Chapter 403 Picky Eaters
At noon, several people ate at the villa together.

At the dinner table, Luo Nanchen watched as Chu Yimo peeled a shrimp for Tang Zhixi first, and then put a dish for Chu Qingyan, with a suddenly enlightened expression on his face.

But Tang Zhixi suddenly remembered that when she was a child, Chu Yimo would always sit between her and Chu Qingyan at mealtimes.

Pick up vegetables for this sister and pick up vegetables for this sister.

Tang Zhixi recalled the scene at that time, suddenly raised the corners of her mouth, and then put a Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum in her mouth.

On the other hand, Chu Yimo was taken aback by her move, and subconsciously held Tang Zhixi's hand.

Half of the chrysanthemum chrysanthemum that Tang Zhixi had just put in her mouth was still outside.

She turned her head to look at Chu Yimo.

Everyone at the table looked at Chu Yimo.

Except for Chu Qingyan, everyone else was puzzled.

Chu Yimo paused and said, "It's Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum."

Tang Zhixi looked down at the half of the dish exposed outside and said "hmm".

Seeing her indifferent and puzzled expression, Chu Yimo let go of her hand and said, "I thought you wouldn't eat."

"Master Chu, Xiao Jiu is very good at this, she can eat anything." Luo Nanchen said, "I'm not picky at all."

Chu Yimo smiled: "Really?"

Although Chu Yimo was smiling, everyone could see the disappointment in his eyes, which was only fleeting.

Chu Qingyan looked at his brother, and lightly pursed her lower lip.

Tang Zhixi put the other half of Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum into her mouth, chewed it, swallowed it and said, "It's true that it doesn't taste very good, but it's nutritious."

Chu Yimo smiled at her and said nothing.

When Chu Qingge was a child, because she was a picky eater, the dinner table at home would be dedicated to things she didn't like to eat.Then. She would rather not eat.

In the end, the family didn't hold her back.

Her picky eating was allowed.

And will be careful to avoid things she doesn't like to eat.

Because she hadn't been corrected since she was picky eater, she would lose her temper when she ate something she didn't like.

The little ancestor in the family, who would be willing to let her lose her temper.

That's why Chu Yimo was so excited just now.

In fact, Tang Zhixi still doesn't like to eat those things, but later she trained in M ​​state and ate everything. At that time, who would spoil you, if you don't eat, you will really starve to death.

Those things can be eaten, and these things will not appear unpalatable.

Tang Zhixi was eating, and when she raised her eyes, she saw a vegetable in Nan Cheng's chopsticks, planning to transport it to Luo Nanchen's bowl.

Moreover, Luo Nanchen secretly stretched out the bowl as a cover.

Tang Zhixi coughed lightly.

Chu Yimo, Chu Qingyan, and Jiang Wan all looked at her.Seeing her looking at Nan Cheng, everyone looked at Nan Cheng again.

And Xiao Nancheng didn't even raise his eyes. Hearing her voice, he immediately turned the direction of the chopsticks, and the vegetable fell into his bowl again.

"Eat." Tang Zhixi said lightly.

Xiao Nancheng picked up the vegetables and put them in his mouth without saying a word.

Then Tang Zhixi clipped another one for him.

Nan Cheng: ".I don't want to eat."

"Picky eaters don't grow tall." Tang Zhixi said lightly.

"Uncle Ye is a picky eater, so Uncle Ye grows very tall." Nan Cheng retorted.

Tang Zhixi's eyes narrowed slightly, and a moment of hostility spread to everyone at the table.

Nan Cheng was so frightened that he immediately put the vegetable in his mouth.

Then she heard Tang Zhixi say slowly: "Congratulations, you will unlock a uncle Ye who is not picky eaters soon."

Nan Cheng: "."

Chu Yimo smiled, and peeled another shrimp for Tang Zhixi.

In the past, he felt sorry for Ye Hanzhi's life after he married his wife.

Now, he is very pleased with Ye Hanzhi's married life.

After eating, they didn't stay long.

A group of people walked out, Nan Cheng took Jiang Wan's hand and talked to him.Say that if you have a question you don't know, you can ask him.

Probably because he was a kid and easy to get along with.Jiang Wan likes Nan Cheng very much.

And Luo Nanchen pulled Tang Zhixi and told her, "Xiao Jiu, isn't it a little dangerous for you to do this?"


"You've fallen in love with Chu Yimo again." Luo Nanchen whispered, "You're still so blatant to bring someone here. Does Ye Hanzhi know?"

Tang Zhixi stopped and looked at him.

Luo Nanchen also stopped after him, and said: "Your behavior is too dangerous, do you know that? Ye Hanzhi and Chu Yimo have a very good relationship. If this is known, you will definitely suffer. Which man can suffer?" A woman who wins her own loves her brother."

Tang Zhixi quietly clenched her fists.This is her image?Start chaotic and end up abandoning?erotic?Stepping on two boats?

"Let me tell you, Ye Hanzhi is dark and difficult to deal with. In troubled times, you have to deal with things well to avoid trouble."

Tang Zhixi walked around behind him, raised her foot and gave him a kick.

Luo Nanchen staggered forward for several steps, and almost fell to the ground after eating shit.

The people in front all looked over.

Luo Nanchen stood firm, turned to look at Tang Zhixi, pointed at her and said, "Xiao Jiu, you."

Tang Zhixi took a few steps forward, grabbed his wrist, looked at him, and said coldly, "When you get older, you should wear glasses. You can't see well, so don't talk nonsense."

"Xiao Jiu, it hurts. My wrist." Luo Nanchen said.

Tang Zhixi let him go: "If you spread rumors again, I'll sue you."

Luo Nanchen clutched his wrist, not daring to speak.

On the way back, Tang Zhixi asked Chu Yimo to drive the car to the Doomsday Hotel.Save someone from having to send the two of them again.

Then she drove Nan Cheng back to Ye's house.

When they arrived at Ye's house, Nan Cheng fell asleep in the car.

Tang Zhixi called him twice, but he didn't wake up.She wrapped him in clothes to prevent him from catching a cold, and carried him directly out of the car.

After entering Ye's house, it wasn't long before she left with Nan Cheng in her arms, when Ye Hanzhi came out to pick him up.

After he came back, he told the person at the door, and Tang Zhixi came back and told him.

Ye Hanzhi walked over quickly and took Nan Cheng over: "Why did you fall asleep?"

"I feel sleepy when I'm full. I can't wake up."

Ye Hanzhi looked at Nan Cheng's little face wrapped in clothes, sleeping soundly.

He carried Nan Cheng back to his parents' bedroom, and then took Tang Zhixi back to his yard.

"My mother made you a cloak." Ye Hanzhi put it on her.

Red cotton cape with white fur on the collar.

The cloak is also embroidered with phoenix feathers.

Just right, to the feet.

Tang Zhixi took a look: "Thank you, Auntie."

"There's another white one, which hasn't been finished yet." Ye Hanzhi said, and went to get a hand warmer for her, "Hands are so cold in winter."

"It's easy to get cold in winter." Tang Zhixi looked at the hand warmer in her hand, a small golden hand stove wrapped in a beautiful little cloth bag, "What's inside?"

"Carbon. My mother made it. There are benzoin and agarwood in the charcoal." Ye Hanzhi tidied her hair that was pressed by the cloak, and then kissed her lips, "I bought some from her, and I will give it to you tomorrow." You take it to the set."


"Let's go back to the North Courtyard."


Tang Zhixi was wearing a cloak and holding a hand stove in her hand.

Ye Hanzhi was wearing a black overcoat, walking beside her, with the arm next to her behind his back.

The two walked slowly in the yard, on the stone road, and on the arch bridge.
It blends with the quaint and elegant scenery in the whole yard and becomes a natural painting.

 Happy Children's Day.

  I hope you will always be like children, happy and carefree.

  good night
  Love you guys

(End of this chapter)

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