Chapter 277 Old Injury
Many people came from Ye Tingjue and the Chu family.

More than a dozen vehicles protected Tang Zhixi and Chu Qingyan in the middle, while more vehicles directly surrounded the group of people from the outside.

The two sides soon fought.

Ye Hanzhi didn't care about anything, and got into the car with Tang Zhixi.

Before Tang Zhixi was pulled away, she pulled Chu Qingyan with her left hand.

In an instant, Ye Hanzhi stopped in his tracks: "Don't force yourself."

The voice is very soft, but full of majesty.

Chu Qingyan, who was so frightened that she wanted to pull out her hand, immediately pulled out her hand and said, "I'll get in the car by myself."

After speaking, she hurried into the car first.

Ye Hanzhi took Tang Zhixi's right hand, led her to the co-pilot's side, opened the door, let people get into the car, and helped her put on her seat belt.

Then he went back to the driver's seat.

Tang Zhixi watched his movements and pursed her lips.I want to say that she is not disabled.

Ye Tingjue also came over immediately, opened the back door and got into the car quickly before Ye Hanzhi started the car.

When the car started, Ye Tingjue held Chu Qingyan's shoulder and looked her up and down: "Is there any injury?"

Chu Qingyan raised her head to look at Ye Tingjue, feeling for the first time that she wanted to rely on him.She shook her head, then looked at Tang Zhixi's arm.

Ye Tingjue looked at almost all of Chu Qingyan's hair, and saw that even the hair was fine, and then followed her gaze to Tang Zhixi's arm.

Tang Zhixi put her hand on her lap, and the back of her hand, as well as her index and middle fingers were all swollen.The forearm was also swollen, red and swollen.

The originally fair and slender arm was now swollen like a red bun.

Ye Tingjue frowned, looked at Tang Zhixi's arm, and then at Ye Hanzhi's back.No wonder, the car seemed to be wrapped in a layer of air-conditioning, which was frighteningly cold.

He looked at Chu Qingyan again, and saw that she had been staring at Tang Zhixi's arm.

There are probably a few in the bottom of my heart.

It should have protected her from injury.

He touched Chu Qingyan's head, then held her hand in his palm, comforting her.

All of Chu Qingyan's thoughts were on Tang Zhixi, her five senses were about to disappear, she didn't feel Ye Tingjue's hand at all, so she didn't move.

The car drove back quickly, and when it reached that section of the road that was particularly difficult to walk.

There are a lot of vehicles oncoming.

Ye Hanzhi stopped the car and watched the cars go this way.

Ye Tingjue also looked forward, his expression darkened, and he said in a deep voice, "Do they have support?"

"No." Tang Zhixi unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car.

Ye Hanzhi frowned, and immediately followed her.

Ye Tingjue also got out of the car, but Chu Qingyan was in the car, so he didn't go far.

Tang Zhixi got out of the car and stood at the front of the car.When the car got closer, she made a U-turn gesture and told them all to go back.

Chu Qingyan lay on the car window, watching Tang Zhixi standing in front of the car, with her left hand hanging down, and her right hand raised to make a gesture, she was handsome and cool.In an instant, the car in front stopped.The cars behind stopped one after another.

In the front car, two people got off, wearing black clothes, it was impossible to tell who they were.The two of them bowed respectfully to Tang Zhixi from a long distance away.

Then stand by the car, like a guard.

This meant to let Tang Zhixi and the others go first.

Seeing them like this, Ye Tingjue raised his eyebrows in surprise.What is the origin of his little aunt?

Chu Qingyan also opened her eyes wide, she had to get to know this person again.

Only Ye Hanzhi, with a calm expression, kept his gaze on Tang Zhixi.This kind of thing can no longer surprise him.

Seeing that they had received her message, Tang Zhixi glanced at Ye Han and said softly, "Let's go."

Ye Hanzhi didn't speak, and only returned to the driver's seat when she got back into the car.drove away.

In the car, Tang Zhixi checked the time, it was almost twelve o'clock.She first sent a message to Director Feng, explained, and told him that she could go back in the afternoon.Then he sent another message to Yan Qi, telling him to pay him a car.

The front, rear, left, and right sides of the Bugatti, including the chassis, were all scrapped.

She couldn't bear to tell Yan Qi its miserable condition, so she directly said that she would pay him a car.

After that, she reported to Luo Nanchen that she was safe.

And along the way, Ye Hanzhi didn't say a word, but only glanced at Tang Zhixi from time to time.

Except for Tang Zhixi who was sending a message with one hand, there was no one in the car who spoke.

Not even the sound of breathing.

Quietly suppressed.

So after the car drove for a while, Tang Zhixi rolled down the window.

The car drove directly to the entrance of the hospital, and as soon as it stopped, Ye Hanzhi took off Tang Zhixi's seat belt first.

Tang Zhixi paused when she was about to unbuckle her seat belt: "."

When they arrived at the hospital, Tang Zhixi's arms and the back of her hands were checked. They were so swollen that she couldn't even feel if there was anything wrong with the bones.

So the doctor asked them to take a film to see.

Tang Zhixi, who was expressionless when the doctor pressed her arm, suddenly frowned: "No need to take pictures."

Ye Hanzhi looked at her with a bad face.

Ye Tingjue and Chu Qingyan also watched her quietly from the side.

The doctor said: "If you don't take pictures, you can't see the condition of the bones. If the bones are damaged, the sooner the treatment, the better, otherwise there will be serious sequelae."

"Bones are fine." Tang Zhixi lowered her hands, "It's good to reduce the swelling."

"Listen to the doctor." Ye Hanzhi looked down at her and said.

The voice was so cold that it looked like an emotionless robot, and the oppression in his eyes was close to Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi also looked up at him, feeling that he was restraining his temper and restraining his tone.Because that time at the Doomsday Hotel, he said, "No matter what the reason, you shouldn't have a bad tone, and you shouldn't lose your temper."

So he has been restraining himself.

The two just stared at each other.

Ye Tingjue and Chu Qingyan both took two steps back.Tang Zhixi was the only one who could withstand his third uncle's terrifying demeanor.

Even the doctor's face changed when he saw this.

The two looked at each other for a while, Tang Zhixi loosened up first, and made an excuse and said, "There is radiation."

The doctor swallowed his throat, rubbed his hands together, and said, "The two are preparing for pregnancy?"

Tang Zhixi: "."

"No." Ye Hanzhi said coldly, "Make an order."


The doctor opened the list and said: "It's some radiation, so you should be more careful when you have sex during this period."

Tang Zhixi: "."

Chu Qingyan looked at Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi from the side, and her face gradually turned red when she heard the doctor's words.

Ye Tingjue tilted his head and saw that her ears were turning red, and smiled with the corners of her lips raised.

In the end, Tang Zhixi was dragged by Ye Hanzhi to take a film.

After taking pictures, the computer on the doctor's side uploaded them.So there was no need to wait for the film, and the four of them went back to the doctor again.

When going back again, Tang Zhixi obviously hesitated at the door of the consulting room before entering.

She sat in the seat and the other three stood.

The doctor scrolled the mouse and looked at the film on the computer.After a while, he said, "Any old wounds?"

The fingertips of Tang Zhixi's right hand curled up, but she didn't make a sound.

Hearing the doctor's words, Ye Hanzhi's fingertips trembled, and the tingling in his heart became more severe.

That's why I resisted making films.

"There is no problem with the bones in the arms, fingers, and back of the hand." The doctor said, "There were old fractures on the bones of the five fingers. But the operation was very successful and delicate. Only the index finger was shattered."

"Doctor, prescribe the medicine." Tang Zhixi interrupted him.

Her voice was cold, so cold that it tinged with hostility.

The doctor was taken aback by her, and realized that he seemed to have exposed someone's scar, so he stopped immediately: "Okay, prescribe the medicine, prescribe the medicine."

(End of this chapter)

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