Chapter 416

Tang Zhixi rested in Ye Zhai for a day, and followed Ye Hanzhi to the research institute the next day.

When she arrived, she went to find Yue Pulin first.

Go through the formalities of entering the institute.

In addition to Yue Pulin's signature, several professors and even the signatures of several major families are required.

Because the research institute is mainly supported by the funds of various families.

If it is a normal graduation, it only needs the signatures of Yue Pulin and Ye Hanzhi.

But because it is an illegal entry, the procedure is more troublesome.

But because Tang Zhixi's ability is there to support A state's first skill, even if the procedure is a little more troublesome, it is still easy.

It's just that Yue Pulin didn't expect to get stuck at Meng's house.

There are people from various families in the research institute, which is different from the situation in the imperial capital, with the two major families of the Ye family and the Chu family as the heads.

At the beginning of the establishment of the research institute, it was for internal checks and balances to prevent a certain company from dominating.The major families within the research institute have equal power and equal power.

The Meng family did not give a visa, not even the two professors who were taken care of by the Meng family.

The reason was that Tang Zhixi had failed a course.

For this reason, Tang Zhixi didn't know much about it yet.Ye Hanzhi exploded first.

Because he failed this subject.

If a family did not sign the procedure, admission to the institute would have to be postponed later.

It's called the observation period.

So when Ye Hanzhi learned that Tang Zhixi was outside for a long time, when the observation period came, he dropped the experiment in his hand and asked Lihuo to lead people to surround the Meng family.

If the power and forces are equal within the research institute, then he will solve the problem outside the research institute.

He brought people into Meng's house, sat in the living room, and ordered Meng Yao to be arrested without saying a word about the internal affairs of the research institute.

Moreover, whoever resisted from the Meng family would beat those who were brought over by Li Huo.

Meng Yao struggled and yelled at the beginning, but after being beaten twice by Li Huo, he immediately became honest and didn't dare to say a word.

Seeing that her son had been arrested and beaten, Mrs. Meng immediately yelled and ran towards Ye Hanzhi, wishing she could tear him apart.

Meng Lanyi fell into their hands, and they only had this one son, and no one could touch their son.

But she was immediately stopped by the person brought by Lihuo, who grabbed her wrist to make her unable to move.

"Ye Hanzhi, what are you doing?!" Meng Ying yelled angrily as he watched his son being arrested and his wife being restrained.

"It's nothing." Ye Hanzhi said in a leisurely and slow voice, "It's just that I have a personal grievance with Meng Yao, so I'll take him away. You are all busy."

"Ye Hanzhi!" Mrs. Meng shouted.

Ye Hanzhi didn't say anything more, got up and asked Li Huo to take him away.

Someone from the Meng family stopped them, but none of them were opponents.

After just a short fight, the Meng family was left in a mess.

Flowers, vases, tables and chairs, broken and broken.The luxurious and spacious living room has become like an abandoned factory.

Seeing that he couldn't stop him, Meng Ying became impatient: "Ye Hanzhi, you said that Meng Yao has a personal grievance with you, please explain clearly what personal grievance is there!"

Meng Yao also yelled, "Dad! Dad! I didn't mess with him! I didn't mess with him! Ye Hanzhi, you made a mistake. I didn't do anything, I didn't do anything."

Meng Ying stood in front of Ye Hanzhi and blocked his way: "Ye Hanzhi, the matter of the research institute. Tang Zhixi's qualifications to enter the research institute, you have no right to use the power of the Ye family. It is against the law for you to do so." The rules of the Institute, do you want to break the balance of the Institute for many years! Do you want to be the sinner of the entire Institute? Can you afford it?"

Ye Hanzhi looked at him, smiled softly, and said softly, "What is Mr. Meng talking about? I said it. This is a personal grudge between me and Meng Yao. What research institute are you talking about?"

Meng Ying's chest was bullied violently, and his red eyes stared at Ye Hanzhi.

"Boss Meng is slanderous, I have the right to report to the research institute." Ye Hanzhi said coldly.

Meng Yao yelled from the side: "Then tell me, what did I offend you! What am I doing!"

After saying that, Meng Yao was punched by Li Huo again, blood was spit out of his mouth immediately, and he was a little speechless.

Mrs. Meng kept screaming as she watched her son being beaten.

Meng Ying was also stunned by Li Huo's punch.

Ye Hanzhi said: "Meng Yao offended a girl at Qingying Bar three days ago. Because the bar owner protected that girl, he didn't do what Meng Yao wanted. Meng Yao smashed the bar."

Meng Ying looked at Ye Hanzhi, wondering what Qingying Bar had to do with him.

"It smashed up the whole bar, and hurt the bar staff." Ye Hanzhi raised the corner of his mouth mockingly, "In my territory, offending girls, smashing up the bar, and hurting the staff. Meng Yao, you are the first one to dare did that."

Meng Yao no longer had the strength to shout, and said intermittently: "Qingying, when did Qingying become your domain?"

Ye Hanzhi didn't answer him, but glanced at Lihuo.

Li Huo stood aside expressionlessly, like a demon.

He received Ye Hanzhi's gaze, pulled Meng Ying aside, and made way for Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Hanzhi went out, regardless of Mrs. Meng's yelling, regardless of Meng Ying's threat and shouting, and regardless of the obstruction of Meng's family, he forcefully took Meng Yao away.

In the car, Ye Hanzhi checked the messages on his phone.

Zhenlei's contract has been signed.

Qingying Bar was bought, and it is now Ye Hanzhi's territory.

After leaving the research institute, Ye Hanzhi asked Zhenlei to find out what Meng Yao had been doing recently.

Meng Yao has done too many things, and nine out of ten things cannot be brought to the table.However, Ye Hanzhi didn't care.

So among many things, Ye Hanzhi chose this one.

At that time, Zhen Lei hesitated and said: "Is this one? This bar has nothing to do with us, we are not very reasonable. Third master, do you want to stop picking?"

Then Ye Hanzhi said: "Won't you buy it if you don't care about it? Am I short of money?"

A bar that was smashed beyond recognition, not to mention the location, just the wine inside, how much money you have to pay.

If you buy it at a high price, even a businessman will get rid of this mess.

Even if they really don't want to sell, they still have to give Ye Hanzhi this face.

So Ye Hanzhi went to Meng's house, and Zhenlei took his lawyer to buy a bar.

"Third Master, where is Meng Yao taking?" Li Huo asked.

"The manor dungeon." Ye Hanzhi said, "Close it first."

At the research institute, when it was lunch time, Tang Zhixi and Chu Yimo went to the cafeteria to eat together.

Chu Yimo even asked someone to buy Tang Zhixi a cup of strawberry-flavored milk tea.

"Where's Ye Hanzhi?" Chu Yimo went to the laboratory upstairs in the morning, but didn't know what happened, "Have all the procedures been completed?"

"Not yet." Tang Zhixi said, "Something went wrong, Ye Hanzhi went to reason."

Chu Yimo frowned: "What's wrong?"

"The Meng family didn't sign it." Tang Zhixi took a sip of milk tea, "It's not a big problem."

"When did he go?" Chu Yimo asked, planning to leave.

Tang Zhixi said: "Should be back soon."

"." Chu Yimo sat back again.

Chu Yimo sat for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.Then he sent a message to his special assistant, asking him to check what important projects the Meng family has recently.

Although Meng Ying was in the military region, he was under Ye Hanxiu's command.

But the Meng family also has an industry handed down from their ancestors.

If Chu Yimo didn't catch up with Ye Hanzhi to "reason" with him, then he couldn't make things easier for the Meng family.

Tang Zhixi didn't think too much, took another two sips of milk tea, and suddenly asked, "Does grandpa have a adopted son?"

Hearing her words, Chu Yimo suddenly didn't hold the phone and dropped it to the ground.Then she looked at Tang Zhixi in surprise and surprise.

What she just said was "grandpa", not "your grandpa", nor "Mr. Chu".

She... she recognized them.

Tang Zhixi looked at him for a while, then said softly, "The screen of the phone should be broken."

That sound was the sound of a broken screen.

Chu Yimo came back to his senses, bent down and picked up the phone.

The phone screen hit the protruding table leg, and it was really broken.

"It's okay." Chu Yimo casually put the phone on the table, pretending to be calm and at a loss, "You, what did you just say? Does grandpa have an adopted son?"

Tang Zhixi paused, and responded with a smile.

Chu Yimo looked at her and smiled, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"It's okay. I remembered this person recently." Tang Zhixi said, "There was a conflict in M ​​state before."

Chu Yimo raised his eyebrows: "It's okay. I don't communicate much, and almost lost contact."

Tang Zhixi nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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