Chapter 401 The Three Siblings

After returning from continent A, Tang Zhixi stayed in the rose garden for one night before going to Tianshu.

The memory card in the pendant is encrypted.

Some are difficult to understand.

Tang Zhixi didn't dare to forcibly crack it, for fear of ruining the contents inside, so she chose the most gentle method, cracking it bit by bit.

Very time consuming.

In two days, two layers of passwords were cracked.

But there is also encryption.

Tang Zhixi finished cracking another layer, watching the progress bar on the computer advance by a few tenths of a percent.
She handed this matter over to Luo Nanchen, and if there was anything that could not be resolved, she would call her.

She has to prepare to go back to the crew to film.

Because the two of them were not at home during the Chinese New Year, Tang Zhixi and Ye Hanzhi went back to Ye's house when they had time together.

Tang Zhixi wrote a report on supporting continent A while at home, and sent it to Ye Hanzhi.

After posting, afraid that Ye Hanzhi would not see him, he went directly to the study to look for him.


"Not busy." Ye Hanzhi said, "I'm reading your report."

"Then I won't bother you, let's see." Tang Zhixi said as she was about to go out.

Ye Hanzhi stopped her in time: "Little girl, come here."

Tang Zhixi stopped in her tracks: "What are you doing?"

"Come here." Ye Hanzhi said with a smile.

Tang Zhixi always felt that there was something deep in his smile, so she walked up to him.

As soon as he stood still, Ye Hanzhi put his arms around her waist and let her sit on his lap.

Tang Zhixi looked at him: "What are you doing?"

Ye Hanzhi kissed her side face, and said, "Look at the line spacing in your report."

Tang Zhixi took a look, and then realized.That's definitely not eighteen pounds wide.

That's definitely [-] times.

I agreed to unify the habit, and finally unified with him.

Tang Zhixi picked up the mouse and immediately changed the report she had written in less than three hundred words back to eighteen pounds.

Ye Hanzhi watched her series of operations and smiled secretly.Although he didn't laugh out loud, his whole body was shaking.

Tang Zhixi sat on his lap.
"why are you laughing?"

Ye Hanzhi immediately stopped laughing: "No."

Tang Zhixi stared at him lightly.

Ye Hanzhi touched her face, kissed the corner of her mouth, and said softly, "I wrote the report for you, using eighteen pounds of line spacing."

Tang Zhixi continued to stare at him: "What's the matter? Don't you like what I wrote?"

"Madam's writing is easy to understand, simple and clear, and it can be called a model."

Tang Zhixi listened to him playing.

"But...we need something more complicated." Ye Hanzhi squeezed her hand and said warmly, "It's too simple and they may not understand it."

Less than three hundred words, you can read from beginning to end at a glance.

There are even two sublimation sentences mixed in.

Tang Zhixi was silent for a while and said, "Formalize."

"Ma'am is right." Ye Hanzhi stretched his hands from her waist into her clothes while speaking.

Tang Zhixi quickly pressed his hand.

"Madam, we haven't tried the study room yet."

She just said, she was writing a report, and she said it nicely, so she was here waiting for her.

"I haven't tried the study room."

Ye Hanzhi's eyes lit up: "So."

"So... the third master will try it here by himself, and I'm leaving." After speaking, Tang Zhixi pulled his hand out, stood up and walked outside, "Remember to write down your experience."

Ye Hanzhi watched her go out, listened to what she said, ground his teeth, got up and chased after her, and carried her back directly.

"Ye Hanzhi, I have something to do later."

"what's up?"

Tang Zhixi: "."

Ye Hanzhi threw the coat he had put on the back of the chair on the table, and then let Tang Zhixi sit on the coat, put his hands on her side, looked at her with a smile and said, "What's the matter?"

Tang Zhixi looked into his eyes, paused, and quickly found a reason: "Your mother and your sister-in-law called me to go to the theater."

"Don't worry about them."

"You bastard."

Ye Hanzhi laughed: "It's not like I've been rebellious for a day or two."

Tang Zhixi: "."

Ye Hanzhi kissed her tenderly.

While Tang Zhixi scolded herself for being worthless and being fascinated by sex, she was immersed in Ye Hanzhi's tenderness: "The study. The door is not locked."

Ye Hanzhi took the mobile phone beside him, tapped it twice, and remotely locked the door.

next day
Ye Hanzhi went to Yunji Consortium in the morning.

Tang Zhixi got up early, and as soon as they finished eating with Lin Nai, she began to bully Nan Cheng.

She played Go with Nan Cheng, and Nan Cheng didn't win a game.

And once Nan Cheng didn't want to play anymore, she said slowly and coldly: "A majestic man can't afford to lose."

Nan Cheng wanted to get off the little butt of the bench, so he sat back obediently immediately, and continued to sit with her.

Then continue to lose.

Until after ten o'clock, a phone call rescued Xiao Nancheng.

It was Chu Qingyan who called.

Tang Zhixi answered the phone: "Little girl?"

Nan Cheng blinked and looked at her, wondering which little girl made her tone softer.

Chu Qingyan was silent for a while and said, "Where are you?"

"Ye House."

"What are you doing there?" Chu Qingyan asked dissatisfied.


Seeing that she couldn't answer, Chu Qingyan asked again: "Do you have time?"


"It's not that you take me to see Jiang Wan, I'm at the Doomsday Hotel." Chu Qingyan said in a low voice.

"Okay, I'll pick you up."

"En." After Chu Qingyan finished speaking, she said, "Be careful on the road."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Zhixi got up and walked out.

Nan Cheng followed her: "What are you going to do?"

"Go out and play."

"I'll go as well."

Tang Zhixi stopped and glanced at him, then ignored him and continued walking outside.

Nan Cheng chased her: "Hmph, this woman. I played chess with her all morning, and she abandoned me when she said she would abandon me."

"Less than three hours." Tang Zhixi corrected.

"I'm going out too."

Tang Zhixi walked to the entrance and gave him Nan Cheng's coat: "Put it on yourself."

Xiao Nancheng was happy immediately, put on his coat and shoes.

Tang Zhixi put on her coat: "Go to the front yard and tell your grandparents that you won't come back for lunch."

"Okay." Nan Cheng said, "I also want to tell Uncle Ye."


Tang Zhixi drove to the Doomsday Hotel by herself to pick up Chu Qingyan.

When she arrived at the Doomsday Hotel, she didn't let Nan Cheng get off the car, and went to find Chu Qingyan by herself.

And as soon as she saw Chu Qingyan and the two of them hadn't spoken, she discovered that something was wrong with Chu Qingyan.

The look in my own eyes is not right.

When Chu Qingyan's arrogant little eyes flickered, she felt a little wronged.

Tang Zhixi approached and said, "Have you waited long?"

Chu Qingyan lowered her gaze, and shook her head for a moment.

Tang Zhixi felt that she knew something, but she seemed to want to pretend not to know.So she didn't expose it.He raised his hand and touched her head; "Why haven't I seen you for a few days, I'm so unfamiliar."

"How many days?" Chu Qingyan said, "It's been more than two months, and I haven't replied to my messages, and I can't make calls. I don't know you at all."

"Something to do."

Chu Qingyan didn't speak any more.

Tang Zhixi said, "Let's go, I'll take you to see Jiang Wan."

Chu Qingyan followed her out.

As a result, as soon as the two of them left the door of the Doomsday Hotel, they saw a car parked at the door.Then. Chu Yimo came down from above.

The two stopped.

Chu Yimo was also taken aback when he saw the two of them.He finally saw the picture of the two younger sisters standing together again.He looked at it for a while, then smiled and said, "Go out to play?"

In order not to put Tang Zhixi under psychological pressure, Chu Qingyan pretended not to know anything.She suddenly took a step forward, standing between Tang Zhixi and Chu Yimo, and introduced solemnly: "Brother, this is Tang Zhixi. This is my brother, Chu Yimo."

Chu Yimo and Tang Zhixi both looked at her.

Then Tang Zhixi lowered her head and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Chu Qingyan looked at her.

Tang Zhixi cleared her throat: "I didn't laugh."

Chu Qingyan: "." Does she look like a fool?
Seeing Tang Zhixi smile, Chu Yimo felt that she might have seen through Chu Qingyan, but she didn't expose her.He squeezed the hand hanging by his side and said, "Where are you going? Shall I see you off?"

When Chu Qingyan heard this, she immediately wanted to say yes.In this way, the three of them could be together, but they swallowed the words and looked at Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi looked at her begging and expectant little eyes, paused, and looked at Chu Yimo: "Do you have something to do?"

"It's okay. It's just a routine inspection, it's the same every day."

"Okay, let's go together then."

Chu Yimo and Chu Qingyan both laughed.

Seeing how happy the two of them were, Tang Zhixi raised the corners of her mouth and said, "Use the car I drove over, and there is a small one in the car."

Chu Qingyan: "Huh?"

 There are two chapters today,

  Goodnight everybody.

  go to bed early,

(End of this chapter)

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