The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 284 she's not here

Chapter 284 she's not here

Ye Hanzhi stayed in the car for a long time before driving to the villa, directly to the place where Ye Sheng was staying.

When he arrived, Lu Shang and Zhenlei's Zhenlei had already surrounded the villa.

The three-story villa was simply decorated.The flowers and plants in the yard are also simply taken care of, not very particular.

The entire villa, from the inside to the outside, is just a temporary place to stay.

Didn't intend to stay long at all.

After all, Ye Sheng's plan is to live in Ye's house.

When Ye Hanzhi entered the villa, only Ye Sheng was sitting on the sofa with a livid face, and the rest were subdued.

The members of the Ye family stood in a circle with Ye Sheng at the center, looking like a life-threatening ghost.

When Ye Hanzhi walked to the door, there was some backlight.

Ye Sheng could only see a slender figure, like a hell Shura, coming to judge his fate.

It wasn't until Ye Hanzhi approached that Ye Sheng realized it and stood up immediately.Pressing his anger, he said, "Han Zhi, what are you doing?"

Ye Hanzhi sat directly on the sofa opposite him, crossed his legs, and looked at him.

The long and narrow eyes were stained with ruthlessness and quenched with poison.Casual and terrifying.

"Han Zhi. Did we have some misunderstanding?"

Ye Sheng and Ye Lin look four to five points alike.It's just that there is a sense of cunning in Ye Sheng's face.And Ye Lin has a righteous face.

"There is no misunderstanding, there is a grudge." Zhen Lei smiled with a pair of fox eyes, but exuded a chill, "You kidnapped the Miss Chu family twice, the first time you forced the young master to ask for a seal. The second time you tried to provoke the Chu family and the Ye family contradiction"

"Don't spout blood!" Ye Sheng interrupted Zhen Lei directly.

Zhenlei didn't care what he said, and continued: "You still have the power to collude with Jing Yanbai."

"Nonsense!" Ye Sheng shouted.

"Whether you are talking nonsense, you know in your heart." Lu Shang said.

"Hanzhi, I don't understand what you are talking about?" Ye Sheng straightened his back and said, "I just came to the Imperial Capital for a short stay. Your father didn't say anything. You came here with such a big fanfare, and you are surrounding the villa and fighting Human. Is this how you treat your elders?"

Ye Hanzhi looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Hurry up and get rid of the person, I don't have to pursue it. I'll take it as you guys messing around." Ye Sheng said, "Otherwise, I'd like to go to Ye's house to discuss with my elder brother."

"Do you think you can still get out from here?" Ye Hanzhi asked softly.

Ye Sheng's expression changed suddenly: "What do you want to do?"

"Think that the person who arrested Chu Qingyan is not yours, and if something happens, you can break away from it and get rid of it completely?" Ye Hanzhi said.

"What are you talking about!" Ye Sheng said, "You said that the person who arrested Chu Qingyan was ordered by me, do you have evidence?"

"Why do I need evidence?" Ye Hanzhi asked back.

Ye Sheng frowned.

"Whoever I, Ye Hanzhi, wants to catch is up to my own will." Ye Hanzhi looked straight into his eyes, and a strong sense of oppression pressed on Ye Sheng with overwhelming momentum.After a while, he said two words slowly, "Take it away."

"I see who of you dares to touch me!"

While Ye Sheng was yelling, the members of the Ye family subdued him three times and two times, and controlled him.

"Ye Hanzhi, I'm your second uncle, how dare you treat me like this."

"I've never had a second uncle."

"If you take me away, your father will not let you go." Ye Sheng shouted while struggling, "Do you want to disobey your father?"

"The person I want to touch, even my father, has no right to intervene." Ye Hanzhi got up, walked in front of him, and looked at him condescendingly, "Your gold medal for avoiding death will not work with me."

After finishing speaking, he walked out and said, "I want him to give me a hand and send him to M State Prison."

Lu Shang and Zhenlei looked at each other.Instantly knew where Tang Zhixi was hurt: "Yes."

Ye Hanzhi walked out, and Ye Sheng kept calling his name in the villa.After a scream, everything returned to calm.

Back in the car, Ye Hanzhi lit a cigarette.

When Lu Shang and Zhenlei came out, seeing that Ye Hanzhi hadn't left, they immediately stepped forward, and Zhenlei said, "Third Master, is Master injured? Is it serious? Will it affect the operation?"

Ye Hanzhi glanced at him, but ignored him.

Zhen Lei didn't dare to make any more noise.

After a while, Ye Hanzhi extinguished his half-puffed cigarette and said, "Take care of Ye Sheng's remnants. I don't want to hear anything about Ye Sheng again."


At school, after dinner, the eight of Tang Zhi and the others could freely choose between students with special skills in music and students with special skills in art.

Where do you want to go.

Tang Zhixi and the follow-up director asked for the painting that she hadn't finished, and went to the art specialty student.Yue Guyuan and the two boys also went with her.

Of course, Chu Qingyan was also following her.

Wei Xingmian and Duan Nian went to the piano classroom.

Fu Xue and another boy stayed in the pipa classroom.

Tang Zhixi was drawing seriously like other students in the classroom.

Chu Qingyan sat next to her, watching her draw Ye Hanzhi, from speechless to bored, and finally she moved back and fell asleep leaning on Tang Zhixi's back.

Almost an hour later, Chu Qingyan's phone vibrated.She woke up immediately and sat up straight.First mute the phone, rubbed his eyes, and then looked at the caller ID.

Tang Zhixi sat very close to her, and when she turned her head slightly back, she saw the note on the caller ID.

A very straightforward word: brother.

Chu Qingyan was stunned for two seconds at the word, and then locked the phone with her backhand, pretending not to see it.

After a while, the phone automatically hung up and vibrated.

Immediately after that it shook again.

Chu Qingyan muted the volume for the first time, then looked at the phone for a while, then pulled Tang Zhixi out of the classroom and went straight to the bathroom.

When they arrived at the bathroom, they suddenly said to Tang Zhixi, "Say I'm not here."

After finishing speaking, she pressed the answer button and put the phone next to Tang Zhixi's ear.

Tang Zhixi looked at Chu Qingyan: "."

As soon as it was connected, a voice came out of the phone: "Qingyan, I'm at the school gate, come out."

With a somewhat serious voice, Chu Qingyan's little heart speeded up in an instant after being frightened.

Her brother usually spoils her to heaven.If she gets into trouble, her brother won't scold her, and will solve everything for her.

But last time she was taken away by Ye Sheng, her brother beat her up once.This time it was more dangerous, and Ye Hanzhi's girlfriend was also injured.Ye Hanzhi must have spoken ill of her to her brother.

Her brother will definitely be more fierce.

She doesn't want to face it.

When Tang Zhixi heard this voice, the end of her eyes twitched slightly.

"Qingyan?" Chu Yimo couldn't hear the voice, so he called her again.

Chu Qingyan looked at Tang Zhixi pitifully, and sent her a distress signal.

Tang Zhixi glanced at her, then said softly to the phone, "She said, she's not here."

Chu Qingyan's face collapsed: "."

Chu Yimo also became quiet when he heard the cold voice.He was curious that Chu Qingyan actually gave someone else to pick up her phone at school.

The three of them were silent for a few seconds in a tacit understanding, and then Chu Qingyan started patting Tang Zhixi's clothes with her hands like kittens again: "Ah! Why are you like this! I want to tell Ye Hanzhi, you Hook up little girls at school."

Tang Zhixi didn't hide either, she smiled and said, "Little girl, I'll help you lie, in case your brother comes in and beats me."

Chu Yimo listened, but remained silent for a while.Her sister had never been so close to anyone before.

"My brother doesn't know how to beat people." Chu Qingyan muttered.

"Then what are you afraid of?"

"I'll take care of you."

"Qingyan, be polite." Chu Yimo's voice suddenly came from the phone.

Both Tang Zhixi and Chu Qingyan looked at the phone.

Chu Qingyan immediately became honest, but still looked at Tang Zhixi angrily.

Tang Zhixi squeezed her face, put the phone in her hand and said, "I've been tired all day today, go home and sleep tonight."

Chu Qingyan looked at the phone and said nothing.

"Go, your brother is waiting for you."

(End of this chapter)

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