Chapter 414 Memory
Over there at the Institute, 12:30 in the morning.

Ye Hanzhi forcibly pulled Tang Zhixi out of the laboratory.

The two did not go home, but stayed in the dormitory of the research institute.

The dormitories of the research institute are all single rooms with double beds.Ye Hanzhi has always had his own fixed residence.

So as soon as he entered the room, what Tang Zhixi could smell was the aloes from Ye Hanzhi's body.

The previously unfamiliar residence has become familiar.

"Go take a shower first." Ye Hanzhi found his own home clothes for her, "Wear mine first tonight? Ask the family to deliver the clothes tomorrow morning."


Tang Zhixi took her clothes and went to take a bath.

When she came out of the shower, she was wearing Ye Hanzhi's clothes, with her trousers and sleeves folded up.Although it is big, it is not ugly to wear.

Ye Hanzhi kissed her, took a hair dryer and dried her hair before going to take a shower.

After he went to the bathroom, Tang Zhixi lay on the bed and checked the news on his phone, and then checked the news about the dance association tonight.

She planned to wait for Ye Hanzhi to come out of the shower and tell him about her identity.Tell him about your relationship with Chu Yimo.

But when Ye Hanzhi came out of the shower, she fell asleep leaning against the head of the bed.

The page of the mobile phone is still stuck on the group photo at the end of the last dance association.

Ye Hanzhi went to the bed and took out the phone from her hand, closed it, and put it on the bedside table.Then he supported her neck and knees and let her lie flat on the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

Tang Zhixi knew that Ye Hanzhi helped her turn off her phone and told her to lie down.

But he just didn't want to open his eyes, he didn't even want to look at Ye Han, he was too sleepy.

So I don't even want to say what I want to say.

Anyway, before I fell asleep again, what I was thinking in my head was, to explain the relationship to him, what the hell is going on.

Ye Hanzhi leaned over by the bed and kissed Tang Zhixi, and then went to the other side to lie down after she fell asleep.

During this time, Tang Zhixi was too tired.

In order to catch up with the schedule, the crew's scenes took place one after another.

While ensuring progress, quality must also be ensured.

Originally, I didn't have time to rest in the crew, so I went directly to the research institute after I came back.

There is no rest today, a high degree of mental activity consumes more energy.

So during Tang Zhixi's three-day vacation, she got up in the morning and went directly to the laboratory, and went back to the dormitory when she came out in the evening.

After taking a shower, as long as you lie on the bed, you will definitely fall asleep quickly.

Even the next night, Tang Zhixi fell asleep in the bathtub.

It was Ye Hanzhi who carried her out.

Ye Hanzhi also noticed that there was something wrong with Tang Zhixi's lethargy.

But when she was asleep, he took her pulse and found nothing unusual.

In fact, Tang Zhixi was fine, but recently she kept thinking about things from her childhood.

It started when I saw Xia Luoqing and Chu Mingjin at the crew hotel.

I keep thinking about the past on and off, and it is getting worse in the past few days.

I also dream at night.

It may be because these things were forgotten by hypnosis, so when I remembered it, it had a certain impact on the load on the brain, resulting in drowsiness.

Because of this, she was busy and confused, and finally Tang Zhixi returned to the crew. She still didn't tell Ye Hanzhi about her identity.

On the day Tang Zhixi returned to the set, Song Zhengde and Mr. Song came to the capital again.

Because I saw the news about the dance association party on the Internet.

After seeing the photos on the Internet, the photos of Song Anrou, Xia Luoqing, and Chu Yimo chatting were posted on the Internet.

So the old man went to Beijing again.

After participating in the Chu family's charity auction a year ago, she knew that Tang Zhixi had married into the Ye family.

The Song family has been looking for Tang Zhixi, trying to contact her.

But he stayed in the imperial capital until the 29th of the new year, not only did he not see anyone, he didn't even get through to Tang Zhixi's phone.

So the family returned to Yancheng first.

This time, the whole family came to find Song Anrou after the matter of Yancheng had been dealt with.

Even Mr. Song discussed with Song Zhengde to move both the Song Group and the Song Family to the Imperial Capital.

Song Anrou has been living in Song Chengyou's apartment.

So after the Song family came, they all lived there.

They arrived at noon, and Song Chengyou was not at home.

Song Anrou didn't know they were here until they arrived at the apartment.

"Grandpa, parents, why are you here?" Song Anju said, "Tell me earlier, I will pick you up."

He Yanxin was in a good mood, and was even happier after seeing Song Anrou: "It's not the first time I've come to the Imperial Capital. There are so many of us, why do you need me?"

Old Man Song said: "Let's live here for a while, and when the house on the west side of the city is finished, we'll move there."

Song Anrou knew their purpose of coming to the Imperial Capital in an instant, but she still showed a surprised expression: "Grandpa, are you going to stay here for a long time?"

Song Zhengde said: "We discussed it and planned to develop in the Imperial Capital and gradually transfer the Song Group to the Imperial Capital."

"That's great." Song Anrou said pleasantly, "It just so happens that the Chu family will take care of you when you're in the imperial capital."

Song Anrou's tone seemed unintentional and natural.

It seems that the Chu family's patronage is what it should be.

When Song Zhengde and Mr. Song heard these words, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

into the living room.

Song Anrou went to make tea, and He Yanxin followed her into the kitchen.

After the kitchen door closed, He Yanxin lowered his voice and said, "An Rou, how is the progress between you and Young Master Chu?"

"It's okay. We chatted for a while at the dance association party. He is very gentle, and we get along well." Song Anju said, "Mom, don't worry. I have a clear understanding of his preferences and everything, and I have found him." Everything about his contact information is under control. I am going to confirm the seat of Mrs. Chu's young lady."

He Yanxin was relieved: "What you say you can do, you can do. Mom believes in you."

Song Anrou smiled: "My dad and grandpa have given up on Tang Zhixi."

Speaking of this, He Yanxin couldn't hide the smile on her face. She held Song Anrou's hand and said, "Anrou, mom would like to thank you. Without you, mom would really be doomed. Since the dance association gathering, your grandpa and Your father treats me well."

A smug smile appeared on Song Anrou's face: "Mom, as I said, you have to rest assured. In the future, the Song family will be ours, and the Chu family will also have our share. You can be your Mrs. Song with peace of mind, and you will be the future Chu family." The mother-in-law of the head of the family."

He Yanxin smiled and nodded: "They have been looking for Tang Zhixi, but they couldn't get in touch with her at all. They knew they couldn't count on her, so they came to you again."

"After all, I was raised by my family, and I have to take care of the Song family at all times."

He Yanxin nodded: "Your father is just too foolish and filial, he has no independent opinions, and listens to your grandfather in everything. In my whole life, this is also the success and failure. Don't blame him, in fact, he has us in his heart. "

"I know." Song Anju said, "Mom, don't worry. Everything will be fine. Chu Yimo is over 30 and has never been in a relationship. This kind of man is easy to deal with. And Xia Luoqing has a very good impression of me. it is good."

"Mom believes in you." He Yanxin said, "You have been well-trained and well-educated since you were a child. You are so outstanding, Antin shouldn't be your home. Only a big family like the Chu family is worthy of your years of dedication. "

"The mistress of a big family always wants to be excellent in all aspects, so even if Tang Zhixi marries into the Ye family, she won't grow up." Song Anju said.

He Yanxin nodded: "Yes. This is one of the reasons why your father and grandfather gave up on her. It is undeniable that she is beautiful. Men like beauty, but beauty is not permanent."

Song Anrou smiled while making tea.

"No matter how beautiful you are, men will get tired of looking at them sometimes." He Yanxin said, "If you can't support a family and be a man's backing, you will be abandoned sooner or later."

 Goodnight everybody

(End of this chapter)

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