The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 278 What else do you want...

Chapter 278 What else do you want?
Tang Zhixi's arms and hands were covered with anti-swelling and pain-relieving patches, and a bandage was wrapped around the outside.

The bandage covered the forearm to the fingertips, leaving only the ring finger, little finger, and thumb exposed.

The doctor then prescribed some ointment.

Most of the medicines in the First Hospital are supplied by the research institute, so the medicines are very effective.

"It's good to change it every 24 hours." The doctor said, "Wipe with alcohol, first apply this, then this, then stick this, and tie a bandage."

Except for Tang Zhixi, everyone listened carefully.Even Ye Tingjue is remembering it carefully.But Tang Zhixi's mind was full of troubles.

It can reduce swelling by itself, so why bother.

After taking the medicine, the four of them didn't leave the consultation room, but the doctor returned to his original consultation room.

The first hospital is a private hospital, behind which are the Ye family and the Chu family.

So when they came, they came up directly from the parking lot and took a special elevator.The doctor also called over.

From the examination to taking the medicine, the four of them had never met anyone except doctors and nurses.

After the doctor left, Ye Hanzhi wiped the blood on Tang Zhixi's body with a wet towel.

Holding her face, he slowly wiped the blood off her face.Very carefully and gently.

Tang Zhixi looked up at Ye Hanzhi, and saw that he pursed his lips, his expression was very bad, and he looked down at her face, not her eyes.

The four of them were quiet for a while, and when Ye Tingjue was about to take Chu Qingyan away first, Chu Qingyan suddenly took a few steps forward and walked to Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi.

Then he lowered his head and whispered, "Third Uncle, I'm sorry."

Tang Zhixi turned her head to look at her, but Ye Hanzhi straightened her head again: "."

Chu Qingyan continued: "She was injured because she was protecting me."

Ye Hanzhi didn't even look at Chu Qingyan, and said in a deep voice, "Don't tell me, tell your brother yourself. Why did you want to skip class again, and why did you have to get rid of the people who followed you?"

Chu Qingyan lowered her head and pursed her lips.

"Think about it yourself, how much trouble you have caused others because of your willfulness." Ye Hanzhi's voice was flat, but it sounded in his ears, like a knife repeatedly cutting and stabbing bloody tender flesh.

Ye Tingjue walked up to Chu Qingyan and brought her to him.

But he didn't dare to speak out. His third uncle was angry and didn't dare to get angry with his wife. He was being polite to a little girl like Chu Qingyan.

But if he made a sound, he thought it was the worst one.

So he can only give Chu Qingyan a little support.

Ye Hanzhi glanced at Ye Tingjue, and opened his mouth to continue, but Tang Zhixi kicked his shoe.Let him hold back the words.

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Tang Zhixi took away Ye Hanzhi's hand that had been holding her face, held it in his hand and squeezed it.Then he looked at Chu Qingyan and said, "Since you are so guilty, you can buy me dinner during the recording period."

Ye Tingjue: "."

Ye Hanzhi didn't want to say a word, he just looked down at Tang Zhixi holding his hand.

"En." Chu Qingyan responded lightly.

"It's so easy to promise?" Tang Zhixi smiled.


Tang Zhixi let go of Ye Hanzhi's hand, and pinched Chu Qingyan's face: "Go and eat, don't stay here with me."

Ye Hanzhi looked at his abandoned hand: "."


When Chu Qingyan wanted to say something, Ye Tingjue grabbed her arm and interrupted her, "Third Uncle, let's go first."

After finishing speaking, he nodded gratefully to Tang Zhixi, pulled Chu Qingyan and left.

Tang Zhixi looked at Ye Tingjue holding Chu Qingyan's hand, and narrowed her eyes.

Ye Hanzhi snapped her head back again.

But he didn't look her in the eyes, but hooked a chair from the side with his feet, sat down, and wiped the blood on her hands.

Tang Zhixi looked down at his hands, and after a while, kicked his shoes again.

Ye Hanzhi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he raised his eyes to look at her.

Seeing that he finally looked at her, Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows and said, "Third Master, are you angry?"

Ye Hanzhi looked at her for a while, then moved closer and kissed her on the lips, but didn't speak.He lowered his head and wiped the blood off her arm, then took her right hand and led her to the parking lot.

Sitting in the car, Ye Hanzhi was about to start the car.Tang Zhixi said softly, "Where are you going? I have to go back to record the show in the afternoon."

The car that was just about to start turned off again.

Ye Hanzhi put on the handbrake, turned his head to look at Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi also looked at him, paused and said, "My hands are just swollen."

"What else do you want?" Ye Hanzhi blurted out the words without controlling his tone.

Tang Zhixi blinked her eyes lightly, and before she could speak, she heard Ye Hanzhi immediately say, "I'm sorry."

Neither of them spoke anymore, and the air in the car seemed to freeze, making it suffocating.

After a while, Tang Zhixi raised his hand and took Ye Hanzhi's hand on the handbrake.

Her left hand was tightly wrapped and placed on the back of his hand. She could only shake his hand with her little finger and ring finger.

Ye Hanzhi immediately grabbed her two fingers and said softly, "Don't force yourself."

"I'm really fine." Tang Zhixi's voice was still cold, but she deliberately slowed down a bit, "The little girl thought there was a sniper on the hillside, so she protected me and got hurt."

Ye Hanzhi looked at her for a few seconds, then unfastened her seat belt, and hugged her to his lap.He also pulled her leg and let her straddle his lap.

Tang Zhixi wanted to move away, but Ye Hanzhi held her waist and didn't let her move. He looked into her eyes and said, "Little girl, try to trust me and rely on me, okay?"

Tang Zhixi put her right hand on his shoulder and said nothing.

"You just need a phone call for this kind of thing today. The Ye family and the Chu family can arrange it quickly." Ye Hanzhi abruptly softened his voice, so that there was a dry hoarseness in the warm voice, "Why do you have to go by yourself? Take risks. The car is driving so fast, but if there is a little mistake."

Ye Han didn't say anything after that.

Tang Zhixi synchronized a copy of the monitoring that Luo Nanchen could see to Ye Hanzhi.

So what Luo Nanchen could see, Ye Hanzhi could also see.

It's just that Ye Hanzhi didn't know where the surveillance came from.

While driving, he saw Tang Zhixi going to hit the commercial vehicle on the surveillance camera.

At that moment, Ye Hanzhi was covered in cold sweat, as if all his strength had been drained.He was just driving the car mechanically, approaching Tang Zhixi's position.

The angle he saw from the surveillance was different from what Tang Zhixi saw in the car, so he was even more startled.

Because of an error, what he saw on the monitor was that Tang Zhixi's steering wheel was turned late.

It wasn't until Tang Zhixi's car flicked and overturned the business car. It took a long time for Ye Hanzhi to gradually regain his five senses and notice that his heart was beating.

A little mistake, but even a little mistake, Ye Hanzhi dare not think about it.

Tang Zhixi felt Ye Hanzhi's arms tightened, and the hands on his shoulders relaxed a little, and said, "Third Master, maybe you can try to trust me a little bit. Put me on an equal footing with you." position."

(End of this chapter)

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