The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 268 Be Your Sister-in-Law?

Chapter 268 Be Your Sister-in-Law?

Tang Zhixi stayed in the office for half a class, and when she came out, she went directly to the rooftop.

While pushing open the door of the rooftop, she dialed Luo Nanchen's phone number.

There was a dialing sound from the phone, and she also saw Chu Qingyan standing on the roof looking down.

Chu Qingyan happened to look over when she heard the sound of the door opening.

Tang Zhixi looked at her, raised her eyebrows, and closed the door behind her back.

As soon as he was about to speak, Luo Nanchen answered the phone and said, "Xiao Jiu, have you come to Tianshu? Are you downstairs? I'll pick you up in person?"

Tang Zhixi walked to Chu Qingyan's side, and after listening to Luo Nanchen's chatter, as if she didn't hear him, she said calmly, "Help me check someone."

Luo Nanchen: "."

"Jiang Wan, 15 years old, a student in Class 36 of Jujia Private High School." Tang Zhixi continued, "I want all the information. Family, experience, including his interpersonal relationship at school. And the people he often comes into contact with , impression and evaluation of him."

Chu Qingyan looked at her, her eyes darkened.

"Who is this person? He's only fifteen, does it have anything to do with our affairs?" Luo Nanchen asked.

"Helping others." Tang Zhixi also looked at Chu Qingyan, and raised the corners of her mouth at her.

Luo Nanchen: "Aren't you tired? You can't handle your own affairs, and you still help others."

"I've been quite free recently." Tang Zhixi said, "Just looking for something to do. Kill some time."

"If you are free, come to Tianshu to help me for two days."

Tang Zhixi laughed: "Hurry up and check it out for me, the sooner the better."

"Understood." Luo Nanchen said, "Hurry up with your question, I will release the news tonight."

"Leave the news first, I don't have a computer at hand."


After hanging up the phone, Tang Zhixi looked at Chu Qingyan and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?" Chu Qingyan asked back.


"Can't you find a place where no one is around and fight secretly?"

"Didn't I think there was no one here?" Tang Zhixi smiled.

"Then you still say it to my face."

"Yes, someone overheard the call." The look in Tang Zhixi's eyes turned cold, like a sharp sword, pointed at Chu Qingyan, "Then I should shut it down."

Chu Qingyan was taken aback by her appearance, and subconsciously took a step back.

Tang Zhixi immediately took a step forward.

"what are you doing?"

Tang Zhixi looked at her, and for a moment, laughed.

Chu Qingyan: "."

Tang Zhixi smiled lowly, even with a smile, she was cold, steady, and mature.

"Why are you laughing, don't laugh!" Chu Qingyan said angrily.

"Well, don't laugh." Tang Zhixi smiled.

"Then what are you doing? You're lying to a fool!" Chu Qingyan looked at her for a while, then covered her mouth with her hand, "Stop laughing!"

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows and looked at her with a smile on her face.After a while, he pulled her hand down, stopped teasing her, and rubbed her head by the way: "Stop laughing."

Chu Qingyan snorted softly, ignored her, and looked in the direction of the playground from the rooftop.

Tang Zhixi didn't speak any more, and looked at the people on the playground, running and fighting.

They are not the only class in the physical education class on the playground.There are other classes.

Yue Guyuan and Duan Nian were playing basketball with the students. They were both wearing school uniforms, so there was no sense of disobedience.

A group of little girls were watching around, and there would be screams from time to time.

Fu Xue was also watching from the stands, with her as the center, surrounded by many girls and many boys, chatting and laughing, everyone talked very happily.

Tang Zhixi and Chu Qingyan watched from the rooftop. After a while, Chu Qingyan asked, "Do you have any trouble with Fu Xue? Why is she always talking about you?"

"I just met her when I was recording the show, so what's wrong with her?" Tang Zhixi didn't care too much.

Fu Xue's mentality was actually nothing more than being used to being surrounded. Suddenly, because there was one more person, her attention decreased and she felt unhappy.

After all, since the recording of the show, everyone had dinner together that night. Whether it was Duan Nian, Director Feng, or the staff, and others who recorded the variety show together, they were all very polite and even respectful to her.

Everyone is in the entertainment industry.

She has the identity of a Jiuxi screenwriter, whoever wants to get close to her.

The higher the attention paid to her, the lower the attention paid to Fu Xue.

He has been excellent since he was a child, and he has been surrounded by people.Being suddenly robbed of the limelight made me feel uncomfortable.

So Tang Zhixi didn't take her seriously.

But this Meng Jingyi, she thinks this girl is probably her black fan.

No matter what I do, this little girl is not pleasing to the eye.

"Do you know why Meng Jingyi doesn't like you?" Chu Qingyan asked.

"Why?" Tang Zhixi looked at her and said.

"It is not ruled out that she is your black fan, but there is another reason." Chu Qingyan said, "She is Meng Lanyi's cousin. Meng Lanyi, do you know who it is?"

Tang Zhixi: "."

Tang Zhixi rarely showed her emotions, so Chu Qingyan didn't know whether she knew her or not.

"It's the eldest lady of the Meng family. You know the Meng family. She has a very good relationship with the Ye family."

Tang Zhixi saw her suddenly getting excited, and the expression on her face gradually became inquiring.this little girl.
Chu Qingyan moved closer to her again: "Meng Lanyi has been going to Ye's house so often, even I have heard of it. Many people in the imperial capital say that Meng Lanyi is Ye Hanzhi's future wife."

Tang Zhixi saw that there was a smirk in her peach eyes, she smiled and said, "What do you want to say?"

Chu Qingyan smiled slyly: "I heard that Ye Hanzhi is a fool, and there are many women around him."

"and then?"

"Do you want to consider our Chu family?" Chu Qingyan said with a smile, "My brother is handsome, he is very gentle, and his private life is also very clean. In terms of family background, our Chu family and Ye family are also comparable."

"Ah, you want me to be your sister-in-law."

Chu Qingyan scratched her cheek, looked away and looked elsewhere, pretending not to care much and said: "I just think you are a nice person."

"Oh." Tang Zhixi took out her phone, tapped it twice casually, and put it next to her ear, "I'll ask Ye Hanzhi if he agrees."

"!!!!!!" Chu Qingyan's eyes widened, and after a moment of stupefaction, she immediately went to grab her cell phone, "I'm just kidding, why are you still suing! Don't tell him, don't tell him!"

Chu Qingyan rushed over to grab the phone, Tang Zhixi took the phone away, wrapped her other arm around her neck, hooked her neck, and put the undialed phone into her school uniform pocket.Then pinched her face and said: "Little girl, if your third uncle gets angry, he will suffer for a hundred miles around. So be good and don't talk nonsense."

"You let me go first."

"Promise me not to talk nonsense first." Tang Zhixi pinched your face again.

Chu Qingyan was bent over by her, clutching her clothes.Reluctantly said: "Stop talking."

Tang Zhixi let go of her with a smile.

But as soon as she was let go, Chu Qingyan felt revengeful, like a kitten, slapping Tang Zhixi with both hands: "Ah, you actually bullied me, you actually bullied me."

Her beating didn't do any real damage, and it wasn't enough to tickle it, so Tang Zhixi didn't move, and let her vent her anger while smiling.

 Haven't read the typo yet, in the code word
(End of this chapter)

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