Chapter 400 Returning to China
Because of being ambushed, the vehicles were damaged to varying degrees, and the people in the research institute were also a little frightened.

But everyone discussed it and decided to return home immediately.

At least the country is safe.

So the person who escorted them was replaced by the person from Lihuo, while the original bodyguard stayed to deal with the follow-up matters.

After more than ten hours of flying, everyone breathed a sigh of relief the moment the plane landed.

Finally home, finally safe, finally at ease.

Everyone went to the research institute for a meeting first, and reported on the situation of supporting continent A this time.

Then each person submits a summary report.

Tang Zhixi is not yet a member of the research institute, so she wanted to take advantage of the loophole and not write.However, as Ye Hanzhi's student, they went to continent A together, so this report had to be written.

There is no escape.

And when the meeting ended, Yue Pulin left Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi behind.

As soon as the others left and the door of the conference room closed, Yue Pulin's eyes gleamed.

This light is full of gossip.

"What's the matter with you two? Why did I hear that you two are very ambiguous?"

Tang Zhixi: "."

Ye Hanzhi looked at him: "Can't legal couples be ambiguous?"

"!!" Yue Pulin stared, "Legal couple? Are you married?! When did it happen? Why didn't I know?"

"It happened last year." Tang Zhixi said.

Yue Pulin looked at the two of them, was stunned for a while, and said to Ye Hanzhi: "You boy, that's too much. You just abducted the good seedling I found so hard."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

"Eh? No, no. Are you both married? Don't you know each other's identity?"

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Tang Zhixi: "."

What about marriage?Is there anything they don't know about each other?Miss this one?

Yue Pulin looked at the colder expressions of the two of them, and smiled in a low voice: "Oh, Han Zhi. Who told me that Nanchu had a problem with his attitude and was not suitable for entering the research institute."

The cup of tea that Ye Hanzhi just picked up spilled all over his hands.

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows, and turned her head to look at Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Hanzhi swallowed: "I"

Yue Pulin took a sip of tea lightly: "Who told me that her attitude of fishing for three days and posting nets for two days, asking for leave at every turn, and disappearing for half a year from time to time, can only be decided after going through his inspection." Can this person enter the research institute?"

"Really?" Tang Zhixi asked "friendly".

Ye Hanzhi: "I"

There were no two words stuck in his throat like thorns.

He did say it.

"A person who can't even hand in the report format correctly. She will fail her subject on purpose and let her teach her a lesson." Yue Pulin said endlessly, embellishing the authenticity, "Don't let me be on her graduation qualifications again. Sign. This kind of person is not needed by the Institute."

Tang Zhixi glanced at Ye Han calmly, then looked away, took a sip of tea, and said nothing

Ye Hanzhi's heart seemed to be beating. He looked at Tang Zhixi, then at Yue Pulin, squinted his eyes and said, "It seems that the research institute's funding for this year hasn't been approved yet."

"Puff—cough, cough, cough." Yue Pulin choked on the tea and coughed.

Tang Zhixi went to get him two tissues.

Yue Pulin coughed, pointed at Ye Hanzhi, and said after a long time, "Okay, you're ruthless."

Dean Yue Neng Qu Nengshen: "Of course. Han Zhi often praises you, saying that you are a rare talent."

Tang Zhixi said politely, "Thank you, Third Master, for your compliment."

The corners of Ye Hanzhi's mouth twitched twice, no matter how he heard this sentence, it sounded like "Wait until I think about where to bury you".

After saying this, the three of them said something serious.

Yue Pulin said that Tang Zhixi could break into the research institute, but Tang Zhixi refused first.

After entering the research institute, she really can't spend three days fishing and two days drying the net.

She really didn't know if she could fulfill Tang Zhixi's wish.

You can only count where you go.

Now it is possible not to enter the research institute, but to move forward.

Yue Pulin didn't force it either, with her ability, he was willing to make an exception for her.

After that, Ye Hanzhi told Yue Pulin about the secret alliance between M Zhou and Jing Yanbai.

"The identity of the person who delivered the note is unknown, and the news cannot be confirmed to be true." Ye Hanzhi said, "But we must also be prepared."

"The last time I was attacked, we began to suspect the laboratory in M ​​state. If they still cooperate with Jing Yanbai... I'm afraid there will be some trouble." Yue Pulin said.

Ye Hanzhi said: "M state laboratory and their internal factions are also very divided. I'm afraid that someone has moved their minds in order to fight for power."

"We should pay more attention internally." Yue Pulin said, "The research institute involves the interests of various families, just in case."

Ye Hanzhi nodded.

Tang Zhixi listened to them quietly, and didn't take much part in their conversation.

After the three chatted, Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi left.

As soon as the two of them left the door of the meeting room, they saw Yue Guyuan standing outside the door.

Yue Guyuan was taken aback when he saw Tang Zhixi, then glanced at Ye Hanzhi, and said, "Sister Xi, why are you here?"

Tang Zhixi glanced at the folder in his hand.The last time she heard news about Yue Guyuan was his resignation, and there was no news after that.Did not expect to enter the research institute: "Come to see the dean?"


"He's inside."

Yue Guyuan nodded, opened the door and entered the meeting room in a daze.

But Ye Hanzhi looked at Yue Guyuan and said, "He is."

"Dean's grandson."

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows: "What a coincidence."

Tang Zhixi suddenly thought of Yue Sinuo from Shanhaizhou: "Yue Sinuo"

"As madam thinks." Ye Hanzhi took her hand and walked out, "The principal's granddaughter. Yue Guyuan's cousin. A few years ago, her parents died in an experimental explosion. Her father was very kind to me during his lifetime. Well, I'm both a teacher and a friend. So I took care of her a bit."

Tang Zhixi nodded: "It should."

The two of them got out of the research institute and got into the car. Tang Zhixi took out the note from Ye Hanzhi's pocket and looked at it again.

She really didn't recognize the handwriting, but the other party knew Jing Yanbai, she always had a vague feeling that she should know this person.

"If what this person said is true. How did he know that M State and Jing Yanbai were united? Why didn't he show up?"

Ye Hanzhi was also thinking about this.

Tang Zhixi said again: "He also specified whether to give the note to you or to me. He knows both of us. He also seems to know us very well."

Ye Hanzhi said: "The matter about Jing Yanbai has always been kept secret, and not many people know about it. This person knows about Jing Yanbai, knows you, and me. He may also know about the M state laboratory."

Neither Ye Hanzhi nor Tang Zhixi could think of a specific person who met these conditions.

Because starting from Jing Yanbai's direction, Ye Hanzhi didn't know anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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