Chapter 296 Madam
After talking on the phone with Zhou Kening, Tang Zhixi checked the news on the Internet.

The news has been withdrawn, the Internet is very clean, and it can no longer be searched.

The only things that are more lively are her Weibo comments and private messages.

She roughly looked around, and there were those who just cared and asked, some who questioned her, and some who scolded her.

And soon the most people were questioning why the news was withdrawn so quickly.

Has she been taken over by some man?

Is that man's identity still very mysterious and noble?

Tang Zhixi looked around casually, and saw that Ye Hanzhi or the Ye family had not been affected, so she quit Weibo.

At this time, Luo Nanchen also called: "Xiao Jiu, the news about you and Ye Hanzhi was sent under the name of an [-]-line star. Tianshu didn't notice it at first."

Tang Zhixi leaned against the head of the bed, pinching the space between her eyebrows: "Is it to avoid interception on the Internet?"

He Yuzhe greeted all the major media on the Internet, and some smaller media followed the big media.

It has almost become a customary rule, never revealing anything about Tang Zhixi.

And Tianshu has people who specialize in detecting online news, and what they detect are some fans or some scattered, small media who don't know how to look at the situation and are desperate to make money.

But this time the news did not bring Tang Zhixi at all, so Tianshu didn't stop it immediately.

Luo Nanchen: "Probably not. I checked the news on the Internet. It was a person named Fu Xue who registered an account with a black card and sent it."

Hearing the name, Tang Zhixi slightly raised her eyebrows.

Luo Nanchen continued: "She probably didn't expect that the news about you would be intercepted on the Internet. She just didn't dare to expose your relationship directly, so she turned around and pretended that she had identified the wrong person and posted it on the Internet. It was the follow-up netizens who said it was you."

"Why bother?" Tang Zhixi said.

"Guilty. This may be a bit of peace of mind." Luo Nanchen said, "I found out that she was recording a show with you, why don't you deal with it?"

"Maybe." Tang Zhixi sat on the bed and looked at the layout of the room. On the table by the bay window was a vase with a rose in it.

Facing the sun, warm and gorgeous.

It should have been played yesterday, she didn't pay much attention last night.

"You haven't given me any news about Jiang Wan," Tang Zhixi said.

"Ah, I sent someone to inquire with the people he had been in contact with before." Luo Nanchen said, "I'll sort it out and send it to you at night."

"Well, hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Zhixi tilted her head to look at the rose for a while, then flipped through the messages on the phone, seeing that nothing happened, she lay down and fell asleep again.

However, after only an hour of sleep, she was woken up by the teaching assistant's voice call.

She took a look, and just connected, it was hung up there.

Then a message was sent: [All the experimental data above are sorted out, some experimental data are lost, and have to be redone. ]
After reading this message, Tang Zhixi looked through the five folders she sent over before making a voice call.

And the teaching assistant sent another message: [I heard that the dean of the research institute had an accident yesterday, and many things were taken over by the professor who led us. These two days may be busy, you have to be prepared. ]
Tang Zhixi frowned at the message, and typed to ask, but she deleted it after typing halfway.He replied: [Okay. ]
Then she called Luo Nanchen.

Luo Nanchen: "Oh, I said I forgot to mention something when I called just now. Yes, Yue Pulin was attacked in State M yesterday. One leg was broken, but it's fine, just stay in the hospital for a while gone."

"Who did it?"

"I suspect it is the laboratory in M ​​state, because they asked the research institute for an experimental sample, but the research institute refused, and then Yue Pulin was attacked." Luo Nanchen said, "But there is no definite evidence for the time being, the attack on Yue Pulin Pu Lin's people are all mercenaries, they take money to do things, and they don't even know who paid the money."

"Where are the others now?"

"It's in M ​​State Hospital." Luo Nanchen said, "I'm getting old, and it's not suitable to move when I was just injured."

"Let someone keep a close eye on it." Tang Zhixi said, "Don't have any more accidents."

"Ok, I know."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Zhixi briefly washed up.When you went out, you happened to meet the servant who was cleaning the corridor railing outside.

Seeing her, the servant immediately stood up straight and said with a smile, "Ma'am, are you awake?"

Because of the "Ma'am", Tang Zhixi took another look at her: "Where's Ye Hanzhi?"

"After Madam went back to the room last night, the third master left. But the third master called back this morning and asked us to prepare breakfast, saying that Madam would sleep until she woke up naturally."

Tang Zhixi's scalp became numb when she called her wife one by one, she paused and said, "I have something to do, so I won't eat, thank you."

She left immediately after speaking.

After Tang Zhixi went to the laboratory of Imperial Capital University, she had a phone call with Ye Hanzhi at noon, and she was busy all the time, so she didn't go to eat, and ate two candies on the way.

And Ye Hanzhi has been busy all the time, he needs to be familiar with the experiments he took over.

After dinner, he finally had some time. Just as he was about to make a phone call with Tang Zhixi, his elder brother called first.

let him go home.

Originally, his elder brother wanted to give a few more instructions, but was interrupted by his father: "Stop talking nonsense, let him come back quickly".

After hanging up the phone, Ye Hanzhi didn't ask the driver to take him there, and drove home by himself.

It must be Ye Sheng's matter, which reached his father's ears.

He didn't intend to hide it, but his father received the news later than he expected.

Driving across half of the imperial capital, Ye Hanzhi entered the front hall of his house, and saw a room full of people.

Except for him, everyone in the Ye family was present.

Judging by his posture, he was just waiting for him, and he still had to be executed publicly.

The front hall was covered with a layer of gloom, his elder brother, sister-in-law and Ye Tingjue were secretly giving him winks, probably to make him say a few nice words to soften him up.

Ye Chutong also sat beside him nervously, looking at him.

Ye Hanzhi gave his sister-in-law a reassuring look, then looked at his parents, and said with a smile, "Dad, Mom, are you having a family gathering today?"

He was about to sit down as he spoke, but before he touched the sofa, Ye Lin said, "You stand."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Lin Naiyi glanced at him sympathetically, but said nothing.

Ye Lin looked at him coldly and said, "Where did you get Ye Sheng?"

"M state prison." Ye Hanzhi suppressed the smile in his eyes, and said directly.

After hearing what he said, both Ye Hanxiu and Ye Tingjue frowned.

Ye Hanxiu found out together with his father today.

Ye Tingjue found out after his third uncle arrested him.

But Ye Hanzhi has people who belong to him exclusively, and they only obey Ye Hanzhi.So Ye Tingjue didn't know where he got Ye Sheng.

M state prison, endless hell
It's better to kill people directly.

"Ye Hanzhi! He's your second uncle!" Ye Lin said angrily.

"He is not."

"If you say no, then you are not. Both of you are bleeding from the Ye family. You can deny it if you want!" Ye Lin patted the table and said, "What is the first rule of the Ye family's family rules! Tell me it is what!"

Ye Hanzhi took a light breath and said, "The Ye family has one voice and one heart, one root and one heart. Brothers, feet, and blood should not kill each other under any circumstances."

"Then what did you do!"

"It was Ye Sheng who moved first." Facing his father's harsh words, Ye Hanzhi's tone remained calm.

"You do it when he does it, and you don't understand it if he doesn't understand the family rules! How did I educate you! How do you face your ancestors!" Ye Lin's chest heaved violently, "The Chu family has decided to make a move, then Just let the Chu family do it. If he has a crooked mind and doesn't repent for 20 years, then he is dead or alive, I don't ask. But why, why did you suddenly take action!"

(End of this chapter)

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