Chapter 297

Ye Lin is also in his early eighties this year. He is a little old man who keeps pace with the times, and his thinking can keep up with young people.

It's just that the family rules of the Ye family are strictly guarded.

In fact, there are not even five family rules, and they all restrict moral behavior in general.

It is the kind of behavior and moral standards that children learn from a young age.

But any normal person will not touch it.

As far as the first rule is concerned, no one of the same race can kill each other.

Ye Lin is very strict about this, probably because of the influence of the previous era, his grandfather and father kept it like this, so in his subconscious, he always felt that if he violated it, he would suffer backlash and bad retribution.

He naturally knew that Ye Sheng had to be eliminated at this point, but he didn't want to see that the person who did it was Ye Hanzhi, or anyone in the Ye family.

"You let him go quickly." Ye Lin said, "I don't care about others, but it can't be you."

Ye Hanzhi understands his father's thinking, and he is an old man after all, so it is almost impossible to change his inherent thinking: "Dad, I have already done what I have done, so I will not let him go. "

Ye Lin didn't expect that he would not agree, so he stood up and looked at him and said, "Ye Hanzhi, tell me again."

Seeing this, Yan Tong held Ye Hanxiu's hand.

Ye Hanxiu also kept looking at them, but he didn't dare to speak out when his father lost his temper.He understood that the more he persuaded, the more angry his father would be.

Lin Naiyi didn't interrupt at this time, but just watched quietly from the sidelines.

"Dad, more than 20 years ago. Ye Sheng threw Ting Jue into the swimming pool and almost drowned him." Ye Hanzhi said softly, "If he lives for 20 years, his ancestors have blessed him. But this time... the ancestors also Can't protect him."

As soon as Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, there was a crisp bang, and it sounded again in the living room.

Everyone slapped Ye Hanzhi on the face as Ye Lin was very hard.

Not only was Ye Hanzhi tilted his head from the beating, but he also staggered to the side.

Ye Lin lost support in his hand, and staggered because of inertia.

Lin Nai stood up immediately, supported him, and also held him by the way: "Brother Lin."

Yan Tong felt a throbbing pain in his heart, his eyes turned red instantly, and he stood up.

Ye Hanxiu also immediately walked to Ye Lin's side and helped him with his other hand: "Dad."

Ye Tingjue also stood up, but did not dare to step forward.Ye Chutong hid directly behind Ye Tingjue.

Ye Lin was supported on the left and right, looked at the blood at the corner of Ye Hanzhi's mouth, and tightly clenched the hand he had just hit.

Ye Hanzhi stood up straight, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his fingers, sighed and said, "Dad, calm down first, I'll be back in two days."

After speaking, he took a look at Ye Hanxiu and left directly.

Seeing him go, Ye Lin took two deep breaths and sat back on the sofa.

Tang Zhixi didn't have many experiments to do, but the amount of data to sort out was huge.

There are not many missing data, so the experiments she has to do are not very cumbersome.It should be done overnight.

Just organize the data at home tomorrow.

While observing the reaction of the experiment, the phone rang.

Tang Zhixi ignored it, and it wasn't until a few minutes later that the phone rang for the second time that she had time to take it out and take a look.

It was Ye Chutong's call.

Tang Zhixi pressed the answer button, and as soon as she put the phone to her ear, she heard Ye Chutong say, "Auntie, is my third uncle with you?"

"No, what's the matter?"

"My grandfather slapped my third uncle today." Ye Chutong said.

Tang Zhixi frowned suddenly: "What's going on?"

Ye Chutong told Tang Zhixi what she probably knew: "Auntie, go and persuade Third Uncle. Grandpa seems to be very angry, so he doesn't care about anyone."

"Well, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Zhixi finished the experiment at hand and called Ye Hanzhi.

After answering the phone over there, she directly asked, "Where is it?"

"What's the matter? I'm at Yunji." Ye Han passed by Yunji on his way to pick up something, and just parked his car in Yunji's parking lot.

"Wait for me there."

After saying this, Tang Zhixi hung up the phone.

Ye Hanzhi was stunned for a moment, but after he realized it, he realized that someone from his family had reported the news.

He still wanted to hide it for two days, at least until the swelling on his face subsided.

Ten minutes later, Tang Zhixi arrived at the lobby of the Yunji Consortium.As soon as I entered, the front desk came to ask about it.

After she gave her name, the front desk led her directly to the elevator.

It's just that the elevator goes down to the parking lot.

Arriving at the parking lot, the elevator opened, and Tang Zhixi saw Ye Hanzhi at the elevator door.

She looked at Ye Hanzhi's blushing face and the cracked corners of his mouth and narrowed her eyes.

Ye Hanzhi's skin is very red, sometimes when she squeezes his wrist hard, there will be red marks on his wrist.But not easy to swell.

The palm of my hand was injured so badly last time, and the area around the wound was only slightly swollen.

Ye Hanzhi took her hand, took the medicine she was holding into his own, and led her towards the car: "Who is it? I'll tell you in a short while."

"Your father is very ruthless." Tang Zhixi's voice was a little desolate.

"I'm angry." Ye Hanzhi said, "It doesn't hurt."

Tang Zhixi didn't speak, and followed him into the car.

The two sat in the back seat together. Tang Zhixi turned on the alcohol, ready to disinfect him, and asked quietly: "Ye Sheng tied Chu Qingyan, why didn't you borrow the Chu family's hand?"

Ye Hanzhi knew what Tang Zhixi was thinking, so he looked down at her without saying a word.

"because I?"

Ye Hanzhi pinched her chin, and kissed her on the lips: "You should be blamed for your injury, no matter what."

"Doesn't care about the house rules?"

"My dad is getting old. Not only is he too rigid, he is also soft-hearted and indecisive. If he were my age, he wouldn't be so scruples. Ye Sheng wouldn't live until now, and he wouldn't fight me today."

After Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, he wanted to get closer and kiss her, but Tang Zhixi pressed a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to the corner of his mouth.

Ye Hanzhi frowned involuntarily, and then said with a smile: "Little girl, you have somewhat personal grievances now."

Tang Zhixi glanced at him, and relaxed her movements: "You can let Ye Sheng go, and I'll catch him again."

Ye Hanzhi laughed: "I see, the little girl is here to be a lobbyist. My family actually bought my girlfriend."

"I came to see the excitement." Tang Zhixi wiped some medicine on the corner of his mouth, and said in a low voice, "May I ask the third master, how does it feel to be beaten for the first time at the age of 29?"

"Life is complete." Ye Hanzhi smiled, "It made up for the regrets of childhood."

"It's a pity that you didn't get beaten when you were young."

"I don't regret it now." Ye Hanzhi hugged her waist and hugged her, "Old Ye is over 80 and still has such a strong hand. When he was young, it hurt so much to beat people. No wonder my elder brother is over 50 I am old, but I dare not say anything when I see him lose his temper."

Tang Zhixi gently touched his red side with her thumb, leaned on his shoulder, and said after a while: "If you don't let him go, how will your father explain?"

"Others beat him up too, and let out his anger. Take Nan Cheng over tomorrow and just tease him."

Tang Zhixi: "." It turns out that Nan Cheng is used to calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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