The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 419 I disagree with this marriage!

Chapter 419 I disagree with this marriage!
"Mom, have you finished your makeup?" He Yuzhe hurriedly came over with his father to take a look at Shen Weixi.

"It's done." Shen Weixi looked at her husband and said, "Is my necklace pretty?"

He Channel: "Beautiful, people are more beautiful."

Shen Weixi smiled and said: "Sent by Zhixi, there are also earrings. They were all designed by Zhixi herself, aren't they amazing?"

The agent was helping in the front, and followed her. Seeing the necklace and earrings she was wearing, she said, "Why don't you wear the finishing touch set? You are the spokesperson of the finishing touch, and it's not good to wear other jewelry."

"My ring is the finishing touch."

Broker: "." The global spokesperson put the endorsement jewels on the most inconspicuous hands.

The manager knew that he couldn't help her, so he looked at He Yuzhe.

He Yuzhe said: "Didn't it be designed by Sister Xi? That's fine. Wear it."


He Yuzhe didn't explain too much, and said: "Mom, you and my dad took a few photos. Let someone fix it and post it on Weibo. I'll go to the front first."

Although the banquet has not yet started, the popularity on the Internet must be stirred up first.

"Wait a minute." Shen Weixi called to stop him, "Where's Su Qian? Why didn't you come?"

He Yuzhe checked the time: "10 minutes, she will be there in 10 minutes."

"That's fine. You go."

After He Yuzhe left, He Qu and Shen Weixi posed for a few photos to show off their affection.After asking someone to edit all the photos, Shen Weixi posted on Weibo.

As soon as Weibo was posted, fans flooded in instantly.

They were all praising Shen Weixi, and by the way, a few people praised He Qu perfunctorily.

Of course, there are still people who sing a different tune, saying that their marriage exists in name only.

Shen Weixi ignored them, and saw a comment saying that the necklace was beautiful, she thought about it and replied: [It was given by Zhixi, or she designed it herself. ]
The design sense of that set of jewelry is very good, definitely not inferior to any big name now.

Talent like this shouldn't be buried.

And Shen Weixi often saw posts mocking Tang Zhixi for not having a degree and coming from the countryside.

So she thought that she could establish a good character, so she said it directly.

Unexpectedly, with a single word, I did something bad with good intentions and caused trouble.

The party hasn't started yet.

Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi came out from Shen Weixi's side and took her to the rest area.

After the two of them sat there for a while, Tang Zhixi said, "Apart from you, is there anyone here?"

"My elder brother's family is here." Ye Hanzhi said, "Would you like to meet?"

"Yes." Tang Zhixi stood up.

"If you don't want to see it, you don't have to." Ye Hanzhi sat on the sofa, took her hand, and looked up at her, "It's not that much, just be casual."

"I don't want to see you. I haven't seen you for a long time. It's time to see you." Tang Zhixi pulled Ye Hanzhi up with all his strength.

The two went to the inner hall.

Ye Hanzhi and the staff asked about the lounge, and then took Tang Zhixi over directly.

As soon as the door was pushed open, Tang Zhixi heard the voices of more than just Ye Hanxiu's family.

Sure enough, after Ye Hanzhi took her in, he saw that besides Ye Hanxiu's family of four, there were also four members of Chu's family inside.

The two families were chatting, and when they entered, they all looked at them.

The moment Chu Mingjin and Xia Luoqing saw Tang Zhixi, their eyes seemed to be fixed on her and they couldn't move away.

nervous, excited, miss
Xia Luoqing held Chu Mingjin's hand tightly, restraining her urge to hug someone.

Yan Tong spoke out first, and she said, "Zhixi, are you here? Come here quickly, come and sit down."

Ye Chutong also stood up, walked to Tang Zhixi's side, took her hand and said, "Auntie, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you so much."

Seeing her holding Tang Zhixi's hand, Chu Qingyan immediately got up and took Tang Zhixi's other arm.He also pulled the person towards him, and pulled Tang Zhixi's hand out of Ye Chutong's.

She even pushed Ye Hanzhi to the side because she wanted to pull Tang Zhixi.

She didn't speak, just hugged Tang Zhixi's arm.

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Ye Chutong looked at his empty hand: "??????"

Ye Hanxiu's family watched Chu Qingyan's operation.Chu Yimo pursed her lips and said nothing.

Ye Chutong looked at his empty hands, and when he looked up, he saw Chu Qingyan's hostile face.She took Tang Zhixi's hand again, and looked at Chu Qingyan.

Ye Tingjue looked at the two of them.

Tang Zhixi was dragged by the two: "You guys"

"What are you two doing?" Ye Hanzhi took a step ahead of her, "Let go."

One of Ye Han made a sound, and the two of them subconsciously let go.

Ye Hanzhi brought people to him, ignored Ye Chutong and Chu Qingyan, and introduced to Tang Zhixi with his knuckles: "Chu Mingjin, the former head of the Chu family, and Yimo's father. This is the chairman of the Dance Association Xia Luoqing , Yimo's mother."

Tang Zhixi looked at the two of them, then bowed slightly to them.

Her memories of the first two are quite interesting.

As far as she can think of now, almost all of them are Xia Luoqing's training her.Then. Every time I receive training, there will definitely be someone to accompany me.

It was her father.

But it seems that her father is worse every time.

Chu Mingjin and Xia Luoqing immediately stood up and walked towards Tang Zhixi.

Xia Luoqing kept looking at Tang Zhixi, and when she reached her, she held her hand: "You must be Zhixi. I have watched your dramas, and they are all very good."

Chu Mingjin nodded in agreement: "That's right, that's right. The acting skills are very good."

Seeing the kindness on their faces, Ye Hanzhi slightly frowned.Then he introduced: "Brother Chu, sister-in-law. This is my wife."

Tang Zhixi: "."

Chu Mingjin: "."

Xia Luoqing: "."

Chu Yimo watched the excitement from the sidelines and almost laughed out loud.

Fortunately, Ye Hanzhi has never had the habit of letting Tang Zhixi shout at others, and he always does as she pleases.

The Chu family couple stood up, and Ye Hanxiu and Yan Tong also walked over.Ye Tingjue and Chu Yimo could only come over and stand by their side.

Yan Tong said: "This is the third daughter-in-law. After receiving the certificate, there is no banquet yet, so I haven't told everyone yet."

Chu Mingjin's face visibly collapsed.Looking down, she saw the ring on Tang Zhixi's left hand.

He closed his eyes, and his teeth began to ache faintly again.

"He's a good boy at first glance." Xia Luoqing looked at Tang Zhixi, smiling more and more kindly.Cixiang's hairs stood on end after Chu Yimo and Chu Qingyan saw it.

When their mother hit them, she could chase them around the Chu family manor twice.

The word kindness has nothing to do with their mother.

Ye Hanzhi saw that they suddenly chatted around Tang Zhixi.And after Yan Tong finished complimenting, Xia Luoqing praised.Tang Zhixi was caught in the middle and couldn't even get in a sentence, so she could only smile.

Afraid that Tang Zhixi would be uncomfortable, he pulled her out of the crowd and said, "You guys talk first, we'll go outside first."

Yan Tong responded quickly and cooperated: "Go, go. You young people, go out and play, don't stay here with us."

Ye Hanzhi ignored the others and brought Tang Zhixi out of the room first.

Chu Mingjin looked at Ye Hanzhi's back, and then at Xia Luoqing.

Although he didn't speak, the look in his eyes clearly spoke.

You look at him, you look at him, there is no one in sight!I do my own way!Arrogant!

Who will marry his daughter to him!

I don't agree with this marriage!

"In the future, when I'm not here, if you don't want to deal with it, just leave." Ye Hanzhi shook her hand and said, "Madam Ye has the capital to be arrogant."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows.

"However... I'm really surprised." Ye Hanzhi tidied up her skirt, "Everyone in the Chu family likes you. His family is notoriously indifferent to outsiders, as if they have no feelings."

Tang Zhixi: "."

"Why are you so enthusiastic about you? Is it because my wife is so attractive?"

Tang Zhixi was silent for a while, then stopped.

Ye Hanzhi followed her and stopped: "What's wrong?"

Tang Zhixi looked at him, paused and said, "Ye Hanzhi, actually."

"Ninth brother!" Su Qian shouted from three meters away, interrupting Tang Zhixi's words, then ran to Tang Zhixi and hugged her.

Because of inertia, Su Qian staggered two steps forward even holding Tang Zhixi in her arms.

Ye Hanzhi supported Tang Zhixi's waist and stopped her.

Su Qian hugged her and let go: "Miss me?"

Tang Zhixi's words were interrupted, and she said ruthlessly, "No."

Su Qian: "."

He Yuzhe came over just in time to hear this sentence, laughed, and then got Su Qian a slap in the face.

"Brother Nine, you are just duplicity." Su Qian stood next to Tang Zhixi and said, "Brother Nine, I brought three hairpins from my dad's warehouse and put them in Tianshu. Don't worry, they are all from Yangjian , have time to go and see."


 Goodnight everybody

  Chu Mingjin: "They're all brothers. I don't agree with this marriage!"

(End of this chapter)

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