Chapter 275

Because of being entangled for a while, Tang Zhixi pulled a long distance away from the commercial vehicle in front.

After arriving in the suburbs, there was no surveillance, Luo Nanchen couldn't see it, Tang Zhixi could only follow Chu Qingyan's location.

And it was a very rough road.

She drove the car too low and scraped the chassis all the way.

She didn't see the commercial vehicle until almost 10 minutes later, when she drove the car to a wilderness.

The place is overgrown with weeds and deserted.

Luo Nanchen looked at their moving positions, looked at the map and said: "There is an abandoned factory one kilometer ahead, and they probably have people there."

This means to tell Tang Zhixi that it is best to stop the car before arriving at the factory.

So Tang Zhixi caught up with the car, hit it three times in a row, and forced it to stop.

When the commercial vehicle stopped, Chu Qingyan immediately looked out.Before she was taken into the car, the mobile phone was thrown into the sewer beside the road.

She didn't even see who she called for help.

So when she saw Tang Zhixi get off from the dilapidated Bugatti outside, Chu Qingyan felt that the scene in front of her had faded.

It was even worse than when I was caught just now.

The people in the car saw a girl wearing a school uniform, and they all laughed.

They even completely forgot that they left a car to stop people just now, but they didn't stop them.

Hearing their mocking voices, Chu Qingyan glared at them, then struggled with her tied hands again, and remained motionless.

She was so angry that she kicked the seat next to her.

The leading man in the car opened the door, and all five men got out.

Chu Qingyan paused, and followed them out.

The men didn't take Tang Zhixi seriously, so Chu Qingyan got off the car, and they didn't refuse, and let her get off.

Tang Zhixi passed several men, and her eyes fell directly on Chu Qingyan.

He looked at her first, and felt relieved when he saw that she was not injured.

When Chu Qingyan saw her, her eyes were red with anxiety, and she said angrily, "Why are you here!"

Hearing her words, Tang Zhixi's stern expression subsided, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Little girl, you called me."

"You..." Chu Qingyan stomped her foot and didn't want to talk anymore.

When the leading man saw that they had finished speaking, he smiled and said, "Girl, you delivered this to the door yourself, so don't blame us."

Tang Zhixi looked away from Chu Qingyan, and looked at the man who spoke.The little smile in his eyes disappeared in an instant.

"Pretty pretty." Suddenly another man said, looking at Tang Zhixi and said, "The figure seems to be pretty good too."

Listening to what he said, Chu Qingyan raised her foot and kicked the man from behind.

The man staggered, immediately cursed, turned around and looked at Chu Qingyan, his eyes were full of sternness.

And the moment he got close to Chu Qingyan, Tang Zhixi raised her eyes to look at him, and moved forward.

Her movements were too fast and her strikes were so ruthless that none of the five men could react.

Seeing this situation, the driver in the driver's seat immediately got out of the car with a knife.

Chu Qingyan also stood and stayed where she was.Seeing her full of hostility and murderous aura, she knocked down all five men in less than 2 minutes.

At this moment, the driver took a knife and quickly stabbed her in the back.

Chu Qingyan's eyes widened, and she shouted, "Tang Zhixi!"

At the same time as she spoke, Tang Zhixi raised her leg sideways, kicked the driver in the stomach, and kicked him out.

She walked over and took the knife in his hand, then kicked him again, kicking him a distance, flattening the grass on the side.

Tang Zhixi walked to Chu Qingyan's side again, and helped her cut the rope that bound her hands.

"Are you injured?" Tang Zhixi looked at her broken wrist and asked with a frown.

Chu Qingyan turned around and looked at her without speaking.

Tang Zhixi glanced at her and smiled.Then he took a piece of paper from his pocket and wiped the blood on the back of his hand.

The fist hit them in the face just now, and the back of their hand was stained with blood.

After wiping the blood with lowered eyes, she took off her school uniform and put it on for Chu Qingyan, and said, "Scared?"

Afraid of scaring her, she was already restrained.

Chu Qingyan was still looking at her: "You"

Before he could finish speaking, the sound of a small vehicle suddenly came from ahead, and there was more than one vehicle.

It should be that the driver just informed the people in the factory in front before doing anything.

It was something Tang Zhixi expected.An organization like theirs must have a special contact method.Such as watches, or buttons.Click it, or destroy it, and their people can receive the message and locate them.

I don't know how many people there are in the factory, but there must be a lot of people to deal with the Ye family and the Chu family.

So Tang Zhixi took Chu Qingyan away in no hurry.

Because whether it was the Bugatti she was driving or the commercial vehicle she forced to stop, they were all scrap cars now.

Chu Qingyan glanced forward, while Tang Zhixi stuffed her directly into the car.

"What are you doing?" Chu Qingyan looked at her and asked.

Tang Zhixi also got into the car, turned around and found a gun.She opened it and looked at the magazine, it was full.Then he gave it to Chu Qingyan: "I know how to use it."

Chu Qingyan touched the gun and nodded.

"Take it for self-defense."

"What about you?"

Tang Zhixi shook the knife in her hand: "This is the outskirts of Beijing, and there are a lot of them. The first choice is close combat. Unless it is absolutely necessary, I don't know how to use a gun. There is too much movement."

While she was talking, she heard the vehicles had reached the surrounding area and stopped, one after another.

Then there was the sound of driving the door, people getting down, and closing the car door.

Tang Zhixi glanced out, rubbed Chu Qingyan's head and said, "Don't be afraid. Your third uncle, your elder brother Tingjue, and your family members are all on the way."

Chu Qingyan was afraid that Tang Zhixi would get off the car, so she grabbed her wrist: "How long will it take?"

Before Tang Zhixi got out of the car, she looked at Ye Hanzhi's location, thought for a while and said, "Within 5 minutes."

"so long?"

"Ye Sheng and the others have calculated the time and distance in this place. It's far away from Chu's house, Ye's house, and even the police station. They're already there." Tang Zhixi patted her hand, "Don't worry, stay here , Don't get down, lock the door."

Hearing her words, Chu Qingyan squeezed her hand and exerted more strength: "I'll follow you."

Tang Zhixi looked at her and suddenly noticed her panic.And this panic didn't seem to come from her fear of people outside the car, but from some wound hidden deep in her heart.

Chu Qingyan also felt that she had overreacted, she licked her lower lip, and said dryly: "I, I don't think it's safe in the car. If you fight with them, they might pry open the door from the other side."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows, there was indeed a possibility, so she said, "Follow me."

"En." Chu Qingyan nodded.

Many people outside directly surrounded their position.

And more cautious, approaching their position very carefully.

When the two got out of the car, they quickly stood in place and looked at them.Everyone looked very serious, but after seeing only two girls, the nervous look disappeared instantly.

There are so many of them, no matter how hard these two can fight, what if they can beat them all to the ground?

Tang Zhixi was wearing loose white half-sleeves, school uniform pants underneath, and a high ponytail. She had thin skin and tender flesh, giving her a very refreshing look.

It's just that aura, one person can defeat thousands of troops.

Those upturned phoenix eyes, like the snow falling in the cold winter, are so cold and penetrating.

She lowered her eyes and weighed the knife in her hand, then raised her eyes to look at the person in front of her.In addition to the cold hostility in the eyes, there is actually excitement hidden.

She really hasn't seen so many people who can fight for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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