Chapter 276 Injured

Tang Zhixi's fighting power is very fierce, not only because of her great strength and ruthless strikes, but mainly because of her great endurance, which is very suitable for long-term battles.

People were surrounded from all sides, it was impossible for Tang Zhixi to stay where she was, waiting for them to surround them and surround them both to death.

So she pulled Chu Qingyan and tore a hole in the surrounding circle without letting anyone touch Chu Qingyan while people were constantly surrounding her.

Although Chu Qingyan's combat power was not strong, under Tang Zhixi's powerful combat power, she maximized her auxiliary ability.

The little girl was very courageous, and she was ruthless in her attacks. She did not hold back Tang Zhixi at all, and even helped Tang Zhixi.

It should have received professional combat training, but this combat training may be a little watery.After all, with such a precious daughter in the family, who would be willing to let her suffer.

Tang Zhixi tore apart the siege, and immediately pulled Tang Zhixi behind her.

It can be said that he pulled Chu Qingyan's arm and directly threw her behind him.

There are weeds all around, some of which are half the height of a person.The ground is also very uneven, with potholes and small stones.

Tang Zhixi was holding the dagger in her hand, her arms and sleeves were stained with blood, and some of her face was also splashed.

The originally cold temperament was dyed with a layer of blood.

She led Chu Qingyan back, knowing very well that with so many of them, it would be easy to surround them again.

Moreover, 5 minutes had already passed, and those people from the Chu family who followed Chu Qingyan did not come over.

She did take a look at Ye Hanzhi's location before getting out of the car, but for 5 minutes she thought she would never get there, so she just comforted Chu Qingyan and said that on purpose.

The only ones who could come within 5 minutes were the two cars of the Chu family following Chu Qingyan.

Something must have happened on the way.

When she got out of the car, she felt that the two mobile phones were in her pants, and she pulled down her school uniform pants, so she threw Duan Nian's mobile phone in the car.

The contact with Luo Nanchen was cut off immediately.

Chu Qingyan was behind Tang Zhixi, looking at her.

It's like looking at someone you just met for the first time.

She always thought that she was just cold-tempered and not easy to get close to.After all, she has always been very kind to herself, even lowering her voice.

But now I realize that she seems to be really cold-hearted.

Facing such a group of people, without blinking an eye, they knocked people down one by one.

It seems to be an evil ghost climbing up from hell, evil and sinful.As if this should be her normal state.

The bloody feeling is too heavy, so heavy that for a moment, people can't feel the breath of a living person.

"Are you accurate with the marksmanship?" Tang Zhixi asked suddenly, "Have you ever hit anyone?"

"It's okay." Chu Qingyan said lightly, "I haven't fought before, but I can try it."

Tang Zhixi turned her head and glanced at her, a momentary smile flashed across her cold face: "Give me the gun."

The little girl's hands must be clean.

Chu Qingyan didn't ask much, and gave it to her directly.After getting off the car, Chu Qingyan hardly spoke, and she did whatever Tang Zhixi told her to do, very obedient.

She knew 5 minutes had passed and no one had come.But she didn't ask, so as not to cause trouble for Tang Zhixi.

The people in front were slowly approaching, and the people at the back obviously wanted to surround them again.

Tang Zhixi loaded the gun and held it in her hand.Holding Chu Qingyan's hand with the other hand, he observed the surrounding situation.

Chu Qingyan also looked around, and then stared at a hillside a few hundred meters away for a moment.

The group of people on the other side have learned how powerful Tang Zhixi is, and now they are all serious and serious.

The two sides retreated and advanced for a while, and then the leader of the other party suddenly said: "Action."

A group of people on the other side moved forward quickly, and the people behind were about to surround them again.

And just after hearing the word "action", Chu Qingyan glanced at the hillside again.

Hundreds of meters away, with the grass on the hillside, I couldn't see anything clearly.

But she seemed to see the grass being pulled, so she subconsciously protected Tang Zhixi with her body, and pushed her a few steps to the side.

Tang Zhixi didn't expect that she would push herself suddenly. She wanted to pull Chu Qingyan to avoid the attack of the people in front, but she was caught off guard and pushed him a few steps.

Both of them were sent under the other's iron rod.

Moreover, Chu Qingyan surrounded her with her whole body.Seeing that the iron rod was about to fall on Chu Qingyan, Tang Zhixi only had time to turn around and protect Chu Qingyan's head with her hands.

Tang Zhixi protected Chu Qingyan's head with her left hand, and the iron rod was drawn straight to her hand and forearm.

With so much strength, Tang Zhixi's entire arm was numb.

But she immediately grabbed the iron rod with her backhand and kicked him out.

The kicked person directly knocked down several people behind him.

"Tang Zhixi." Chu Qingyan looked up at her.

Tang Zhixi was holding the iron rod and the gun in the other hand, so she could only raise her arm to block her back, and the two of them took a few steps back together.

When the iron rod fell, it was an arm away from Chu Qingyan, she naturally felt it, and also heard a muffled sound, which was only made with great strength.

After standing up, Chu Qingyan looked at Tang Zhixi's trembling hand holding the iron bar, and her forearm, index finger and middle finger were all swollen: "How are you?"

"It's okay." Tang Zhixi didn't see anything unusual except that her face turned paler and her voice became colder.She gave the iron rod to Chu Qingyan, "Take it."

Chu Qingyan took it obediently, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I thought there were snipers on the hillside."

"It's okay." Tang Zhixi raised her hand and poked her face, "Follow me."

After she finished speaking, she looked at the person in front with a colder expression, like a wolf that could tear people apart at any time.

And at this moment, the sound of vehicles traveling entered everyone's ears.

Before everyone could react, a Maybach rushed in.

Tang Zhixi glanced at the car, it was Ye Hanzhi.

The crowd who were about to surround them subconsciously stepped aside.

And the car didn't stop, rushed in and circled around Tang Zhixi and Chu Qingyan.Dispersed all the people around them.

Then it went around two more times in succession, and each time it went around, it would expand once.

Ye Hanzhi's speed was also very fast, and he didn't give them any reaction or time to approach again.

The group of people were forcefully driven out for more than ten meters.

The surrounding grass was all flattened, and the dry soil flew up.

At the same time, more vehicles came.In just a few seconds, more than a dozen cars drove over and stopped more than ten meters away from Tang Zhixi and Chu Qingyan.

It was exactly the distance that Ye Hanzhi drove out by car just now.

Like a barrier, keeping the two of them in the middle.

And Ye Hanzhi's car stopped two meters away from Tang Zhixi.

The car door opened, and Ye Hanzhi got out of the car.

Black trousers, black shirt, slender figure.Wrapped in hostility, both mysterious and dangerous.

When he got out of the car, his eyes fell on Tang Zhixi, as if there was nothing around, he walked towards Tang Zhixi directly.

Standing still in front of Tang Zhixi, Ye Hanzhi wiped the dried blood on her face with his hands.Then he looked at her arm: "Injured?"

Ye Hanzhi's voice was cold and hoarse, as if he was still suppressing his tyranny.

Chu Qingyan was so frightened that she lowered her head and held her breath.

On the other hand, Tang Zhixi's voice was flat, as if she had just lost a hair: "It's okay, I accidentally touched it."

(End of this chapter)

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