Chapter 413
The dance club party was held half a month after the tour ended.

This tour took too long, because I encountered bad weather in a place on continent D, and I couldn't go out there for a month, so all the schedules were postponed.

So it took a lot longer than expected.

Every year, Chu Mingjin and Xia Luoqing attend the dance association's gathering together, and they will also bring Chu Yimo with them.

Especially in recent years, Chu Yimo has become a mandatory member.

The drunkard doesn't mean wine.

What to do!
It was obvious that Xia Luoqing wanted to find a daughter-in-law, so Chu Yimo was invited to the party every year.

What if the eyes are on.

In case fate doesn't come this year, it will come next year.

So Xia Luoqing held on to the year after year just in case, and after a few years, her son was still single.

Participation in the dance association party is not mandatory, but it is still a good one.

Of course, those who just joined the Dance Association last year also participated.

This includes Song Anrou.

Song Anrou and the newcomers toasted Xia Luoqing with a glass of wine, and then left to toast the other teachers.

Chu Yimo chatted with some teachers from the Dance Association, and then went to Xia Luoqing's side.

"What are you looking at?"

Xia Luoqing heard his voice, didn't even look at him, and said directly: "Son, look, that girl. It's the one with the ponytail and the sportswear."

Chu Yimo saw it, but still asked, "Which one?"

Xia Luoqing turned her head and glared at him: "Are you blind?"

Chu Yimo smiled: "Yes, I saw it. It's very conspicuous. Everyone else wears such gorgeous clothes, but she is the most simple, so you can see it at a glance."

Xia Luoqing raised her eyebrows: "So? What do you think?"

"Two thoughts. Either it is really simple, or it attracts people's attention." Chu Yimo said calmly.

Xia Luoqing smiled: "What if it's intentional to catch people's attention? Did you catch the attention of Young Master Chu?"

Chu Yimo looked at the little girl and smiled without saying a word.

Seeing that he did not speak, Xia Luoqing sighed softly.

Well, there is no play again.

"That was the champion of last year's dance competition. It's not eye-catching, it's really simple." Xia Luoqing said, "The family conditions are average. But the little girl is very kind, hardworking, and tenacious. I like it very much."

Chu Yimo raised his eyebrows.

Xia Luoqing didn't hear Chu Yimo's words again, so she took a breath and said, "Are you dumb again? Go away, don't be annoying here."

Chu Yimo was scolded, and said with a smile: "Mom, what's wrong with my dad?"

There are also many male teachers and male students of the Dance Association, and Chu Mingjin has been chatting there.

But just now Chu Yimo had seen it a long time ago, Chu Mingjin's left cheek seemed to be a little swollen.

And after he came, he didn't take a sip of wine, and pressed his face with his hands from time to time.

It looked very uncomfortable.

"Nothing. Burned."

"Huh?" Chu Yimo was puzzled.

What else could make his father angry now.

"Your grandfather told him yesterday that Qingge and Hanzhi got married." Xia Luoqing whispered, "He didn't sleep last night, and his teeth were swollen this morning."

Chu Yimo: "."

The second day after returning from the tour, Chu Yimo told them about it.

Mainly because of the atmosphere at home, even if he didn't want to talk about it, he couldn't hide it.

Mr. Chu lived in the imperial capital for a few months and did not return to Qin City. He got up early every morning to listen to operas, walk the birds, and practice Tai Chi.

Although Chu Qingyan was staying, she was at home the day they returned home.

He even played the pipa at home.

What was even more frightening was that the solo photo of Chu Qingge on the shelf in the living room at home turned into a group photo of Chu Qingyan and Tang Zhixi.

Chu Mingjin and Xia Luoqing held back for a whole day, and finally called Chu Yimo back.

After Chu Yimo and the two of them explained the situation.

The two immediately packed up and carried the suitcase, as if they couldn't see the eldest son in the living room, they went straight out and stayed at the hotel where Chu Qingge was working.

I heard that he was caught as a proxy filming outside the crew.

The two didn't come back until the Chu Qing Opera group was on vacation.

I don't know if Chu Qingge discovered the two of them.

Anyway, Chu Yimo is now a Buddha.

After experiencing Chu Qingyan pretending not to know, Mr. Chu met by chance when he went to the theater assembly and pretended not to know each other.

The afternoon when I knew what Mr. Chu was doing out in the morning.

Chu Yimo was completely shocked.

Is that still the grandfather he remembered?
So now his parents' operations are out of his sight.

Even if she is discovered, Chu Qingge will cooperate with the acting.

I don't want to put too much pressure on Chu Qingge, and I don't want her to feel that family affection is kidnapping her and forcing her to go home.

But I couldn't control my thoughts.

On the other hand, Chu Qingge may feel that the window paper has not been pierced, and it is easier to get along with each other.

So. We have come to the current situation.

The situation is good, and the family affection is slowly penetrating and getting closer.

It's just that Chu Yimo looked at his father and then at his mother, and then thought about Chu Qingyan and Mr. Chu.

This family is all in the entertainment industry, and they should all be at the level of movie kings and queens.

"Didn't you go to the hospital?" Chu Yimo asked.

"I've gone. I took the medicine in the morning and it's fine." Xia Luoqing said, "Going online in the afternoon, I found a picture of Qingge and Ye Hanzhi standing together, and then the medicine didn't work."

Chu Yimo: "."

When Chu Yimo told them about this matter, he deliberately avoided the matter of Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi.

He felt his father might not be able to bear the news.

But sooner or later you will know.But he didn't expect to know so quickly.

The two were chatting, when Xia Luoqing looked up and saw Song Anrou walking towards them.

Chu Yimo saw it too, but the two continued to chat without changing their expressions.

"The Song family's daughter?" Xia Luoqing asked.


Xia Luoqing also heard Chu Qingyan say a lot about Chu Qingge these days.

They missed ten years of Chu Qingge's life, so for half a month, they kept trying to understand and try their best.

All the minutiae, you don't want to miss it if you know it.

So they also learned something about the Song family and Song Anrou.

And Chu Qingyan learned most of the things from He Yuzhe, probably knowing many things better than Chu Yimo.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have let her join the dance association." Xia Luoqing whispered.

Chu Yimo smiled: "Mom, you have been scolded for a long time on the Internet because you gave her a very low score."

Xia Luoqing is the chairman of the dance association, so of course she has the power to decide anything.But the dance association has always been very democratic, and many teachers have the right to choose their own students.

So although she didn't fall in love with Song Anrou's dance at the time, she didn't object when other teachers picked her in.

This is an opportunity for Song Anrou, a rare opportunity.For young people, since there is such an opportunity, she is still willing to give it.

As for whether she is suitable for this path, time will tell.

Song Anrou walked this way, and chatted with the people around on the way.

Xia Luoqing withdrew her gaze and said, "Her eyes are too unclean. It's not a bad thing to be ambitious, but this ambition is not clean. I've already restrained myself from grading or post-competition interviews on dances with skill and soul."

But she didn't expect that this man even came to her house to bully others.

Then no matter what, you can't keep her.

"Mom, Qingge is almost merciless to those who are unfavorable to Qingge." Chu Yimo said, "But Song Anrou is an exception. She is safe and sound until now."

Xia Luoqing understood, she paused and said, "Okay, I won't interfere, I won't cause trouble."

It happened that Song Anrou came over and said respectfully, "Mr. Xia, Master Chu."

Xia Luoqing and Chu Yimo politely chatted with her based on the principle of not causing trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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