The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 269 Help Me Find Nine Gods

Chapter 269 Help Me Find Nine Gods

Ye Hanzhi has been staring at the program test for the past two days, and he didn't go home after dinner, planning to work overtime at the company.

After eating, he took advantage of some free time to call Chu Yimo.

He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office on the top floor of the company building, overlooking the night view of the entire city.

Wearing a black shirt, he took off the agarwood bracelet and held it in his left hand, rubbing it.Holding the phone in his right hand, he waited for Chu Yimo to answer.

It rang for a long time before the other side connected.

"What's wrong?" Chu Yimo asked.

Ye Hanzhi said directly: "I want to rent the Doomsday Hotel in the Imperial Capital."

"What?" Chu Yimo thought he heard it wrong, "What did you say? What did you pack?"

"Your hotel." Ye Hanzhi repeated in a low voice.

"Why pack it?" Chu Yimo was puzzled, "Why do you want to use the entire Doomsday Hotel?"

Ye Hanzhi looked at the reflection on the glass, his long and narrow eyes were stained with a little smile: "Marriage proposal."

"What? What are you doing?" Chu Yimo now not only thinks that he heard wrong, but even thinks that the caller is not Ye Hanzhi.So he took another look at the caller ID.

Then there was a sudden silence.

He knew Ye Hanzhi too well, so when he heard the word "marriage proposal", he was so surprised that he couldn't make a sound.

Ye Hanzhi was in a good mood when he thought of this incident, so Chu Yimo didn't make a sound for a while, and he didn't remind him.

After a while, Chu Yimo said: "No, then what. If you propose, you can use the banquet hall, or whatever. Why are you renting out the entire hotel?"

"she likes."

Chu Yimo: "."

"She likes it and doesn't need to book the entire Doomsday Hotel. I'll just reserve the best room for you two." Chu Yimo said, "There are so many rooms available for you two to visit one by one. One night."

"Yimo. If it wasn't for the Doomsday Hotel, it would belong to your family. It has the surname Ye now."

Chu Yimo: ".I have to thank you."

"You're welcome."

Chu Yimo breathed a sigh of relief, then paused and said, "Which days are included? I have to make arrangements in advance. There are people who are checking in now, and there are people who are scheduled to stay every day. They have to be arranged in advance."

"Next week, from Friday to Sunday." Ye Hanzhi said, "It will definitely be available. No one will stay in the Doomsday Hotel for more than a week. Unless he wants to go bankrupt."

Chu Yimo snorted: "Really? Then you went bankrupt?"

"I have money." Ye Hanzhi said with a smile, "Except for the price of those three days, all the losses of the Doomsday Hotel during this period are mine."

"if not?"

Ye Hanzhi laughed, "Hang up."

"Wait a minute." Chu Yimo stopped him, "On the top floor, don't move Qingge and Qingyan's rooms."


"En." Chu Yimo responded, "Do you need brother to go back and witness your important moment?"

"No need." Ye Hanzhi refused very simply, "I think you are an eyesore."

Chu Yimo: ".heavy color"

Ye Hanzhi interrupted him and said, "Hang up."

Then it really hangs up.

After hanging up, Ye Hanzhi stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looked down at the agarwood bracelet in his hand, and laughed for a moment.

The office door was knocked twice, and Ye Hanzhi suppressed his smile.Putting on the agarwood bracelet, he turned and returned to the desk.

After knocking for three seconds, Lu Shang and Zhen Lei pushed the door open and came in.

Zhenlei's eyes couldn't hide his excitement, but Lu Shang was more normal.

The two walked to the desk, and Lu Shang said: "Third Master, Tianshu announced the date for the selection of members. Jiushen participated in the formulation of the questions."

Ye Hanzhi leaned back into the chair, looked at the two of them, and slightly parted his lips, "You showed up?"

"Yes." Lu Shang said.

Zhen Lei nodded heavily.

"That means he is still alive." Ye Hanzhi said softly.

Zhen Lei nodded again.

Lu Shang was waiting for instructions.

Ye Hanzhi looked at Zhen Lei, and after looking at him for two seconds, he looked away again and looked at his mobile phone.

Zhenlei's eyes were shining when he looked over, with an expression on his face that he was about to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility.But after Ye Hanzhi looked away disgustedly, his expression immediately went limp.

"Third Master?" Zhen Lei was puzzled.

Ye Hanzhi looked up at him: "What are you doing?"

"Don't we, don't we want to catch the Nine Gods?" Zhen Lei said.

"Can you catch it?" Ye Hanzhi asked softly, "Can I count on you?"

"I am making progress recently."

"Has Tianshu's defense system been breached?"

Zhen Lei: "."

Lu Shang clenched his fist with his right hand and pressed it to his mouth to cover up his smile.

"Okay, you lead someone to follow." Ye Hanzhi said, "What if Jiushen's head twitched and you ran into him."

Zhen Lei: "."

Lu Shang lowered his head, not daring to let himself laugh in front of Ye Hanzhi.

At school, after evening self-study, only 5 minutes after Tang Zhixi returned to the dormitory, Ye Hanzhi called.

Coincidentally, Fu Xue saw the cell phone thrown on the table again.

Tang Zhixi ignored Fu Xue's gaze, picked up her phone and went to the balcony to answer the call.

The two chatted for a while, and Tang Zhixi asked, "Is Nan Cheng still in Ye Zhai?"

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi said, "I won't go back tonight, he slept with my parents."

Tang Zhixi: "."

"It's okay, my parents like him very much." After Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, he paused, "Little girl, you know Tianshu's Nine Gods, right?"

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows when she heard his words: "Yes."

"Have you hacked Tianshu's defense system?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

Tang Zhixi put her hand on the window sill of the balcony, tapped lightly with her fingertips in turn: "No."

"Why don't you try?" Ye Hanzhi said.

"Not interested." Tang Zhixi said lightly, "What's wrong?"

Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, "I have something to ask you."

Tang Zhixi narrowed her eyes: "Say it."

"The selection date for Tianshu's members has been confirmed. Nine Gods participated in the drafting of the questions." Ye Hanzhi said, "I want to know her whereabouts."

Tang Zhixi: "."

"Can you?" Although Ye Hanzhi was asking, he was full of confidence in Tang Zhixi.

Since he participated in the formulation of the question, it means that Jiushenhui has acted on the Internet.

This is equivalent to blindly looking for someone on the huge network, the dark web, and suddenly giving a target.

At least I know that she has been active during this period, although I don't know the exact date.

But for Jiushen's level, it doesn't matter whether it has appeared on the Internet or not.

Someone will definitely try to find it, but in the end there will only be one result, and no trace can be found.

But others will be afraid of Jiushen's hacking technology.Ye Hanzhi won't, no matter if he has a target or not, he will always look for it.

He doesn't care about the process, he just wants the result.

If you offend the Yunji Consortium, it's impossible to get out of the way.Unless the Jiushen is dead, he will keep looking until he finds it.

"What if I can't find it?" Tang Zhixi said.

"I believe in you." Ye Hanzhi had seen her ability when she was looking for Chu Qingyan, and he despised Luo Nanchen like a crush.

"Believe me that much?"

"of course."

"For the sake of your trust, I will give you a dose of reassurance." Tang Zhixi smiled.


"It's very simple." Tang Zhixi said lightly.

Ye Hanzhi smiled: "Then I will wait for the good news."

"Yes." Tang Zhixi responded, "I'll tell you later."

"it is good."


 I stand in front of you
(End of this chapter)

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