Chapter 424 319(ii)

An episode just now did not affect the banquet.

The banquet continued, Chu Yimo was called away by his father.

Tang Zhixi and the others did not leave either, they were still chatting in the rest area.

The news from Dianyan's official website is very fast.

Simply and rudely, he directly said that Tang Zhixi was Jiutian.

The work was originally written by Tang Zhixi, and there was no mention of plagiarism.

And also helped Shen Weixi speak.Tell everyone that the jewelry that Shen Weixi wears is the finishing touch.

It's a new product that hasn't been released yet.

The only set of jewelry in the world.

Their spokesperson has this qualification.

Completely leaning towards Shen Weixi.

As soon as the clarification came out, the reaction of everyone on the Internet was similar to that at the banquet.

Very confused, very surprised.Even a group of netizens hesitated and said nothing nutritious for 5 minutes.

In addition to the exclamation point, there are question marks at the bottom of the microblog on Dianyan's official website.

Then the exclamation point and the question mark became hot searches.

Not long after Dianjing sent a message on the official website, Yan Qi called Tang Zhixi and told about the situation of the company staff member.

The staff member received a message from a stranger asking her to check Shen Weixi's Weibo.

Then she found the design draft she had taken before and posted it on the Internet.

After all, if the company dares to show them the design draft, it must be prepared and will not be used as plagiarism.

So she confidently posted the design draft on Weibo and made a comparison chart.

Because this period of time is in a stage of competition for promotion.

She was anxious to make contributions to the company and get a chance of promotion.I didn't tell the company in advance, and I posted a message on the Internet on my own initiative.

I planned to use my cleverness to claim credit from the company afterwards, but I didn't expect it to be self-defeating.

Yan Qi told her about the company's general affairs, and asked her how she wanted to deal with it.

"What should we do?" Tang Zhixi said, "I have no opinion."

"Deduct wages and stay in the company for observation, okay?" Yan Qi still asked her, "She has a good working ability. And she has a child with her. If I drive her, the child will have no milk powder in two months. .”

"I said it, I have no objection." Tang Zhixi said.

After all, she only pointed out that the work is highly similar to the design drawing, which can be confirmed as plagiarism.

One did not deliberately cause people to scold her, and the other did not deliberately target her.

For her who didn't know, she just said a fact she thought on the Internet.

Moreover, it was unlucky for a stranger to find her.

Most of all, she violated the company's internal procedures.

That was a matter of focusing on internal management, and Tang Zhixi didn't want to get involved.

"Send me the contact information of the stranger who contacted her." Tang Zhixi said.

"Okay." Yan Qi said, "She contacts a wide range of people. She also follows up with the training designers, so... many people know that she has seen your design drafts. Alas, I was originally promoted because I wanted to promote her Yes, why worry. It's a mess now."

Tang Zhixi hung up the phone, and saw Chu Qingyan smiling while looking at her phone.

She raised her hand and tapped her head lightly: "What are you laughing at?"

Chu Qingyan immediately showed her the phone.

It is the class group of Class 36 in high school.

He was talking about the bracelet she gave her on the eve of the college entrance examination.

[Oh my God!Nine days!Nine days!That's nine days!I have a bracelet specially designed for me by the designer of Jiutian! ]
[I just said how do I feel that I did so well in the exam, it turns out that there is a buff bonus. ]
[This matter is enough for me to brag about for the rest of my life. ]
[Oh my god, that emerald is worth enough, but it still comes from Jiutian. ]
[Jiu Tian personally designs things for me, which is beyond my imagination. ]
[My mother said what kind of luck I had, my grades improved rapidly, and I also received a bracelet designed by Jiutian. ]
[It is already a family heirloom. ]
[Coincidentally, my family heirloom is the same as your family heirloom. ]
[Many years later, a young couple looked at the same family heirloom in their hands, and could only hug each other and cry, as brothers and sisters. ]
[This bloody love story. ]
After reading it, Tang Zhixi commented: "Why are you all so gossip."

Chu Qingyan squeezed next to Tang Zhixi, her head tilted directly on her shoulder: "You send study materials to the class almost every month, and everyone spends their time studying hard every day. Finally, after the exam, who on the Internet has so many hairs? They can’t wait to pay attention.”

Tang Zhixi smiled, and returned the phone to Chu Qingyan.

But Chu Qingyan leaned on her shoulder and didn't move. Instead, she leaned on her and played with her mobile phone.

But Tang Zhixi let her go.

Su Qian blinked her eyes, could his ninth brother have been together for so long?
Ye Hanzhi also took a look at Chu Qingyan, who was becoming more and more clingy to Tang Zhixi, feeling a little frustrated.

Why does he feel that people all over the world are robbing him of his wife?

"Master, Miss Tang." The lobby manager of the Doomsday Hotel suddenly came over.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

Chu Qingyan also sat up straight.

"A courier from the same city came outside and said he had something to deliver to Miss Tang." The manager said respectfully.

Tang Zhixi twitched her eyebrows slightly, and said, "I'll go and have a look."

Ye Hanzhi got up with her: "Together."

The two followed the manager to the lobby, and Chu Qingyan and Ye Tingjue followed them.

"What are you going to do?" Ye Hanzhi said in disgust.

"Join the fun." Su Qian replied.

Both Ye Chutong and Chu Qingyan nodded.

Ye Tingjue said: "I will follow automatically."

"With whom?" Ye Hanzhi suddenly asked him.

Ye Tingjue's eyelashes trembled, and he subconsciously glanced at Chu Qingyan.

Chu Qingyan lowered her hair and didn't notice the news.

But Ye Hanzhi saw it, and he raised his eyebrows.When she looked away, she happened to meet Tang Zhixi's eyes.

Ye Hanzhi felt the murderous aura.


Tang Zhixi looked away and did not speak.

Several people arrived in the lobby, and when Ye Hanzhi took the things, Tang Zhixi took a look at the courier brother.

After delivering the items, the courier brother left.

Ye Hanzhi looked at the courier slip, and the delivery address was the address of another hotel.

"What?" Su Qian asked, "Is it safe?"

Ye Hanzhi held it in his hand and said, "This weight is definitely not a bomb."

Su Qian: "."

"It can't be that black fans sent things." Ye Chutong said, "They know that my aunt is here for her birthday party."

Chu Qingyan frowned: "Who dares to send it here if he is so deadly."

Tang Zhixi: "Take it apart and have a look."

The lobby manager found a knife to open the express box, and Ye Hanzhi opened the box directly at the front desk.

Like a doll in a box, open one layer, there is another layer inside, and then another layer.

Tang Zhixi suspected that someone was messing with her.

Finally, the last box was unpacked, a black plastic bag was wrapped in bubble wrap, and a circle of tape was wrapped around the outside.

Ye Tingjue was afraid that there was something bad inside, so he blocked Ye Chutong and Chu Qingyan behind him.

Then Ye Tingjue had a small head on one side, covering his eyes, watching with fear and curiosity.

Ye Hanzhi cut open the plastic bag and the bubble wrap with a knife.

Finally, what was inside came out.

A sealed bag with three vials inside.

Ye Hanzhi immediately took it out and took a look. Through the sealed bag, several people could clearly see the words on the vial: 319(ii).

 good night

  Thank you for your rewards during this time.

  Thank you for your recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and Xiaohongdou.

  [Bow thanks to jpg.]
(End of this chapter)

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