The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 417 Entered the Research Institute

Chapter 417 Entered the Research Institute

Meng Yao was taken away by Ye Hanzhi, and Meng Ying tried various methods but failed to find him, let alone save him.

Meng Ying knew his son too well.

What kind of bastard Meng Yao has done, and how much he has paid off, he knows best.

As long as he dared to call the police, Ye Hanzhi would definitely send Meng Yao in.

But Ye Hanzhi didn't choose to send Meng Yao in directly, but left some room for Meng Ying to do what he needed to do.

So this matter can only be private.

That's why Ye Hanzhi dared to take people away so blatantly.

Meng Yao searched for someone for a day and a night, but in the end there was really no other way.So he begged Ye Hanxiu again, hoping that he would intercede.

Ye Hanxiu went to find Ye Hanzhi, and Ye Hanzhi readily agreed.

Then this matter is gone.

Quietly, as if Ye Hanxiu had never looked for him.

Until another day later, Mrs. Meng kept making troubles at home, and Meng Ying was helpless.

He learned that none of the forces of the Ye family were dispatched.

The people who took Meng Yao away and broke into the Meng family were Ye Hanzhi's own people, and had nothing to do with the Ye family.

This also made it impossible for him to find Meng Yao.

Everyone knew that all of this was because the Meng family did not sign Tang Zhixi's qualification letter to enter the research institute.

Meng Ying even found out that the bar belonged to Ye Hanzhi on the day Meng Yao was taken away.

But there is nothing he can do if he is found out, his son is in his hands.

The bar is just a reason.

This matter dragged on for two days, and Meng Ying just didn't want to compromise.

Meng Lanyi was taken to Shanhaizhou Prison, so he wouldn't let Tang Zhixi feel better.

But Meng Yao was arrested, Ye Hanzhi couldn't serve him with good food and drink.

The best result is to shut him down and leave him alone.

But in case you get hit.

In the Meng family, he had seen the power of Li Huo's punch before.

As for Meng Yao's body, he could withstand a few punches from Li Huo.

So in the end, Meng Ying still had to sign.

He went to the institute early in the morning to sign.

After the Meng family signed, the two professors followed suit.The procedures for Tang Zhixi to enter the research institute were quickly completed.

But because of Meng Ying, Ye Hanzhi delayed for two days, and it took another day for someone to send Meng Yao back.

And he also brought a sentence: "Mr. Meng. The third master let Meng Yao go for Commander Ye's face. Please also ask Mr. Meng to discipline his son well, and don't always let others discipline him for you."

Keep silent about the Institute.

It's like I gave my brother face, just said to let him go, but didn't say when to let him go.

It's up to you to sign.

It's my business to arrest and release people.

The two things have nothing to do with each other, it's just a coincidence.

Meng Ying was so angry that he wanted to die, but he had to swallow it temporarily.

As soon as Ye Hanzhi's men left, Meng Yao started yelling.

Meng Ying quickly untied the rope on his body, and Mrs. Meng looked at the bruises and blood stains on Meng Yao's body.Holding his son, weeping uncontrollably.

While being hugged, Meng Yao yelled for Meng Ying to avenge him.

Meng Ying slapped him angrily.

Mrs. Meng said: "Why are you beating him! He has already been beaten like this, don't you feel bad? How can you be a father?"

"It's just that I didn't beat him so much, that's why he got used to what he is today!" Meng Ying roared, "Nothing can be done. If you have half your sister's abilities, you won't be in such a situation now!"

Meng Yao was beaten and dared not speak out.In the past few days, he would be beaten whenever he spoke, and he dared not speak out.

Mrs. Meng shouted: "What's the use of talking about it now! You'll be yelling at home! You have the ability to deal with Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi!"

"I won't let them go." Meng Ying dropped the words and left.

Mrs. Meng checked Meng Yao's injuries and took him to the hospital.

After Tang Zhixi obtained the qualification, she officially entered the research institute.

And you can have your own laboratory.

So Tang Zhixi ruthlessly abandoned Ye Hanzhi and went to her own laboratory.

So far, Lu Shang and Chu Yimo led a team to study Immortal.

Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi led the team to break down 319 respectively.

Obviously, the two of them are in the same research institute, even in the same building.

But the two of them couldn't see each other all day.

Because of the different jobs at hand, the two of them couldn't even get together for lunch.

Plus Chu Yimo.

The three of them came up with three timings for eating.

Ye Hanzhi is okay, he can see people when he sleeps at night.

Sometimes Chu Yimo doesn't see anyone for several days.

He even doubted whether Chu Qingge was in the research institute.How can the relationship between their brothers and sisters be promoted if this continues.

When you are in the laboratory day after day, and the progress of the experiment is very slow, it will feel that time flies by.

As soon as June arrives, the college entrance examination is approaching.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, Tang Zhixi prepared bracelets for everyone in Class 36.

It was prepared and designed by her a long time ago.

Two different kinds of boys and girls.

After she finished drawing the design, she asked Dianjing to make it in the factory responsible for the production, and it took nearly three months to make it.

There are also Geng Meng and teachers of various subjects.

Tang Zhixi did not show up, but asked Jiang Nian to send her over.

According to Tang Zhixi's wishes, Jiang Nian said a few words of encouragement to everyone.

Afterwards, she also said that the item was not expensive, and that it was designed by Tang Zhixi herself, mainly as a good omen.

But it can be seen that the high-quality jadeite is used, which is expensive.

On the day of the college entrance examination, Tang Zhixi was finally willing to put down the experiment and went to see Chu Qingyan off.

Originally, the Chu family wanted to send Chu Qingyan off.

But Chu Qingyan was a little embarrassed about the fact that she was 20 years old, and her whole family was sent out for the college entrance examination.

So they turned them down.

Then he turned around and called Tang Zhixi, asking her to send him off.

So on the morning of the 7th, Chu Yimo, who insisted on sending her off, and Tang Zhixi, who was invited, came to send Chu Qingyan off together.

Originally, Ye Hanzhi wanted to come with him, but Tang Zhixi was afraid that Ye Hanzhi would scare Chu Qingyan and affect Chu Qingyan's performance, so she rejected him.

Afraid of causing commotion at the door, Tang Zhixi did not get out of the car when she arrived at the examination room.

"Take a good exam." Tang Zhixi said, "I have pre-ordered all the banners for you. From the school gate to the house gate."

Chu Qingyan pursed her lower lip: "I said no."

Tang Zhixi smiled: "What do you want?"

Chu Qingyan thought for a while and said: "If I am the number one scholar in the city, you can grant me one wish."

"Am I a magic lamp?"

Chu Qingyan looked at her.

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows: "Okay. I'm the magic lamp."

Chu Yimo watched them both from the driver's seat.

Why does his little sister seem to be treated better than his brother?Not just a little higher.

"If you promise, you will have all your wishes fulfilled."

"Yes." Tang Zhixi said, "Definitely. If you want stars, I will find a way to pick them for you."

Chu Qingyan smiled, then gave Tang Zhixi a hug, opened the car door and got off, completely ignoring Chu Yimo.

Chu Yimo watched Chu Qingyan walk towards the examination room without looking back, got out of the car and chased after him.

Tang Zhixi looked at the two of them in the car, and raised the corners of her mouth.

 I want to go to bed early today.

  So there are three chapters.

  Goodnight everybody.

(End of this chapter)

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