The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 402 Go to see Jiang Wan

Chapter 402 Go to see Jiang Wan
As soon as the car door opened, Chu Qingyan and Nan Cheng met each other's eyes.

Chu Qingyan had heard that Tang Zhixi had a child a long time ago, and after she found out that Tang Zhixi was her sister, she also figured out the child.

She doesn't know the specifics.

All he knew was that the child's father seemed to be kind to Tang Zhixi.

Nan Cheng looked at Chu Qingyan, and when he heard the driver's door open, he looked at the driver's seat again.Then looking at Chu Yimo, he paused and said, "Brother Yimo."

Tang Zhixi who just opened the co-pilot's door: ".See you?"

Chu Yimo nodded: "Han Zhi."

Chu Yimo didn't seem to want to mention the word "Han Zhi", so he paused reluctantly and continued, "Take us to meet."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows and got into the car.

Chu Qingyan also got into the car and looked at Nan Cheng.

Nan Cheng also looked at her.

After the car started and walked a certain distance, Tang Zhixi had navigated the location, and the two behind were still looking at each other.

"What are you two doing?" Tang Zhixi said, "Nan Cheng, call someone."

"You haven't introduced me yet." Nan Cheng said.

"You are Brother Mo's younger sister." Tang Zhixi lowered her hair and said.

Chu Yimo opened his mouth because of her address, but in the end he didn't say anything.

On the contrary, it was Nan Cheng who reacted quickly, bent his eyes and said with a smile: "Sister."

Chu Qingyan: "."

"Hello, sister." Nan Cheng said, "My sister is so beautiful."

"You're pretty too." After Chu Qingyan finished speaking, she paused and said, "Call me Auntie."

Tang Zhixi looked up at them from the rearview mirror, then continued to lower her hair to hear the news.


"Me, and... her." Chu Qingyan couldn't say the words "your mother", so she pointed at Tang Zhixi and said, "We are friends. You call me aunt."

"But you are Brother Yi Mo's younger sister. Uncle Ye asked me to call you Brother Yi Mo."

Tang Zhixi: "."

Tang Zhixi couldn't help but glanced at Chu Yimo, who turned his head and smiled gently at her.

For the first time, she felt the matter of seniority so intuitively.

If it counts normally.

Ye Hanzhi is her third uncle.

There is a difference in generation between the two of them.

"Child, I have to sort it out for you." Chu Qingyan said, "Who is in charge of your family."

Nan Cheng pursed his lower lip and looked at Tang Zhixi: "Mom."

"Who does Uncle Ye listen to?"


"So... should I call from her side?"

Nan Cheng: "."

"Are you right?" Chu Qingyan said, "If you call from her side, will Uncle Ye dare to say 'no'?"

Nan Cheng pursed his lips and looked at Chu Qingyan, and said after a while, "Auntie."

"Hmm. So cute." Chu Qingyan stroked Nan Cheng's little curly hair, "It's quite easy to touch, why is it so soft."

Nan Cheng let her touch it without saying a word.

Chu Yimo smiled. After so many years, Ye Hanzhi still wanted to call him brother, which was considered a little balance among the 1 imbalances in his heart.

When he arrived at the navigation point, Chu Yimo looked at the crossroads he arrived at, and turned his head to look at Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi said, "Go to the black street."

"Black Street?" Chu Yimo asked in surprise.

Chu Qingyan also said: "Aren't we going to see Jiang Wan? Isn't Jiang Wan in the hospital?"

"Little girl, he can't stay in the hospital all the time." Tang Zhixi looked at her and said, "I love money."

Chu Qingyan: "."

Chu Yimo smiled and drove the car into the black street.

Tang Zhixi showed him the way.

Finally, the car stopped in front of the villa on the street from Tianshu.

Chu Yimo looked at Tianshu's building from the car.

Chu Qingyan said: "You put Jiang Wan here?! This is a black street, opposite is Tianshu. His timidity, won't it scare him?"

"Not sure, I haven't seen him since he came." Tang Zhixi said lightly, "Let's go and see."

The three followed him out of the car, and Nan Cheng ran ahead to press the password.

When the door opened, Chu Qingyan was surprised, and Chu Yimo raised her eyebrows slightly.

The rumors he heard about his sister seemed to be a little rare.

As soon as they entered the courtyard, Luo Nanchen brought Jiang Wan out of the villa to welcome them: "Xiao Jiu, Nan Cheng."

Nan Cheng saw him and ran towards him: "Uncle Luo."

Luo Nanchen picked him up at once: "Oh, why is it so heavy. I won't be able to hold him in another two years."

Both Chu Yimo and Chu Qingyan looked at this slovenly man.

Jiang Wan also looked at them.

Luo Nanchen approached with Nan Cheng in his arms, first looked at Chu Qingyan, then at Chu Yimo: "Master Chu?"

Chu Yimo calmly withdrew his scrutiny, stretched out his hand, and said politely, "Chu Yimo."

Luo Nanchen hugged Nan Cheng with one hand, and shook hands with Chu Yimo: "Luo Nanchen, Master Chu, hello."

Chu Yimo's pupils trembled slightly because of surprise.

Chu Qingyan's eyes widened.

Luo Nanchen of Tianshu? !
After Luo Nanchen and Chu Yimo shook hands, they extended their hands to Chu Qingyan and said with a smile, "Hello."

Tang Zhixi's eyes fell on his hands.

Luo Nanchen immediately felt that his hand was burned, and he couldn't say anything after that, so he quickly put his hand back. The gentleman smiled and said, "Hello, Luo Nanchen."

Chu Qingyan nodded and said politely, "Chu Qingyan."

Chu Yimo looked at Tang Zhixi and scared Luo Nanchen's hand back.What did this do, so powerful.

Jiang Wan saw Tang Zhixi better, but seeing Chu Yimo and Chu Qingyan, especially not knowing Chu Yimo, was still very awkward.

After greeting them in a low voice, they entered the villa together.

When entering the villa, Tang Zhixi said, "Why are you here?"

"I heard you're coming, so I came here on purpose."

"What a special purpose, a matter of a street."

Luo Nanchen: " least you have your heart in mind."

"Can I not have this intention?"

Luo Nanchen held his hurt heart: "Xiao Jiu! You have no heart!"

"How about we count the group of people in the group, with a bunch of emojis in their hands?"

Luo Nanchen coughed lightly, and walked to Chu Yimo's side in a few steps: "Master Chu, do you like tea or what? I'll let someone prepare it."

Several people chatted for a while in the living room, waiting for dinner.

Chu Qingyan, Nan Cheng and Jiang Wan chatted together.

Luo Nanchen, Chu Yimo and Tang Zhixi chatted together.

Jiang Wan is much better now, at least she no longer has any suicidal thoughts.Just still don't want to go to school.

On the way here, Nan Cheng heard what Tang Zhixi and the others said about Jiang Wan, so he understood a little bit.

While playing checkers with Jiang Wan, he said, "Brother, Uncle Luo said, let me train with you in a few days."

Jiang Wan lowered her head and gave a soft "hmm".

Chu Qingyan sat behind Nan Cheng and combed his hair. In just a short while, she changed two hairstyles.

Tang Zhixi watched from the other side, she felt that Chu Qingyan regarded Nan Cheng as a Barbie doll.

"Brother, don't care what other people say." Nan Chengdao, "They all say I look like a girl. But what about being a girl? Girls are very cute. Girls are also great, men and women are the same of."

Chu Qingyan laughed.

Jiang Wan lowered her eyes and listened.

Because of Chu Qingyan's hair tie, Nan Cheng's head swayed from side to side according to Chu Qingyan's strength: "Appearance, preferences, and personality are all innocent. No one can decide whether a person is a man because of these. The real A man will have many, many good qualities, from as small as the Gu family to as big as Weiguo."

Chu Yimo looked over after listening to his words.

"At the very least, a man who can only chew his tongue, insult and bully others cannot be called a man. No matter how strong he looks, he is not a man, he is a wimp."

"You know a lot at such a young age." Chu Qingyan rubbed his face and said. ,
"My mother taught me well." Nan Cheng looked at Chu Qingyan and said proudly.

Chu Yimo and Luo Nanchen both looked at Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi looked up at the two of them, paused, and said calmly, "No way, excellent."

Chu Yimo smiled.

Luo Nanchen: "."

(End of this chapter)

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