Chapter 425 Courier
After Tang Zhixi saw things clearly, she and Ye Hanzhi looked at each other.

Ye Hanzhi said: "The courier can't go far."

Tang Zhixi immediately looked at Chu Qingyan: "Qingyan, let the people from Doomsday Hotel chase after the courier."

They came here to attend the birthday party, and they all came here by themselves, and they didn't bring anyone with them at all.

You can only use people from Doomsday Hotel to find someone.

Chu Qingyan didn't ask anything, and immediately said: "Okay."

Tang Zhixi looked at the lobby manager again: "Find me a computer."

The lobby manager immediately went to get a computer for Tang Zhixi.

Then Tang Zhixi hacked Doomsday Hotel in front of the lobby manager.

The lobby manager broke out in sweat instantly, and raised his hand to wipe his forehead.

The computer was given out from him, so should he be held responsible?

Although Ye Sanye has a good relationship with their young master, it's not so good.

Tang Zhixi hacked the surveillance at the Doomsday Hotel, and cut off the face of a courier who was photographed clearly and sent it directly to Chu Qingyan.

Then all the surveillance cameras near the Doomsday Hotel were blacked out.

Found the figure of the courier.

"Su Qian."

"Yes." Su Qian replied immediately.

"You..." Tang Zhixi turned her head and saw that she was wearing a skirt and high heels, and she held back her words.

"I'm going with Ting Jue." Ye Hanzhi called Tang Zhixi's cell phone while speaking, "Keep it open and show us the way."


Ye Hanzhi and Ye Tingjue left immediately.

"I'm fine, I'll go too." Su Qian said and was about to leave.

"Come back." Tang Zhixi called the people back, "Let them go."

Su Qian will not go right away.

Items like 319 will definitely not be mailed by courier, because they cannot pass the security check.

So there is only one possibility, the courier is pretending.

Moreover, the inner and outer layers of the express delivery are probably done to delay time.

The courier left the Doomsday Hotel, crossed the main road and went to the food street opposite.The streets inside the food street are like a maze, but the courier is still under surveillance.

Tang Zhixi looked at Ye Hanzhi and Ye Tingjue in the surveillance, they were faster than the Chu family. The courier will definitely be caught within 3 minutes.

But the courier turned another street, and then disappeared from the surveillance at the end.

Su Qian and Ye Chutong frowned while watching from the side, but they were both quiet and silent.

Tang Zhixi immediately reported the location where the courier disappeared to Ye Hanzhi.

Then I found a plan for the section of the food street, and figured out all the streets inside.

Then reported the location to Ye Hanzhi and Ye Tingjue: "You two separate, go in from Ninth Street, one east and one west, and surround them."

Ye Hanzhi said hello.

When Chu Yimo came over, he saw Tang Zhixi, Ye Chutong, Su Qian and the lobby manager standing around a computer by the front desk.

"What's wrong?" Chu Yimo asked.

Tang Zhixi glanced at him and didn't speak, but gave him the 319(ii) which was wrapped around the side again.

Chu Yimo opened it for a look, then wrapped the bag again, and then looked at the lobby manager.

The lobby manager's brow was sweating. He didn't know what was in the courier, but he told Chu Yimo about the general process.

When talking about Tang Zhixi's Black Doomsday Hotel, his voice was trembling.

This situation cannot be resolved by firing him, but he can be held accountable.

But after Chu Yimo finished listening, he didn't react at all, but just looked at the computer.

The area without surveillance was not large, and Tang Zhixi was looking at the surveillance around that area again.If the courier can get out of it, he will definitely pass through these places.

However, the flow of people is too large, and the photos taken at night are not very clear, and the faces of the people cannot be seen clearly. It can only be judged by the figure and walking posture.

"Ye Hanzhi"

"No one was found." Ye Han said.

Tang Zhixi heard the wind on the phone, and Ye Hanzhi's slight gasp: "Where's the clothes? The courier's clothes."

There are no people wearing courier clothes in the monitoring of each exit.

The unmonitored area where the courier enters wearing clothes is likely to take off his clothes and throw them somewhere when he goes out.

"No." Ye Hanzhi said, "There are too many shops in this street, and there are also a lot of people. I should have entered a shop."

Tang Zhixi tapped on the computer with her fingers and said, "Let the people from Doomsday Hotel keep watch in the dark, you guys come back first. Without a search warrant, there are so many shops, it's illegal to search without permission."

Ye Hanzhi was silent for a while: "Okay."

And Chu Yimo immediately called to arrange for someone to watch secretly.

After the banquet was over, a group of people sat in the tea room upstairs of the Doomsday Hotel.

Both Ye Hanzhi and Ye Tingjue took off their suit jackets and ties, undid one button on their shirts, and folded their sleeves.

Ye Chutong made tea and poured it for them.

Tang Zhixi held the teacup and said, "The other party doesn't seem to have any malicious intentions, just like the person who handed the note in A state last time."

"Since there is no malice, why don't you show up?" He Yuzhe came here again after finishing his work at the banquet, and only heard about it, "This is hiding."

Tang Zhixi couldn't figure this out either.

"Have you checked the surveillance in the store?" Ye Tingjue said.

Tang Zhixi nodded: "Most of the shops in that street are not monitored. Some have been checked, but there is no useful information."

"Since he dares to come here to deliver it, he is ready to prevent us from finding it." Chu Yimo said, "Recently, people from the Doomsday Hotel will be guarding nearby, so wait for news."

Tang Zhixi nodded.

Ye Hanzhi said: "If the potion sent to us this time is real, it means that there is another batch of new potion, and they are likely to carry out experiments."

Everyone was silent for a moment, and after a while, He Yuzhe cursed.

"No matter whether it is in China or other continents, 319 (ii) has not been discovered so far." Tang Zhixi said, "So...the experiment should not have started yet."

"Report and continue to strengthen our defenses." Ye Hanzhi said in a deep voice, "Reinforce your own territory, and report the rest of the place."

Both Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe responded.

Tang Zhixi lowered her eyes, looked at the color of the tea and did not speak.

Ye Hanzhi raised his hand and pinched the back of her neck, and said, "Okay, let's all go back, it's getting late."

"Oh, that's right." Chu Yimo said suddenly, "The hacker of the black banquet hall equipment has caught it."

He Yuzhe: "So fast?"

"My dad did it himself." Chu Yimo put a mobile phone in a sealed bag on the tea table.

Tang Zhixi looked at Chu Yimo.

He Yuzhe was shocked: "Uncle Chu did it himself. Oh, I'm going, I actually saw Uncle Chu make a move."

Chu Yimo smiled and said: "According to the hacker, he found the mobile phone to contact him."

Ye Hanzhi looked at the phone, thinking of what Chu Yimo was about to say.

"But I only found this mobile phone." Chu Yimo said, "The mobile phone is a new one, and the card is also a black card. Except that this mobile phone has posted on Weibo, contacted the staff of Dianyan, and contacted hackers, the rest There is nothing there. There is no location information found, and it should have been turned off until today."

Chu Qingyan blinked her eyes: "So cautious?"

Tang Zhixi said, "Where did you find the phone?"

“The trash can across the road from the Doomsday Hotel.”

He Yuzhe: ".Is there a surveillance camera that can capture trash cans?"

"Yes, but those who throw garbage are people they don't know." Chu Yimo said, "I haven't seen anyone throwing mobile phones."

Tang Zhixi took out her cell phone and dialed the number Yan Qi gave her, and soon the cell phone in the sealed bag on the tea table rang.

After a ring, Tang Zhixi hung up.

It is confirmed that it is the eye-catching staff contacted by this mobile phone
Tang Zhixi said in a low voice, "It's just throwing away garbage, mixed with other garbage. Let the sanitation workers or someone help to throw it away."


"Could it be Song Anrou?" Chu Qingyan asked suddenly.

Tang Zhixi looked at her, and said, "Little girl, there is no evidence, so don't doubt anyone casually."

Chu Qingyan pursed her lips: "Oh."

Seeing how well-behaved she was, Tang Zhixi smiled, and then said: "No matter who it is, there will always be times when they show their feet."

 One more chapter.

  Don't wait, everyone.

  too late.

(End of this chapter)

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