left them.

After entering the school, the assistant cannot follow.

So I carry my suitcases by myself.

When they arrived at the school, the life teacher led them to get the school uniform, and then went to the dormitory.

During the process of picking up the school uniform, the life teacher introduced the rules of the dormitory to everyone.

"Wake up at 06:30 in the morning. Go to morning self-study on time at [-] o'clock." The life teacher said, "But... some students will get up early. Washing is in the public area. The dormitory assigned to you is relatively close to the washing area, and it may be very busy in the morning. Quarrel."

While listening, Duan Nian took the suitcase from Tang Zhixi's hand.Tang Zhixi was not polite, and gave it to him directly, then put her hand in her pocket.

Cold and solemn, people dare not get too close.

"Teacher, how many people do we sleep in?" one of the girls asked.

"Six people sleep." The teacher said: "You three girls are together, and there are three students."

Tang Zhixi looked at the girl who asked the question, and after a while, her eyes fell on her hands.

Director Feng has given information to each of the few people who participated in the variety show.

This girl's name is Fu Xue.She is a singer, and there is an introduction in her profile that she is a student of the Palace Orchestra.Learn pipa.

"Is there a camera in the dormitory?" Wei Xingmian asked,

There were three girls in total, Tang Zhixi, Wei Xingmian, and Fu Xue.

"Well." The teacher said, "Turn off the lights at ten o'clock in the evening, and at 09:30, the dormitory teacher will turn off the camera. After it is turned off, no one can open it except the fingerprint of the dormitory teacher. If you feel unsafe, you can directly cover it." superior."

"Are the fingerprints on all the cameras now? Are they so advanced?" a boy asked.

"Of course." The life teacher smiled, "The smart technology of the Yunji Consortium is of course advanced."

"I'll go, Yunji." The boy's eyes seemed to be shining.

Tang Zhixi glanced at him and raised her eyebrows slightly.This is the 19-year-old boy I told Ye Hanzhi last night.

A top student at Teikyo University, he graduated from university when he was young.

It's called Yue Guyuan.

University major is software engineering.

After graduation, I want to keep postgraduate studies, but I rejected the school's recommendation.Instead, he went to the studio and filmed for a year.

Mainly the play is pretty good.

Tang Zhixi didn't pay much attention to it when they were having dinner together yesterday, but today she took a look.Good looking, red lips and white teeth.

"Class ends at 12:30 noon. Meal time is from 12:30 to [-]:[-]." The life teacher continued, "You can rest in the dormitory from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-]. Note that lunch cannot be brought to the dormitory. Other snacks are also not allowed." Okay. After returning to the dormitory in a while, I will search your suitcases."

Tang Zhixi: "."

"Afterwards, the school rules will be sent to you. You need to memorize the school rules and strictly abide by them." The teacher said, "We will check."

"When I was in school, I didn't expect that I would have to memorize the school rules when I was over 20." One of the boys said.

"When I was in school, I didn't even know that our school had school rules."

Duan Nian laughed and said: "So if you come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later."

Several people laughed: "Yeah, if I worked hard in my third year of high school, maybe my face would already be on the list of outstanding figures of the year at Imperial Capital University."

"Guyuan is there." Fu Xue said, "On the list."

"Thank you, thank you." Yue Guyuan said, "It's just that my brain is developing too fast, and it has nothing to do with me."

"It has nothing to do with you, are you a human brain separated?"

"It doesn't have to be so scary, I'm not very courageous."

Several people laughed again, Tang Zhixi also raised the corners of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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