The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 423 It's too irritating

Chapter 423 It's too irritating

The melon eaters at the scene suddenly felt that they should also read more books, and whether there was something wrong with their comprehension ability.

They couldn't understand a few words in a row.

"Didn't Mom say that Zhixi is the chief designer of Yunyi's neon clothes?" Yan Tong murmured when he heard this, "Did I hear it wrong?"

Ye Hanxiu pursed his lips and remained silent.

Who the hell did their third child marry?

With their status as the Ye family, are they really worthy of others?

Will it make people feel wronged.

"It's Yunshang, and it's also Jiutian." Mu Fei was standing not far from them. Hearing what they said, he approached slightly and said in a low voice.

Yan Tong looked at Tang Zhixi dully.

Also stunned were Shen Weixi and He Qu.

what? What?What did they hear?What does it mean to be both Yunshang and Jiutian?What's the matter with Guan Yunshang?

What did Yan Qi just say?
What did Mu Fei just say?
Was someone talking just now?

Except for the insider, everyone else was dumbfounded.

But in a daze, they all looked at Tang Zhixi immediately.

Song Anrou tightly clenched the hand hanging by her side, trying her best to steady her breathing, adjust her emotions, and not let herself lose her composure.

She pursed her lips tightly, swallowed her throat lightly for a while, and let out a breath slowly.

Why is it always her.

Why everything is her.


Mrs. Meng and Meng Jingyi were even more silent.

The silence continued to spread, and even the melodious and quiet piano music seemed to gradually lose its sound.

Seeing this scene, Yan Qi joked: "Everyone's reaction seems that our chief is still more famous than me."

"It's good to know." Ye Han said.

Yan Qi: "."

Mrs. Meng's stunned eyes finally moved, and slowly focused on Tang Zhixi, and then said: "How is it possible? How could she be Jiutian?"

"How is it impossible?" Yan Qi frowned and said, "Why is it impossible?"

"You, you." Madam Meng looked at Yan Qi and then at Tang Zhixi, "You."

"What are you doing? Don't hurt me." Yan Qi hurriedly said, "She is her, I am me, don't talk about us. I am the founder of Dot Eyes, and she is the chief designer of Dot Eyes. We are purely cooperative. Don't you Kill me."

Tang Zhixi: "."

Ye Hanzhi: "." Is he really that jealous?

"Impossible, impossible." Mrs. Meng still couldn't believe it, or she didn't want to believe it.

"Don't make it impossible, it's too possible." Yan Qi said, "The necklace and earrings worn by Shen Yinghou are all new products to be released this year. They are made by Jiutian. There will be another series in the press conference next month new product. Otherwise."

Yan Qi smiled, his eyes were filled with frost: "Who do you think dares to touch the eye-catching new product?"

Madam Meng fell silent for a moment.

Seeing that she stopped talking, Yan Qi looked away from her, looked at the crowd and said, "Dianyan knows that the people who met Jiutian were me and my assistant, and the staff member on the Internet didn't know about it, so I posted it on the Internet. Announced."

He didn't need to explain too much if he focused on the internal things.

If someone plagiarized, it should come out to testify.

But as a staff member of the finishing touch, she didn't explain to the company immediately when something happened, and even wandered outside in the name of the company, so Yan Qi had to go back and talk to her about it.

Everyone seemed to understand what he said.

The matter was clarified, just when everyone thought it was over.

Tang Zhixi suddenly made a move.She took two steps towards Mrs. Meng.

Everyone's eyes followed her in an instant, and the desire to eat melons was ignited again.

"What is this for? How did you get there? Are you going to fight?" The people behind lowered their voices.

"It's not too much to beat her. Listen to what she said just now. I'm so angry."

"But it's not good to hit someone so blatantly, isn't it?"

"So what's the matter? That's Ye Hanzhi's wife, Mrs. Ye, from the Ye family. What happened to beating someone? As long as the Ye family doesn't want to, the news won't spread from here."

Tang Zhixi doesn't know how to do anything, no matter what, this is Shen Weixi's birthday party.This has already happened because of her affairs, and she will not do anything else.

She walked up to Mrs. Meng, looked at her indifferently, and said, "Thank you Mrs. Meng for upholding justice for me. I didn't expect Jiutian to be so important in Mrs. Meng's heart that Mrs. Meng would be so excited to defend me."

Mrs. Meng's pupils trembled with anger when she heard her cold voice.

It could even be clearly seen that her lips were trembling, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on her face in an instant, and she was really very angry.

Everyone: "???????"

A few people behind the crowd began to whisper again: "My God, it's better to beat her up, you see, she's so angry."

"This is too irritating. If it were me, I would be so angry right now."

"Can't be offended, can't be offended."

"This Mrs. Meng obviously targeted her because of other things, but she also said that she was fighting for her. If it was me, I would vomit blood on the spot. This is purely disgusting to her."

"Is there anything more irritating to people than me defending my enemies for a long time."

"I bet this lady won't be able to sleep for the next month."

Ye Hanzhi stood beside Tang Zhixi, without any disguise, and smiled very deliberately.

Su Qian also blinked her eyes, thinking.I was wrong, and it was her ninth brother who suffered the most.

"At that time, Mrs. Meng will definitely be invited to attend the launch event of the new product." Tang Zhixi said again.

Mrs. Meng turned around and left.

Meng Jingyi followed closely behind.

As soon as they left, He Yuzhe immediately put aside his thoughts of watching the excitement and came out to host the banquet.A beautiful ending to this farce.

At the same time, the content on the screen was replaced by Shen Weixi's photo again.

The banquet continued, Shen Weixi said a few words to Tang Zhixi, apologized to her, and then went there to entertain people.

Seeing that nothing happened, Ye Hanxiu and his wife greeted Tang Zhixi and went back upstairs.

Yan Qi chatted with them for a few words, then turned his eyes back.

The few remaining people stood idle.

"No, why are you guys reacting so calmly?" After Ye Chutong was surprised, he found that the others were very calm.

Several people looked at her.

Ye Chutong understood: "I'm the only co-author and don't know?"

Several people silently agreed.

"Co-author and you don't tell me if you know the news, so let me worry about it alone."

Ye Hanzhi said ruthlessly: "There is always someone to worry about."

Ye Chutong didn't dare to refute.

She looked at them one by one, and finally found that she could offend her brother, so she hit Ye Tingjue.

Ye Tingjue: "."

"elder sister."

Several people laughed, and suddenly looked at Song Anrou.

Seeing everyone looking at her, Song Anrou pursed her lower lip, looked at Tang Zhixi, and said cautiously, "Sister, I want to talk to you alone, is that okay?"

Tang Zhixi looked at her and said nothing.

Ye Hanzhi frowned, and just about to speak, Chu Qingyan suddenly rushed in front of Tang Zhixi, standing between Tang Zhixi and Song Anrou.

Chu Qingyan stared at her: "Whose sister are you calling? Who is your sister? Don't mistake relatives. What are you talking about? What's there to talk about?"

Tang Zhixi was startled, then lowered her head and smiled.

Song Anrou was dumbfounded by her series of words, and she still didn't dare to do anything to Chu Qingyan, so she could only bear with it and said: "I"

Chu Qingyan didn't give her another chance to speak, she turned around and took Tang Zhixi's hand, and pulled her away.

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Ye Hanzhi followed.

Chu Qingyan dragged Tang Zhixi for a distance of six or seven meters, then let Tang Zhixi go, rushed back angrily, and pulled Chu Yimo away again.

It was as if he hadn't seen Song Anrou the whole time.

"What happened to Qingyan?" Ye Chutong said.

Ye Tingjue didn't speak, looked at Chu Qingyan, and thought, tsk, why don't you take him away too?

What if Song Anrou also takes a fancy to him?

Thinking so, Ye Tingjue and Ye Chutong also left.

Only Su Qian and Song Anrou were left standing together.

Song Anrou stood on the spot and didn't realize it for a moment. She thought that she would go well, but unexpectedly, none of the plans would work.

Su Qian looked at her, and after a while, she smiled and said, "Who are you looking for? Chu Yimo? So pretend to be a good person in front of him? Pretending to be nice?"

Song Anrou looked at her with vicious eyes: "Who are you? It's not your turn to talk nonsense."

Su Qian laughed again, looked her up and down and said, "Having confidence is a good thing, but don't overdo it. As for people, being beautiful is indeed a plus, but if you have a dark heart, don't expect God to treat you kindly."

Su Qian left after speaking.

Song Anrou was left standing alone, looking in Tang Zhixi's direction with vicious eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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