Chapter 274

"Tingjue, Chu Qingyan was taken away by Ye Sheng again." After receiving Tang Zhixi's call, Ye Hanzhi took the car keys and called Ye Tingjue while walking out.

After he finished speaking, he heard the sound of something hitting the ground from the phone.

Ye Hanzhi left the office and glanced at Lu Shang and Zhenlei outside.

The two immediately understood, put down their work and followed him.

Ye Hanzhi asked Ye Tingjue, "Apart from her mobile phone, does she have any other positioning devices?"

Only relying on the monitoring of an intersection, vehicles can easily be lost.So Ye Hanzhi asked.


Chu Qingyan has been wearing a long life lock necklace since she was taken away by Ye Sheng last time.Ye Tingjue secretly let go of the positioning device in the longevity lock while she was asleep.

But he never looked at her position.

It's just to prevent her from encountering any danger after installing it.

"Notify the Chu family." Ye Hanzhi said, "I'll ask Lu Shang and Zhen Lei to take people there too."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Hanzhi had already got out of the elevator and arrived at the parking lot.He walked quickly to his parking space, and said as he walked: "You two take someone to meet Ting Jue, and ask him to locate."

Lu Shang, Zhen Lei: "Yes."

After the answer, the two left quickly.

Ye Hanzhi also got into the car immediately, and after fastening his seat belt, he and Tang Zhixi started location sharing.

Tang Zhixi quickly accepted it, Ye Hanzhi frowned seeing her moving speed, and immediately drove out of the parking lot.

Tang Zhixi was on the phone with Luo Nanchen all the time, and Luo Nanchen showed her the way from an intersection monitor, planning the shortest and fastest route.

"Xiao Jiu, turn left at the intersection of traffic lights ahead and enter the side road, there is a traffic jam ahead." Luo Nanchen said.

Tang Zhixi looked ahead with a cold expression and frost in her eyes.Hold the steering wheel with one hand and keep the other hand on the gear.

Arriving at the intersection of traffic lights ahead, he lightly turned the steering wheel with his hand, and turned into a side road in an instant.

"Xiao Jiu, two more suspicious vehicles have appeared. They just came from the school, and they are very fast, and the route seems to be chasing the commercial vehicle in front of you." Luo Nanchen stared at the vehicles with more than a dozen screens in front of him. , staring at the intersection surveillance, and also at Tang Zhixi's position.There are also several computers for him to work on.

It should be the Chu family guarding people near the school who got the news: "It should be the Chu family."

"The Chu family?"

"That girl is Chu Qingyan."

Luo Nanchen obviously took a deep breath: "I just checked, and the license plate numbers of these two cars are all decks. I can't find their identities."

"Jing Yanbai." After saying these three words, Tang Zhixi's expression turned cold again.

Luo Nanchen also fell silent for a moment.But at this time, he didn't ask too much, he was just pointing out the location for her.

Tang Zhixi's speed was always fast, and she avoided the traffic jam in a short while and took a detour from the side road.

Three minutes later, Luo Nanchen saw them on the same road from the surveillance camera.

It's just that the distance is so far that Tang Zhixi can't see the vehicle in front of her for the time being.

"Xiao Jiu, I tracked down a positioning device, which is synchronized with the two cars in front. And." Luo Nanchen tapped the keyboard again, "Ye Tingjue shared this positioning."

Tang Zhixi's eyelashes trembled, but Ye Hanzhi deliberately didn't tell her: "Send it to me."

"Okay." Luo Nanchen immediately sent her the location, paused, and then said, "Xiao Jiu, Jing Yanbai's people may not know that you are in the car, they will find you soon. Be careful .”

Tang Zhixi responded lightly, but didn't take it seriously, and stepped on the gas pedal again.

This section of the road is very spacious, and there are very few vehicles, except for one or two passing by occasionally.So Tang Zhixi stepped on the gas pedal to the end and chased after him.

The location of this Jujia school is a bit remote, and the two cars were going out, heading for the suburbs.

Whether it was Ye Hanzhi starting from the Yunji Consortium, or people from the Chu family and Ye family, or people sent by Luo Nanchen, the distance was very far.

Ye Hanzhi looked at the location on his phone, and saw that Tang Zhixi was moving faster and faster, and getting closer to Chu Qingyan's location.

He also became more and more anxious, his face became more and more serious, and the car continued to accelerate.

As for Tang Zhixi, as Luo Nanchen said, the two commercial vehicles in front quickly noticed Tang Zhixi following them.

Immediately one of them slowed down, while the other accelerated.

In less than a minute, Tang Zhixi caught up with the commercial vehicle.

Just when Tang Zhixi was about to overtake him, the commercial vehicle came directly towards her.

Tang Zhixi's car was very fast. If he hadn't predicted what they were going to do in advance and just ran into it, the whole car would have been turned into scrap metal in no time.

She put into gear, slowed down, and turned the steering wheel.The Bugatti turned almost 270 degrees directly.From the right rear of the commercial vehicle to their left rear.

And the commercial vehicle reacted quickly, and immediately backed up and hit it again.

Tang Zhixi also immediately put the reverse gear on, backed up quickly, and didn't touch it.

But after she backed up, without delay for a second, she immediately changed the gear back.Stepping on the accelerator, he directly hit the rear of the commercial vehicle.

It was very hard. Tang Zhixi leaned forward in the car due to inertia, and immediately leaned back on the seat.

The commercial vehicle was directly hit and turned [-] degrees.

Tang Zhixi didn't want to get entangled with them, so she reversed the car a little, and planned to continue chasing Chu Qingyan.

But the commercial vehicle blocked her again, and had a tendency to hit her again.

Tang Zhixi's eyes seemed to be bloodthirsty, she pursed her lips, her eyes were full of coldness, and she raised her eyebrows slightly.Then I shifted gears again, stepped on the accelerator and reversed for a while.

Luo Nanchen, who realized what she was going to do, immediately said: "Xiao Jiu! The Chu family is right behind and will be here soon. You don't need to take risks."

And the commercial vehicle also turned the car over, facing Tang Zhixi, as if it was going to confront her head-on.

Tang Zhixi didn't care what Luo Nanchen said, she held the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator.

Bugatti made a roar and rushed out like the wind

The commercial vehicle on the opposite side also started, and the speed was also very fast.

The two cars seemed to be heading towards the same end, but the commercial vehicle was playing psychological tactics, they were betting that Tang Zhixi would slow down and avoid it.

And just when the two cars were about to collide at an extremely fast speed, Tang Zhixi did turn the steering wheel.Also shifted gears.

The commercial car thought they were right, and ran into Tang Zhixi when Tang Zhixi was dodging.

But the moment the entire Bugatti avoided it, it turned in a circle.The tires rubbed against the ground and created a layer of smoke.

The commercial vehicle turned the steering wheel and didn't touch the Bugatti at all.

Instead, Bugatti slammed the commercial vehicle with the rear and body because it turned around.

The sound of ground rubbing, the sound of roaring vehicles, and the huge impact sound seemed to tear a hole in the surrounding air and hit the eardrums of people.
The commercial vehicle also turned the direction because of its fast speed.The Bugatti's tail flicked over, which was equivalent to giving him another force when he turned the direction.

Therefore, because of the inertia of the fast speed and the gravity of Bugatti, the commercial vehicle turned over directly.

Tang Zhixi made a precise judgment, there was no error of one second or one centimeter.With this strength, but also with this confidence.

Luo Nanchen watched from the monitor, and held her breath as soon as her car accelerated.Until she saw that she was fine and the car could still drive.After overturning the business car, he went after the car in front again, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

My heart was beating so fast that my hands were shaking.

After a while, he said: "Xiao Jiu, I will obey you."

And Tang Zhixi's expression did not change throughout the whole process, and he didn't even blink his eyes.

Knocked over someone and chased the car again
(End of this chapter)

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