The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 283 It Wasn't Her Fault

Chapter 283 It Wasn't Her Fault

After Ye Hanzhi left school, he drove directly to Tang Zhixi's villa.

On the way, Lu Shang called to report the situation and told him that everyone deployed by the factory had been arrested.

Ye Hanzhi drove the car, his eyes were full of ruthlessness: "Call people to Ye Sheng's residence."

Listening to his words, Lu Shang suddenly fell silent for two seconds.For the first time, he questioned Ye Hanzhi's words: "Us?"

"Yes." Ye Hanzhi said, "Wait for me for an hour."

"Third Master, are you going in person?" Lu Shang questioned again.


"But the old man's side." Lu Shangdao, "and the Chu family's side."

"I know." Ye Hanzhi said, "I don't need the Chu family, I will go there by myself without telling Ting Jue."

Lu Shang didn't see Tang Zhixi, but he probably knew that his third master was so angry.It should be Ye Sheng and Jing Yanbai who met Tang Zhixi.The third master of his family wants to do it himself.

He didn't ask any more questions, and said directly: "Yes."

Ye Hanzhi went to Tang Zhixi's residence and looked for Uncle Rui.

As soon as he entered the living room, Uncle Rui saw him.Then stretched his neck and looked behind him.

"I came by myself."

Uncle Rui didn't let his disappointment show on his face, he smiled and said: "Ah, the young master didn't cause trouble in Ye's house, right?"

"No." Ye Hanzhi said, "My parents like him very much. They play well."

"Okay, okay, that's good." Uncle Rui said, "Sir, sit down. Liyuan came to deliver tickets yesterday, and brought tea along the way. I'll go get it for the third master to taste."

"Okay." Because of Tang Zhixi, Ye Hanzhi also respected Uncle Rui.

The tea set was on the coffee table, Uncle Rui went to get the tea, and said while making tea, "I'm serving the third master with the tea from the third master."

"They gave it to my mother, and I haven't tasted it yet."

Uncle Rui smiled kindly and said, "What's the matter, Third Master?"

"Well, there is something I would like to inquire about."

"Miss's business?"

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi paused, "How did she break her finger?"

A soft sentence, but aroused a thousand waves.Uncle Rui shook his hand and poured the water outside.He raised his head to look at Ye Hanzhi, and said worriedly: "Miss is injured? What's wrong? Did you hurt your hand? Didn't you record a program at school? How did you get hurt?"

"Uncle Rui, don't worry." Ye Hanzhi said, "The finger is swollen, so I went to take a picture. No bone was injured."

"Is there any injury elsewhere, and is there anything wrong with people."

"People are fine, it's because I didn't protect them well." Ye Hanzhi said.

Uncle Rui finally came to his senses, looked at Ye Hanzhi and said, "I'm sorry, Third Master, I'm too excited."

Uncle Rui calmed down for a while, then made tea and said: "Since the third master asked me about it, you know that I have been living with the young lady all along."

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi said, "I know she has lived in Continent A for four years."

Uncle Rui glanced at him again, was taken aback for a moment, and murmured: "Miss rarely mentions it."

Ye Hanzhi didn't speak.

Uncle Rui said: "Then the third master has also heard of Chen Ming?"


Uncle Rui knew it well, so he didn't hide it: "Young Master Jing. Jing Yanbai tricked Miss into investigating Chen Ming. After Miss knew that Jing Yanbai had killed Chen Ming's family, she was very angry. She and Jing Yanbai had been arguing for a long time."

Ye Hanzhi remembered the video in Keyue Island again, where the little girl called "Brother Yan".

"Later, Jing Yanbai said that he wanted to make Miss like him, and use Miss's hacking skills to do more things like this. He couldn't accept Miss and his different ways, so he wanted Miss to stain her hands with blood and become a People like him." Uncle Rui sighed lightly, then paused, "So Miss broke ten of her own fingers."

Ye Hanzhi suddenly tightened his hand, feeling as if a hand was holding onto his heart, with constant force and tightening, as if it was about to be crushed.

Hearing Uncle Rui's words, he probably guessed.But listening to him say it, it still hurts so much that it hurts to breathe.

Ten fingers, ten fingers.
How desperate and painful the little girl was.

Uncle Rui looked at Ye Hanzhi sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, without saying a word.

Moreover, the corners of his eyes were so red that they were ruthless, and his gloomy aura was very frightening.

After a while, Ye Hanzhi said, "How is her hand now?"

"Jing Yanbai did the surgery himself, and it was very delicate, just like before." Uncle Rui said, "But miss didn't pay attention to maintenance in the next few years. It's cold and her fingers hurt. Miss didn't pay much attention either, Most of the pain is endured by myself.”

Ye Hanzhi lowered his eyes and took a breath, then remained silent for a while and said, "Uncle Rui, don't tell her that I know."

"Ok, I know."

"I'll go first."

After Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, he got up and walked out.Everyone had reached the entrance, but Uncle Rui stopped him suddenly: "Third Master."

Ye Hanzhi stopped and looked at him.

Uncle Rui got up, walked a few steps in front of him and said, "Third Master, did miss mention Nan Xiao to you?"

Ye Hanzhi was silent for a while, and said "Mm." softly.

Uncle Rui thought about it for a while and said: "Third Master, Jing Yanbai and Nan Xiao have always had conflicts. Nan Xiao's helping Miss escape is just a fuse."

Ye Hanzhi blinked his eyelashes slightly.

"The young master is the child of Nan Xiao and Jing Qi. Jing Qi is Jing Yanbai's biological sister." Uncle Rui looked at Ye Hanzhi and said, "Jing Yanbai has always hated Nan Xiao. The two of them can't do anything against each other. , Gradually the contradictions piled up."

Ye Hanzhi listened to what Uncle Rui said, that Nan Cheng really had a blood relationship with Jing Yanbai.

And close.

Uncle and nephew.

"Qi'er gave birth to the young master with dystocia, and she was not rescued. Jing Yanbai attributed all the faults to Nan Xiao and the young master." Uncle Rui said, his eyes gradually became wet, "The conflict between Jing Yanbai and Nan Xiao is here. It intensified at that moment. He not only had the idea of ​​killing Nan Xiao, but also the idea of ​​killing the young master."

Ye Hanzhi frowned.

"Nan Xiao helped Miss escape, it was just a fuse." Uncle Rui pressed his eyes, "Jing Yanbai would not keep Nan Xiao if there was such a thing. He just took advantage of Nan Xiao's death to force Miss Stay with him."

Ye Hanzhi stroked his fingertips.

"Miss has always attributed this matter to her own fault. She has always felt that Nan Xiao's death was caused by her. She has been living with guilt all these years." Uncle Rui's voice gradually became hoarse.

Ye Hanzhi's drooping eyes concealed the emotion in his eyes.

"Third Master, Miss trusts you very much." Uncle Rui said, "Perhaps you are the only one who can help her get out."

Ye Hanzhi swallowed, and said in a hoarse voice, "I see."

"Thank you, Third Master." Uncle Rui whispered with red eyes.

"I should."

After speaking, Ye Hanzhi left.

After getting into the car, Ye Hanzhi sat in the car, looking ahead, and didn't start the car for a long time.

The pain in my heart is like a vine growing wantonly, with thorns, spreading all over the body along the blood.

His little girl is so good, how could he be willing to let her suffer so much.

How should he love his little girl to make up for her suffering for so many years.

 I feel so sorry for Zhixi.

  Thank you for your reward.

  There are also monthly tickets and recommended tickets for everyone.and red beans.

  I am embarrassed for everyone who rewards and votes.

(End of this chapter)

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