Chapter 418 Take You Home
On the first day of the college entrance examination, people were sent to the examination room.

After the last exam, Tang Zhixi went to the exam room to pick up people again.

This time she came by herself, because Chu Yimo and Ye Hanzhi didn't have time for a meeting at the research institute.

Tang Zhixi brought her a bouquet of pink roses, which had no special meaning, she just remembered that Chu Qingyan liked pink roses very much, so she bought them.

So when Chu Qingyan came out and saw her bouquet of roses, she looked at Tang Zhixi for a while, and then kept holding on to her bouquet of roses.

"Where are you going?" Tang Zhixi asked as she looked at her happily holding the flowers.

"Why don't you ask me how I did in the exam first?" Chu Qingyan said.

Tang Zhixi saw someone taking pictures of her with your mobile phone, so she started the car first: "How did you do in the exam?"

Chu Qingyan smiled and said: "They said that this year's questions are a bit difficult. So... I'll just get full marks."

Tang Zhixi laughed: "Well, it's good."

"Then remember to grant my wish."

"Well, remember." Tang Zhixi went on the main road and asked again, "Where are you going?"

Chu Qingyan thought for a while and said, "Can you take me home?"

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows: "Yes."

"Do you need navigation?" Chu Qingyan hesitated and asked.

Tang Zhixi glanced at her, and then said with a smile: "Just go straight to the east. Anyone in the imperial capital will know where the Chu family is."

Chu Qingyan pursed her lips.

Seeing that she stopped talking, Tang Zhixi asked after a while, "Have you thought about applying for a major?"

"Pharmaceutical preparations." Chu Qingyan said without thinking.

"Like it?" Tang Zhixi asked.

"Want to be with you guys."

"Choose what you like." Tang Zhixi said, "We'll still be together if we don't enter the research institute. And if we enter the research institute and participate in different projects, we might not see each other for a few months."

Chu Qingyan did not consider these issues.

Indeed, in case she was involved in different projects, she was busy and she was not.She was done, and she was busy again.

"Then I'll think about it again." Chu Qingyan said.

Tang Zhixi selfishly did not want her to enter the research institute.If she likes her there is nothing to say, but if it is for this reason, she does not recommend it.

At least for now, it seems that the Institute may not be peaceful, with internal and external troubles, which is very dangerous.

"Choose what you like." Tang Zhixi said, "Anything is fine, as long as you like it."

"En." Chu Qingyan responded, "Then I'll pick and choose."

Tang Zhixi sent Chu Qingyan to the door of Chu's house.

When they arrived, neither of them got out of the car.

Tang Zhixi looked at the buildings outside, the ancient manor, solemn, luxurious, and mysterious.

Chu Qingyan followed her line of sight for a while, and then said, "Go in and sit down?"

Tang Zhixi looked back at Chu Qingyan, paused and said, "No."

A moment of disappointment flashed across Chu Qingyan's face.

Seeing that she was unhappy, Tang Zhixi added, "Another day."

Chu Qingyan turned her head to look at her, blinked her eyes, and just about to speak, Tang Zhixi spoke before her: "Don't ask what the other day is."

Chu Qingyan: "."

Tang Zhixi smiled: "Go, go back."

"Oh." Chu Qingyan got out of the car with the flowers in her arms, and was about to close the door, but stopped and pulled the door in time, "In a few days, Shen Weixi's birthday party, do you want to go?"

Tang Zhixi had indeed received the invitation for several days.

"Should be going." Tang Zhixi said.

The research institute has been busy for nearly a month, repeatedly experimenting and verifying that the data on the Drunken Grass on the memory card is indeed wrong.

And the data bias was even greater than initially discovered.

The decomposition of 319 has entered a certain period of stagnation.

During this time, she came up with a new test method based on existing data.Both Ye Hanzhi and Yue Pulin agreed with this method.

In the words of Yue Pulin.

As far as Nanchu is concerned, he is the researcher I have seen who likes to open up new paths the most.

She never sticks to existing methods, and is always innovating to open up new paths.And she has the ability.

The structure of her brain seems to be more advanced than ordinary people.

However, the new paths opened up, the new methods created, are progressing very slowly.

It is indeed hopeful to decompose the components, and maybe even restore the data of drunken grass based on the decomposed 319 and the existing Immortal.

But with this method, I am afraid that there will be no results in two or three years.

Now, while experimenting with her new method, she's still looking for an even faster way.

But there has been no new progress.

So... the busiest period is over.

In this stagnation period, bottleneck period, she is not so busy anymore.

At least there is time to attend a party at night.

And Shen Weixi invited her more than once.

When filming the movie, Shen Weixi participated in the role again.Before the film was finished, Shen Weixi personally invited her once.

Later, when He Yuzhe sent the invitation, Shen Weixi sent a message to tell her again.

"Then I'll go too." Chu Qingyan said.

"Okay." Tang Zhixi said, "Go back."


Shen Weixi's birthday party this time was very big.

There is no particular reason.It's just that the marketing account spread rumors that she had a change of marriage, and said that she has a nose and eyes.

But even though she said it with a nose and eyes, she didn't take it seriously at first.

But suddenly someone had his eyes on her husband and threw himself into his arms.

Some people even began to follow her, sending flowers, bags, jewelry, and real estate.

Then He Yuzhe became anxious first.

What are you doing?Where is his eldest son here?

It's hooking up with his father and flirting with his mother.

Where to put him?
That's why he took the initiative to organize a birthday party.Clarify the false news, and win over the relationship by the way.

Their family, a giant in the entertainment industry, holds events every year, and most of the participants are people in the entertainment industry.

Just take advantage of this opportunity to make a big deal and win over the relationship in the business circle of the Imperial Capital.

The location was still chosen at the Doomsday Hotel, and many people came.

Ye Hanxiu's family from the Ye family came, and Chu Mingjin from the Chu family also came with his wife.

Those who came were all of the same generation as Shen Weixi, and the elders did not show up.

Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi came early, and when they came, the banquet hadn't started yet.

The two went to Shen Weixi's room first.

Tang Zhixi specially gave Shen Weixi a gift.

It's a set of jewelry, which she designed.

The design drawings drawn a long time ago have been kept in Yan Qi's safe.

Before joining the group last year, she went to do the finishing touches and took a lot of design drawings that she had drawn before, changed them, and then asked Yan Qi to produce the finished product.

Not released yet.

Because the dotting press conference is still in preparation.

This is one of them, and Tang Zhixi thought it was very suitable for Shen Weixi, so she gave it to her as a birthday present.

Shen Weixi liked the gift very much after receiving it, and it matched her dress today very well.

So I wore the necklace and earrings.

(End of this chapter)

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