The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 411 It's Late But Arrived

Chapter 411 It's Late But Arrived
Zhenlei checked the strange number, it was a black card.

Also located his position.

In state M.

Immediately, Zhenlei asked the people in state M to look for them according to their location.

But only a lost mobile phone was found, and no one was found.

I adjusted the surrounding surveillance and found no suspicious person.

Judging from the cell phone that was thrown away, it was a newly bought cell phone.Except for the black card installed, no other cards have been installed.

And besides taking photos of Tang Zhixi, sending photos to Ye Hanzhi, and calling Ye Hanzhi, this phone has never been used again.

The other party was very cautious and left nothing behind.

The stranger was not found, and the photos of Tang Zhixi and Chu Yimo were not expanded.

It's just that these few photos were buried in Ye Hanzhi's heart like a thorn.

The other party seemed to want to bury this thorn.

This man was successful, and he was not successful.

Because this person was obviously coming towards Tang Zhixi, and wanted to influence the relationship between Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi.

However, the buried thorn did not stab Tang Zhixi, but Chu Yimo.

Ye Hanzhi naturally believed in Tang Zhixi and Chu Yimo.

It's just that Chu Yimo was in front of his eyes all day long, and every time he saw him, Ye Hanzhi would think of the photo of Tang Zhixi smiling at him.

Therefore, the more Ye Hanzhi looked at Chu Yimo, the more he disliked him, and he was eccentric every day.

Chu Yimo couldn't figure out how he had offended him and received such treatment.

Ye Hanzhi's yin and yang strangeness, he has been taught since he was a few years old.

It really makes him think about what he did wrong before going to bed, and how he provoked him.

What's more, this time it lasted for many days.

Chu Yimo couldn't play him well, so he kept the accounts silently.

Every time Ye Hanzhi targeted him, Chu Yimo made a note.

From the day when Chu Qingge held the wedding, Ye Hanzhi would never be allowed to enter the house smoothly, until he didn't nod his head, Ye Hanzhi would never want to marry his sister.

At the beginning of April, the research institute finally studied all the contents on the memory card left by Tang Peihua.

Immortal potions are being manufactured as described above.

Also use the ingredients noted above to break down 319.

319 is researched on the basis of Immortal, but it is different from Immortal in many ways.

Because Tang Peihua blew up the entire laboratory and all the data was destroyed.

All core experiments were done by Tang Peihua and her husband.Jing Xian only knew some experimental data.

When the laboratory was blown up, only what Jing Xian remembered was left behind.

Compared with Immortal, 319 not only has too many disadvantages, but it is still not easy to break down.

So these will be huge projects.

And all of this is being done in secret.

Therefore, there are relatively few people who study these.With fewer people and a larger project volume, more time must be spent.

Tang Zhixi's crew wanted to shoot Duan Nian's line.

So she had three days off.

On the day of the holiday, work was over in the early morning.Tang Zhixi didn't even take a break, and went straight back to the Rose Garden after finishing her work.

It was past four o'clock in the morning when we arrived at the Rose Garden.After washing up, she went straight to sleep and planned to go to the research institute early the next morning.

If she can't enter the research institute, she will still go to the laboratory of Teikyo University.

Ye Hanzhi has been staying in the research institute these days, knowing that she is back.The next morning, I bought breakfast at [-]:[-] and went back to the Rose Garden.

At eight o'clock he entered the living room of Rose Garden, Tang Zhixi had already washed up and went downstairs.

Seeing her, Ye Hanzhi first smiled: "Wake up so early?"

Tang Zhixi looked at Ye Hanzhi's reddened eyes, and knew that he should have stayed up late yesterday: "I guess I'll wake up."

Otherwise, Ye Hanzhi wouldn't have brought breakfast over so early.

"I want you to go to bed after breakfast." Ye Hanzhi put the breakfast on the dining table and went to wash his hands.

After coming out of the bathroom, she hugged Tang Zhixi and kissed her for a while.

Tang Zhixi was wearing a tracksuit, and Ye Hanzhi held her waist.After letting her go, Ye Hanzhi put his arms around her waist: "The waist is thinner again, at least five catties."

"I'll make it up after filming." Tang Zhixi said indifferently.

Ye Hanzhi lowered his head, lightly bumped Tang Zhixi's forehead with his forehead, and asked with some doubts, "Will you make it up?"

"Yes." Tang Zhixi withdrew from his arms, put her hands in her trouser pockets, walked to the restaurant, and said softly, "It doesn't look good to be so thin."

Hearing her words, Ye Hanzhi smiled and felt relieved.

The little girl loves beauty, and she doesn't like this look, so she will definitely find a way to make it up after filming.

Ye Hanzhi followed her to the restaurant: "Everything looks good, health is the most important thing."

The two sat down next to each other, Ye Hanzhi put away the breakfast and served her a bowl of soup: "Go to bed after eating."

"No, I can't sleep." Tang Zhixi took a sip of soup, "I want to go to the research institute, can I?"

Last support, she got a pass with a report.

Afterwards, Yue Pulin gave her the qualification to enter the research institute, but she didn't want it.

Now she is not from the institute, and she does not have a pass.

If you want to go to the research institute, unless you accept the qualification given by Yue Pulin to become a researcher.

But obviously she can't accept that qualification now.

So I can only ask Ye Hanzhi.

She is a student under the name of Ye Han, and has support experience, and she has also made meritorious service.

If Ye Hanzhi can approve it and enter the research institute, there should be no problem.

And the research she wanted to participate in was led by Ye Hanzhi and Chu Yimo.

They are all our own people. The problem should not be big.

Ye Hanzhi peeled an egg for her and put it on a plate, raised his eyebrows and said, "Just bribe me."

Tang Zhixi lowered her head and ate a soup dumpling, then said, "How to bribe?"

Ye Hanzhi looked at her, and after a while, he smiled and said, "It will take a long time to realize, so let's do something that can be completed at any time."

Tang Zhixi turned her head to look at him.

With a smile on his face, Ye Hanzhi said, "Sounds nice, husband, brother, etc."

Tang Zhixi's expression didn't move, but the words "Brother Han" filled her head at that moment.


Tang Zhixi looked away and took another sip of soup.

Ye Hanzhi also peeled an egg and took a bite.

Just when he was thinking about making another joke, he stopped.He heard Tang Zhixi leisurely, and said in a cold voice: "Third Master, is it not good for us to be so close, I think the distance should be farther away."

"Cough." Ye Hanzhi coughed lightly, and his pupils trembled.

Tang Zhixi looked at him, and said calmly from expression to tone: "I think now is a rare opportunity. The third master can examine me carefully, whether my attitude is suitable for entering the research institute."

Settlement is late but arrived.

Ye Hanzhi's heart trembled, and he choked on the egg.

 I wish all the candidates the title of the gold list, everything goes as they wish, and they can achieve very good and very good results.

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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