Chapter 404 Handwriting
After Tang Zhixi joined the group again, Ye Hanzhi also left Ye Zhai and went to the research institute.

In Ye's house, little Nan Cheng was left to accompany Ye Lin and Lin Nai at home.

"There must be a little one in the family. My dad's spirit is better than before." Ye Hanxiu took his wife back to the old house to eat.

"He wanted to go skating with Nan Cheng yesterday." Lin Nai said, "Let me stop at the gate. I'm over 80 years old, and I don't know what to do."

Seeing that he was about to be scolded again, Ye Lin got up silently and went upstairs: "I'll go and see Nan Cheng practicing calligraphy."

Lin Nai glanced at him and ignored him.

Ye Hanxiu and Yan Tong secretly laughed.

Yan Tong said: "Did Hanzhi and Zhixi say when they plan to have a child?"

Lin Nai said together: "Hanzhi is too busy, and Zhixi's work has just started, I'm afraid it will take a few more years."

"Don't worry. Nan Cheng is still young, and I will ask for it after a few years when Nan Cheng grows up. There will be a little baby to accompany you and Dad." Yan Tong said.

"Wait a few years. Tingjue's family also has a child, so it will be very lively."

Yan Tong laughed: "Ting Jue, Ting Jue must have a girlfriend first."

Lin Nai smiled.

Upstairs study.

Nan Cheng was practicing calligraphy, Ye Lin stood behind him and watched after entering.

Looking at it, he suddenly said: "This come the more it is written, the more it looks like your second uncle's handwriting."

"Second Uncle?" Nan Cheng looked up at him, "Is it the Second Uncle in the photo?"

"Yes." Ye Lin stroked his hair, "Oh, you should call him Uncle Er."

Nan Cheng looked at his own handwriting, then looked at Ye Lin again, and asked, "Is it similar?"

"It's kind of like it." After Ye Lin finished speaking, he thought about it, walked to the bookshelf, and showed Nan Cheng a stack of papers that Ye Hanbei had written before, "Come on, have a look. This was written by your second uncle before." Paper. Is it a bit similar?"

Nan Cheng pressed his head against Ye Lin's arm and looked at the words on the paper. After reading for a while, Nan Cheng's eyes suddenly widened and he sat up straight.

"what happened?"

Doesn't it look like he didn't read his own words and the words on the paper, but... the words on this paper seem to be exactly the same as his father's.

"Grandpa, wait for me, I'll be right back."

Said Nan Cheng got off the chair and ran out of the study.

"What are you going to do?" Ye Lin asked.

"You wait here for me, I'll be back soon."

"Okay, I'll wait here. Slow down, don't fall."

Ye's house is really too big, it took Nan Cheng nearly half an hour to go back and forth by car.

When he came back, Lin Naiyi stopped him in the living room and wiped the sweat off his face before letting him go upstairs.

As soon as he entered the study, Nan Cheng gave the wooden box in his arms to Ye Lin: "Grandpa, look."

"what is this?"

"It contains letters from my father to me."

Ye Lin froze for a moment.

Nan Cheng pulled Ye Lin back to the desk.He opened the wooden box, and there was a thick stack of hearts inside. Nan Cheng took one from the top, carefully opened it, and placed it next to the papers on the table: "Look, my father's handwriting and Erbo's handwriting like."

Ye Lin looked at the letter.

[Heng'er, today is the 60th day of your birth, it has been two months, and you have grown a lot taller.When I saw you today, what were you babbling about?Are you complaining that Dad is not with you?I'm sorry Dad for ignoring you for the past two months.You are too young, so Dad chats with you by writing letters.When you grow up, just watch]
Ye Lin stared blankly at the words on it. After a long while, he came back to his senses and went to get the letter in the box again.

But the envelope couldn't be opened because of shaking hands.

"Grandpa, I'll help you."

Nan Cheng helped him open the letter.

Ye Lin took it.

[Heng'er, today is the No.60 fifth day of your birth.You are so good at crying, Yinghuo said that you may have been a small fountain in your previous life, that's why you are so good at crying.She said that if you cry like this again, she will withhold your milk powder to prevent you from growing taller.]
Afterwards, Ye Lin opened a few more letters.

Every letter is written to Nan Cheng, the date is indeterminate, very casual.The content of the letter is also very casual, just say whatever comes to mind.

Some are just a sentence or two above.

Nan Xiao seemed to know that Jing Yanbai would attack him sooner or later, and he seemed afraid that he would not be able to wait for Nan Cheng to grow up, so he chose this way to leave Nan Cheng with his father's love.

Tell him that Dad loves him very much.

Ye Lin looked at those letters, his heart was beating wildly, and his hands were shaking constantly.

"Grandpa, are you okay?"

Ye Lin looked at Nan Cheng, sat on the chair, put his hands on his small shoulders for a while before saying: "Nan Cheng, have you seen the photo of the second uncle?"

"Yeah." Nan Cheng nodded, "I met you in the living room. Grandpa, are you okay?"

"Grandpa is fine." Ye Lin took a deep breath and asked, "Then do you know what your father looks like?"

"I have his picture."

"Would you like to show grandpa?"

"Yeah." Nan Cheng took out his mobile phone and found Nan Xiao's photo, Grandpa, here it is. "

Ye Lin took the phone and looked at the photo on it.

Not Ye Hanbei, not his son.

Ye Lin let out a long breath, pinching the center of his brows: "This is your father?"

"En." Nan Cheng nodded.

Ye Lin looked at the photos on the phone.

This character is Han Bei's character, not only the character, but even the tone of the letter.

But this man is not his son.

"Grandpa, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Ye Lin stroked Nan Cheng's little head, "Put away all the letters, don't show them to grandma."

Seeing Ye Lin's expression, Nan Cheng agreed without asking any further questions.

In the evening, Nan Cheng went back to the North Courtyard to sleep.

Ye Lin couldn't fall asleep after Lin Nai fell asleep.

He repeated the words on the letter in his head.

That's Ye Hanbei's handwriting, he won't admit it wrong.That tone was also Ye Hanbei's tone.

But Ye Hanbei was indeed sacrificed, and the person in the photo was indeed not Ye Hanbei.

But Nan Cheng looks very similar to Ye Hanzhi and Lin Naiyi, so how to explain this matter.

Ye Lin thought about it all night, but couldn't figure it out.

So the next morning, he took Nan Cheng's hair, Lin Naiyi's hair, and his own hair to the hospital identification center.

The appraisal center has paid an expedited fee, but because the appraisal is done in a different generation, it will take longer to get the result after paying the expedited fee.Twelve hours at the fastest.

So Ye Lin went home first, and didn't go to the hospital at night, but went to the hospital again the next morning.

Ye Lin seldom ran out so frequently, and rarely ran so frequently by himself, and he was also secretly acting like a thief.

Lin Nai gave him countless opportunities to explain, but he didn't mention a word.

If this was when he was young, Lin Nai would definitely think that there was someone outside him.

But he is so old. Except for some people who will look at his family property, he is over 80
But the only part of Ye Lin's family property is still under the name of Lin Nai.

(End of this chapter)

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