Chapter 412 The data is wrong
Ye Hanzhi obediently took Tang Zhixi to the research institute.

When they arrived at the research institute, Tang Zhixi followed Ye Hanzhi directly to their laboratory.

As soon as he entered, he ran into a man wearing a mask and a white coat, with unusually messy hair, and his eyes were even a little swollen and not fully opened.

"Master, Miss Tang."

Hearing the voice, Tang Zhixi recognized the person.

It's Lu Shang.

Lu Shang followed Ye Hanzhi in the research institute, Zhenlei followed Ye Hanzhi in the Yunji Consortium, and Lihuo and Duize were in Huiyao.There are still a few people left, all of whom belong to the gossip, and Tang Zhixi has not met them yet.

Tang Zhixi looked at Lu Shang and slightly raised her eyebrows.

Lu Shang touched his chicken nest head: "I'm sorry, I'm a little busy."

"It was also very busy in continent A."

What Tang Zhixi meant was that I've never seen you stand up with your hair while you're so busy in A state.

"Always pay attention to your own image outside." Lu Shang said with some embarrassment, "When you get home, just be more casual."

Tang Zhixi nodded her head, expressing her understanding and didn't speak any more.Lu Shang talked with Ye Hanzhi for a few words, and went out with the documents.

Ye Hanzhi led her inside: "It's not that busy, he's just really casual."


All morning, Tang Zhixi just stood beside Ye Hanzhi and watched him experiment.

Because many experiments are in progress, it is not suitable for her to intervene at this time, and their own experiments are the most familiar to them.

She just kept observing and studying the data, acting as an assistant for Ye Hanzhi.

Chu Yimo is in another laboratory, just right. There is a layer of glass on both sides, so you can see it when you look up.

When working, everyone is busy and can't care about anything.

But when it was almost lunch time, Chu Yimo's side ended first.

When he was free, he looked up and saw Ye Hanzhi standing with his sister, so he didn't like it no matter what.

His eyes wished to penetrate that layer of glass and put a Milky Way between the two of them.

Chu Yimo stared at Ye Hanzhi.

Did Ye Hanzhi look like this before?

How come the more you look at it, the more you deserve to be beaten.

The more you look at it, the more unpleasant it becomes.

Oh, he used to look like this. When his sister was pestering him to hug him more than 20 years ago, Ye Hanzhi had such an unpleasant look.

His gaze was too obvious.

Both Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi noticed it, they paused, and then looked up at him at the same time.

Chu Yimo's vicious and villainous eyes hadn't looked away, and they were caught by the two of them.

He was startled, and suddenly took a step back, hitting the experimental table with his lower back.

With villainous eyes, Young Master Chu supported his waist and bent down in pain.

Because Chu Yimo bent down, his figure was blocked by the experimental platform.

Through the glass, neither Ye Hanzhi nor Tang Zhixi could see him.

Watching his figure disappear, the two looked back lightly and looked at each other.Then he bowed his head at the same time and continued the experiment.

By the time Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi came out of the laboratory, it was already past meal time.

However, because the people in the research institute often do not eat according to the order, the meals in the cafeteria are eaten at any time and hot at any time.

Ye Hanzhi asked Tang Zhixi to sit down first, and he went to get two meals.

As soon as he brought back the rice, Chu Yimo also took a meal and sat opposite Tang Zhixi.

Ye Hanzhi's eyes flashed with ruthlessness for a moment.

Chu Yimo didn't want to look at him either.

Feeling the silent hostility between the two of them, Tang Zhixi lowered her head and ate a mouthful of rice and another piece of carrot and said, "The food in the institute is good."

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi said warmly, "I specially hired a nutritionist."

"The research institute has a special fund for the food every year." Chu Yimo said.

Ye Hanzhi pursed his lower lip.

"The Doomsday Hotel voted?" Tang Zhixi asked.

"En." Ye Hanzhi answered her ahead of Chu Yimo, and put the selected fish on the plate for her, "How do you know?"

Chu Yimo watched him pick up the food, silently clenched the chopsticks tightly.

"Guess. Catering supports catering, professional counterparts." Tang Zhixi said.

Chu Yimo: "." This seems to be true, but why does it sound so wrong.

Ye Hanzhi smiled.

Tang Zhixi ate quietly for a while, and started to talk about business: "319 is still not easy to decompose. Except for some Immortal-related ingredients, the rest has nothing to do with Immortal."

"Zishengcao." Ye Hanzhi said while eating, "Immortal was originally an imitation of the effect of Zuishengcao. The data of Immortal was lost back then. If they want to study it later, they will re-develop a kind of medicine that has the same effect as Zuishengcao. Potion. But the new research is very different from that of the previous year. So 319 and Immortal have similarities and differences."

"The record about Drunken Grass in the storage card is wrong." Tang Zhixi frowned and said.

I don't know if it was a recording error at the time or it was intentional.

According to repeated demonstrations based on the current experiments, the relevant data of Zuishengcao are wrong.

But they don't know the real data, and there is no channel to know it.

This leads to some difficulties in the decomposition of 319.

Chu Yimo said: "Now the drunk grass is the key."

Both Tang Zhixi and Ye Hanzhi were silent for a moment.

After a while, Ye Hanzhi said: "All the experiments have huge data. We still need to conduct a lot of experimental demonstrations. Maybe our current experiments are not enough to demonstrate. It is too early to draw conclusions."

Chu Yimo also said: "Indeed. Maybe with the passage of time, 319 will be decomposed. Or maybe there is no problem with the data of Zuishengcao, but we haven't reached that level yet."

Listening to what they said, Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows: "Well, it makes sense."

For the time being, I can only think in a good direction about this matter.

May they be lucky.

After eating, the three returned to the laboratory.

Halfway through, Ye Hanzhi suddenly looked at Chu Yimo and said, "Aren't you busy this afternoon? Why are you coming back with us?"

Chu Yimo didn't want to talk to him, but when he saw Chu Qingge looked over, he explained: "The Dance Association has a party at the Doomsday Hotel tonight. I need to attend to help maintain the scene, so it can be regarded as a host."

Ye Hanzhi frowned slightly.

He was walking beside Tang Zhixi, but suddenly he took Tang Zhixi's hand and pulled her towards him.

Chu Yimo looked at his actions: "."

"A dance club party?" Tang Zhixi asked.

"Yeah." Chu Yimo didn't look at the hands of the two of them, and he couldn't see it, "We get together every year. It's very casual, whenever we have time, to celebrate the success of various performances, and to welcome newcomers as well. you"

Chu Yimo glanced at Ye Hanzhi's words and changed his lips: "Are you going?"

Tang Zhixi shook her head.

Seeing Tang Zhixi shaking her head, Ye Hanzhi simply refused, "No."

Chu Yimo: "."

 Why don't you scold me.

  I really tried my best.

  That chapter is coded, and I won't let it go.

  Change it and send it again tomorrow.

  How can I write this article more and more difficult.

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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